/ / Karbofos from bedbugs: useful tips on the application

Carbophos from bedbugs: useful tips for use

Karbofos is available in packages of 30 and 60 grams., enters into group of insecticides and acaricides, has contact short-term action. The smell of the drug is quite unpleasant, but quickly disappears after spraying. Used karbofos: from bugs, weevils, sawflies, spider mites and other pests.

Karbofos, instructions for use:The drug karbofos, the use of which is directed against parasites and pests that harm ornamental, vegetable plants, and fruit trees, is considered to be a very effective and reliable means. It is necessary to prepare the working fluid before spraying, water is gradually added to the dry mixture, stirred until homogeneous. Treating trees or plants is carried out using a sprayer. Also, the solution is sprayed on the surface in the place where the first insects appear. Do not use before rain to eliminate contamination of soil and water. During work, you must use personal protection, you can not smoke and take food and drinks. After treatment with karbofos, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. The drug is flammable - keep away from fire.

Карбофос от клопов применяется очень эффективно.If you find bugs in your home, you need to sound the alarm, because bugs are lovers of human blood, which is their main food. They can live wherever there are people or animals. If you have got bed bugs, then maybe you will feel them, because their smell is specific and unpleasant. The bug is very difficult to crush, especially if it is hungry, the full bug becomes almost immobile, and by the color of the body - black or scarlet, you can easily determine when it was the last time you ate it. Bedbugs are night creatures that are hidden in clothes, furniture, in the cracks of walls, under baseboards and in other darkened places during the day. These bloodsucking are unpretentious and can live both in a clean and in a dirty room. At nightfall, the bugs crawl out of the shelter and attack the person. After a while, itching and redness appear at the site of the bug bite. The bug bite lasts up to 15 minutes, while it sucks up to 6-7 μl. blood. Also, bedbugs can feed on the blood of mice, rats, and domestic animals; if difficult times have arrived and there is nothing to eat, they can live up to eighteen months without food. Bugs live an average of 14 months.

There are several ways to effectively combatthese harmful insects. One of the options is professional pest control. Wizards who have professional equipment with which they can spray all hard-to-reach bugs will come to your home. This option is not cheap. The second option is to conduct an independent pest control, for this purpose karbofos from bedbugs is perfect. For greater efficiency, it is best to use aqueous emulsions of 1.5 or 2.0%, which are prepared from 50% concentrate, the consumption of which is up to 100 ml. per square meter of surface to be processed. Usually one package of 30 grams. there is enough for a one-room apartment, but it is better to buy karbofos from bedbugs for the future, in order for sure to bring out bloodsucking.

Bed bugbath is sprayed over the surfacecouches, beds, near plinths, door and window openings and other possible places of their habitat. The application of the drug to the surface should be uniform and should be carried out in a room that is well ventilated. It is worth remembering that improper use of the drug can undermine health. Observe safety measures and use masks, gloves.

Karbofos is a domestic drug that has been sold on the Russian market for many years. You can buy it in the construction and garden markets, at the price of the drug is inexpensive, but high-quality.