/ / How to build a chicken coop in the country with their own hands?

How to build a chicken coop in the country with their own hands?

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как построить chicken coop in the country with their own hands. Such a structure you just need if you decide to engage in breeding chickens. And the first thing you need to make a house in which they will be contained. And the chicken coop must be reliable and durable. Conditions in it will be created as ideal as possible. If you plan to keep chickens in winter, you will have to do a lot of work - to warm the building, to make high-quality ventilation.

What should be the chicken coop

Птица нуждается в комфортных условиях, как и person. Therefore, before you start building, you need to consider some factors. Only in this case, you can build a cozy and warm chicken coop in the country with their own hands. So, the requirements that apply to him:

  1. Temperature mode.In winter, the temperature should not fall below 12 degrees. The presence of drafts is not allowed, because they can harm the bird. And in the summer the temperature should not rise above 25 degrees - the chickens simply will not be born.
  2. Lack of moisture in the room.To exclude the appearance of diseases, it is impossible to allow an increase in humidity High-quality ventilation will solve this problem. Use of both forced and natural ventilation is allowed.
  3. The egg production of chickens depends on one important thing.parameter - lighting. Inside you need to install lamps that diffuse extremely warm yellow light. You can set timers and relays that allow you to automatically turn on and off the lighting. But when you spend an electrician, you need to consider one feature. All wires must be mounted so that they are not accessible to chickens. But it is imperative that in the event of a breakdown you can gain access to the wiring.
  4. Safety and peace of mind are important criteria.There should be silence around the chicken coop, so you need to install it away from the apartment building. And protect buildings from the penetration of various rodents, foxes, etc.

Place for a chicken coop

The coop should be located away from residential areas.houses. The smell of chickens comes, frankly, not very pleasant. It is also worth considering the fact that there are breeds of chickens that don’t like when foreigners often enter their territory. Because of this, they will be badly carried. The most suitable place to install a chicken coop in the country is a remote area on the territory. If you decide to attach a chicken coop to an already built barn, then you need to consider what other animals will be chickens neighbors.

How to make a chicken coop in the country with their own hands

При поиске места нужно заранее подумать о том, where there will be a place for walking. Very often, the bird is walked throughout the yard. This is not very beautiful, and the “presents” on the threshold, for example, will please few people. It is recommended to limit the place for walking. For one chicken you need to allocate about 2 square meters. m. square. Consequently, for 20 chickens you need a walking distance of 4x10 m. Please note that this is only for walking.

What are the requirements for the installation site?

The place where you plan to install the chicken coop,should be partially shaded. But the sun's rays still have to penetrate the territory. Shade will protect the bird from the heat in the summer. It is also necessary to comply with one condition - the construction of the chicken coop should be carried out on a hill. When the snow melts and during the rains there will be no flooding of the territory.

In the event that there are no elevations, it is necessarydig a drainage ditch - excess moisture will be drained into it. It is worth noting that you can independently make a hill in the courtyard. To do this, you only need to make a mound of earth, gravel or rubble. And talk a little about windows. They should be located exclusively on the south side - in this case, the sun's rays will be able to get into the building better and longer. On the same side you need to put the door, manhole and equip the paddock for walking. After all, the southern part is protected from the cold wind.

How big should a house be?

When determining the place for construction, you need to solve another important issue - the size of the chicken coop in the country. Photos of several designs are given in our material.

Our homemade chicken coop

When choosing the size of the building, it is necessary to build on the number of hens:

  1. For poultry meat breed it is necessary that the area for three heads be at least 1 square meter. m
  2. Egg breeds of the same area will be enough for 4 chickens.
  3. And the chicks need even less - you can hold 15 heads on one square meter.

Кстати, о цыплятах, требования к их содержанию somewhat different. They need to be separated from adults. Only in this case they will have free access to water and feed. But do not need to do too much walking for the chicks.

Examples of chicken coops

Let's say you plan to breed no more than 10heads of birds. In this case, the house is recommended to do the size of 2x5 m. The height should be such that you can easily enter it. If you make the ceiling too low, then cleaning and cleaning the chicken coop will be problematic. The optimal height is 2.2 meters.

Considering this, it will be much more practical.make a gable roof, the ridge of which is raised to a height of 2.2 m. And the walls should have a height of no more than 1.5 m. This particular construction of the house will be convenient for chickens and for you (during maintenance).

Chicken coop for 10 chickens do-it-yourself drawings dimensions

Shed roof is made much easier.It can also be done in the hen house. In the lower dark part, you must install the sockets. The article shows photos of simple chicken coops. At the cottage with their own hands such designs can be made in just a few days.

The main stages of the construction of the chicken coop

Knowing all the requirements for construction and having the necessary calculations, you can proceed to installation work. To begin, select all the stages of work:

  1. Building design.
  2. Foundation construction (foundation).
  3. The construction of partitions (if necessary) and walls.
  4. Installation of the roof.
  5. Roofing
  6. Conducting "furnishing".
  7. Insulation work.
  8. Installation of the heating system (if necessary).

And now let's consider all these stages in more detail.

Foundation construction

You can not put the entire structure directly on the ground. It is recommended to make at least a simple foundation. Can be used:

  1. Slab.
  2. Ribbon.
  3. Columnar.

Foundation construction stages:

  1. Marking territory. To do this, with the help of lace and pegs, it is necessary to outline the perimeter of the building.
  2. Dig a small trench - about 35 cm.
  3. Cover the sand pillow to the bottom and carefully tamp it.
  4. Next, set the formwork of the boards.
  5. A layer of concrete is poured. It is recommended to install an armature grid inside the formwork.

The procedure for building the foundation is quite simple, but you still need to spend a lot of effort on it. Such a base can also be used for brick or block buildings.

If desired, you can make a column foundation. And in the role of pillars, you can use metal pipes, bars, blocks or bricks. In other words, absolutely any material.


Следующий этап – это строительство стен курятника in the country with their own hands. The photo of designs is resulted in our material, can watch the most suitable for your case. If you have made a slab or strip foundation, then it is possible to use any material for the construction - a cinder block, brick, foam block, wood. But it is necessary to note the fact that the first two have a high thermal conductivity, therefore the walls made of it need additional processing with insulation materials.

Chicken coop for 10 chickens with their own hands

When building a columnar foundation is bestwalls to do from a wooden bar. But first, on top of the pillars of the foundation you need to lay a frame made of wood. And already on it is the construction of a chicken coop in the country with their own hands. Photos of the most common designs are given in our material.

Also allowed for construction useand cheap polycarbonate. This material is quite practical, it is strong and easy to clean. But for use in winter is unlikely to fit a chicken coop, built from polycarbonate.

Thermal insulation

The simplest chicken coop

Если вы планируете содержать кур и зимой, то без insulation is not enough. You can use any material: mineral wool, foam plastics, foam plastic. Fastening materials is not difficult. Step-by-step guide to making the insulation layer:

  1. Make on the walls of the bars 50x50 mm frame.
  2. Fastening bars required to carry out vertically.
  3. The step of laying timber must be equal to the width of the insulating material.
  4. Fasteners bars must be made using screws or dowels.
  5. Install a layer of waterproofing - this will avoid rising humidity levels.
  6. In the presence of cracks after the installation of insulation must be sealed with foam.
Country chicken coop with his own hands

Outside the wall it is best to insulate with materials such as foam plastic or foam plastic. For fasteners, experts recommend using plastic dowels designed for these purposes with a large cap.

Roof erection

In our example, we consider the technology of manufacturing a gable roof. It is a bit more complicated than a single-pitch. But her design is much more beautiful and practical.

Chickens on a walk in the hen house

Outside the wall it is best to insulate with materials such as foam plastic or foam plastic. For fasteners, experts recommend using plastic dowels designed for these purposes with a large cap.

Roof erection

In our example, we consider the technology of manufacturing a gable roof. It is a bit more complicated than a single-pitch. But her design is much more beautiful and practical.

For installation, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. On the top of the frame is installing rafters.
  2. Затем осуществляется настил слоя waterproofing material. In this case, you can ensure that the insulating material does not get wet. If you need to do overlap, then about 20 cm, and most importantly - you need to glue the joints.
  3. Next, fill the crate over a layer of waterproofing. The step depends on which flooring you choose.
  4. At the last stage, the roofing material is laid.

How to insulate the ceiling

If you live in the southern regions, then doit's not obligatory. But if in the Central zone or in the north, it is recommended to warm the ceiling. To do this, you need to attach beams to the rafters. It is necessary to fasten plywood over the beams with self-tapping screws.

Теплоизоляция устанавливается в пространстве between floor beams. Use of simple polyfoam or mineral wool is allowed. It is recommended to additionally secure the film to protect against moisture. Hemming the ceiling can be wooden clapboard, drywall, plywood.

Making the floor in the hen house

This is one of the important events in the internalfinish even the simplest chicken coop in the country. You can make the floor from any material with your own hands. If you plan to breed broilers for meat, you can make not warmed floor.

The frame of the wooden curly

In the case of a columnar foundation, you can make a double floor construction:

  1. The support beams are fastened on the support frame - the lag of the future floor.
  2. Below is made by filing boards.
  3. Insulating material is laid over the boards.
  4. Ground flooring. It is recommended to use boards for it.

If you did shallow tapefoundation, it is allowed to manufacture mud floors or earthen floors. For this you need to prepare a mixture of straw and clay. Pise floors need to be laid in several layers, each must be rammed.

Heating the chicken coop

In total there are two methods of heating the chicken coop -natural and artificial. In the first case, no heaters are needed, just use a special litter. To do this, about October, you need to sprinkle the floor with hydrated lime - about 1 kg per 1 square. Next, the bedding is made of sawdust, hay, peat or straw.

The original design of the chicken coop

The thickness of the layer is about 7 cm. But it is possible to organize and forced heating, for this purpose are used:

  1. Electric heaters.
  2. Gas heaters.
  3. Oven systems (stove).
  4. Infrared heaters.
  5. Water systems.
  6. Buleryana.

The choice of variant of the heating system dependsonly from your capabilities, including financial ones. Now you know how to build a simple chicken coop in the country. Nothing in this is not difficult, but will have to spend money on materials.