/ / Anis Sverdlovskiy - apple of the Urals

Anis Sverdlovskiy - apple of the Urals

One of the most popular fruit trees inRussia - an apple tree, it is not for nothing that it is called "queen of gardens". The trees are growing all over the country. For each zone there are their own zoned varieties. Anis Sverdlovskiy is an apple tree, popular among gardeners of the Middle Urals. In the severe climatic zone, the fruits of this variety can grow to medium size and mature.


Anis Sverdlovskiy - an apple-tree that belongs to the autumngrades. Was bred at the Sverdlovsk Horticultural Selection Station. Over the years of work (since 1935), the specialists of the institution have produced many varieties of apple trees: with different maturation periods, color, size and taste of fruits, the size of the tree itself, and the level of frost resistance. The Sverdlovsk selection station is still the northernmost in Russia. Her work on breeding varieties of fruit trees for the Non-Black Earth region is deservedly successful among amateur gardeners.

anise sverdlovskiy apple tree

Anis Sverdlovskiy - an apple tree (photo in the text),derived breeder LA Kotov. They were based on two varieties - Melba and Anis purpurea. Anis Sverdlovsk was included in the State Register in 2002 in the Volga-Vyatka region (4). Currently, it is successfully planted in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Omsk, Kurgan regions, in Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, the Republic of Mari El.

Fruit gardens grow for many years.The place for planting trees should be selected carefully, taking into account the local climate. The maximum yield in the Middle Urals is obtained on elevated plots with protection from prevailing winds, northwestern and western. Do not forget about soil cultivation: timely application of fertilizers and protection from pests.

But you can not always choose the right place. More often than not, amateur gardeners grow their crops in the area that they got. Plant trees according to specific conditions:

  • physical properties of soil (clay, peat, sand);
  • the depth of occurrence of groundwater;
  • depth of occurrence of rocky soil.

The most common options for planting apple trees:

  • classical landing pits;
  • on the very surface of the soil;
  • deep trenches and furrows;
  • on ridges or hills (shafts) of various heights.

With the right choice of agricultural techniques, even on very poor soil, you can get a decent harvest.


How does the apple-tree look like Anis Sverdlovskiy? The variety is described below.

anise sverdlovskiy apple-tree photo

  • trees are medium-sized;
  • the crown is oval or broad-pyramidal;
  • Fruit begin on 4-5 year;
  • from the trunk, the main branches extend at an angle of 600;
  • mixed type of fruiting;
  • shoots are brown, straight, strongly pubescent, of medium size, round in section;
  • leaves rounded, of medium size, jagged along the edge;
  • buds are pink, flowers are white, medium in size.

The tree does not tolerate shading. The soil is preferably moisture-intensive, air-permeable, fertile, loamy or sandy loamy.


Now consider the characteristic of the variety from the pointview of the yield and quality of the fruit. Anis Sverdlovskiy is an apple-tree that gives fruits of medium size, no more than 120 grams. Apples are even, of equal size, of regular rounded shape.

The skin of the fruit is dry, has a glossy tide anda small wax coating. The main color of ripe apples is light yellow. But the cover color is rich red. It can be on the entire surface of the apple or on most of it. The fruit looks very attractive. Pulp with a light aroma, juicy, medium-density, white or light cream color. Sour and sweet, very pleasant taste.

apple anise Sverdlovskiy description

Chemical composition:

  • sugar - 13,5%;
  • titrated acids - 0.83%
  • the content of P-active substances averaged 320 mg / 100 g;
  • ascorbic acid on the average - 18 mg / 100 g.

Blossoming apple trees in the second - third decade of May.Harvest starts to be collected from the beginning of September (the dates can shift depending on the region). One tree can yield up to 75 kg of apples, and on average 120 centners are collected per hectare. Fruit apple trees annually.

Disadvantages and advantages

Anis Sverdlovskiy - an apple tree, which can bepollinator for numerous varieties. The high consumer and commodity qualities of fruits are also referred to the advantages of the variety. Good frost resistance of trees allows them to withstand frosts up to -400. Despite the resistance to cold, specialistsrecommend tying trees for the winter. This will help protect the trunks from rodents and extreme temperatures. Even if the apple-tree "grabs" the frost, they recover very quickly.

apple-tree anise Sverdlovskiy

The main disadvantage of apple trees is their weakresistance to scab. The variety has no natural immunity to the disease. In a rainy summer, this can be a problem if you do not take care of the plants. It is necessary to conduct timely pruning of trees for the formation of crowns and to process plantations by means of fungal diseases.


Kind of apple Anis Sverdlovskiy gives fruits withshort term storage. For more than two months, they do not lie, so basically they are consumed either fresh, or allowed to be processed for the production of juices, cider, jams, mousse, jelly, jam, for canning. This variety is perfectly suitable for cultivation in collective and private gardens.