/ / Apple Nedzvetskogo: description, landing, care

Apple tree Nedzewiecki: description, planting, care

Недзвецкий – ботаник, который вложил много труда in their profession. This variety of apple was named after him. However, another man introduced the plant into culture - the German doctor Dick. Apple Nedzvecki come from Kashkar. At least, the scientist first discovered it there.

Nedzvetskogo apple

Apple Nedzvetskogo: Description

Вырастает растение всего до 8 метров, имеет smooth stem, shoots acquire a dark purple hue. At first, the leaves have the same color, but when the tree is completely lined, only the petioles remain purple.

Apple Nedzvetskogo has very beautiful flowers.When they bloom completely, they delight the eye with a pronounced pink color. Peduncles belovoylochnye. This unusual color strongly distinguishes the tree from other cultures.

Fruits are small. They are about two centimeters in diameter. The color is the same - dark purple, reddish pulp.

Apple tree decorative nadzvetskogo

The plant is extremely hardy and completelyunpretentious. Trees easily tolerate disease and are resistant to pests. Nedzvetskogo apple-tree is grown for different purposes, but most often in decorative plants - a lonely tree looks beautiful against the background of a lawn.

L.Tillier (French gardener) believed that the plant is ideal to use in decorative terms - he has no equal among other garden crops in Europe. The beauty of the apple has always been awarded only the highest ratings in different countries of the world. Against the background of a variety of plants with green leaves, this tree will always be in the spotlight. Even in the fall, when the Nedzvecki apple tree is covered with glossy fruits, it sparkles with its beauty. Unfortunately, this rare plant is an endangered species, so it was listed in the Red Book.

Apple Tree Nedzwiecki: Care Tips

The plant first needs the rightlocation. Therefore, it is planted in a sunny place. The soil must be fertile and fresh. Care must be taken to ensure that groundwater does not reach the surface closer than 2.5 meters. Apple trees begin to grow at the end of three years after planting and, it is worth noting, very quickly.

Apple tree Nadzvetskogo photo

The decorative apple tree of Nedzwiecki also requiresproper fit. It is necessary to dig holes 80x80x100cm in size, the distance between which is approximately 5-7 meters. The soil is usually prepared from humus, sand and leaf earth in the ratio of 3: 2: 1, respectively. In order for the apple tree of Nedzwiecki (photo on the right) to start better, you can add 200-300 grams of granulated superphosphate and peat to the hole. The best time for planting is spring (until the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed), as well as autumn - a month and a half before the onset of cold weather (around mid-October). Since the plant tolerates frost well, it is not necessary to cover it.

Reproduces the apple tree Nedzvetskogo seeds.If planting will be carried out in early autumn, then freshly harvested seeds will be required; if late, seeds of a 1.5-2 month stratification are needed. When it is planned to plant the plant in the spring, the seeds stratified from December are needed (at the end of the period they are carried under the snow). Rare decorative varieties of apple propagated by grafting.