Useful and favorite to many fruit kiwi is considered inRussia is exotic. The second name is Chinese gooseberry (or actinidia). This plant is common in the tropics and subtropics. But to learn how kiwis grow, many gardeners in Russia are dreaming. As practice showed, you can grow a vine even at home, and without the extra costs and complex technologies. It is much more difficult to make a plant bear fruit.
Fruits have a juicy pulp of green color with whitemiddle and black seeds. Above is a dark peel with coarse nap. For the first time kiwifruit cultivation was started in New Zealand, the name of the fruit was received because of an external similarity with a small bird with the same name. The main thing for breeders was to get excellent taste and high yield. But it was possible much more. The fruits were not only delicious, but also extremely useful.
For those wishing to find out how kiwi grow, it's worthto know that the plant is dioecious, that is, with female and male vines. Only thanks to the neighborhood of kiwi of both sexes can you get a decent harvest. And to know what kind of sex plant, you can only during the first flowering. Flowers differ in form and flavor.
Kiwi fruit is grown inartificially created conditions. The easiest and most economical way is planting seeds. Gardeners who want to learn about how kiwi grow from a seed should understand that it is impossible to achieve fruiting in this case. Seeds can be taken from ripe fruits, separated from the pulp, washed and placed in moistened sand, then put in a refrigerator. Seed should be aged for at least 14 days, this method is called stratification (or quenching).
After a lapse of two weeks, the seeds are removed, sowntogether with sand in the nutrient soil, sprinkled with a layer of earth of 3 mm. Further, the soil is moistened from the nebulizer and the containers are closed with glass. With periodic moisturizing and maintaining the temperature at a mark of 25 degrees, the shoots germinate in 2-3 weeks. By this time, the glass is slightly pushed aside, and then completely removed. In heat and moisture, the liana will grow rapidly. Here is the result of how kiwi grows - photos of cultivation at home.
Для получения плодов нужно либо привить лиану, or grow a crop of cuttings. Adult plants should be formed by cutting weak lateral shoots. Proper pruning is necessary, especially in the spring, to start the development of sleeping buds. The first flowering begins only after 4 years. From the very beginning it is necessary to help the plant, having supported it on the trellis. In a warm climate, you can transplant kiwi into the open ground. Experienced kiwi plantations in Russia already exist in the Krasnodar Territory.