/ / Plastic ventilation pipes for exhaust: calculation and installation features

Plastic ventilation pipes for hoods: calculation and installation features

В системе воздуховодов трубы для вентиляции are the basic element. At their production heat insulation is used, and the profile can be the most different. The best solution is plastic ventilation pipes for exhaust that have a rectangular or circular cross section.

Making calculations

plastic ventilation pipes for exhaust

In order to ensure normal operationventilation, it is initially necessary to determine the purpose of each part of the system. Fittings, sections, pipes, as well as the material for the duct or exhaust must be selected individually. The acquisition and installation work is always carried out after the drafting of the project. The master must consider the features of installation, location and operation of the system. This should include temperature regimes, the area of ​​the room, the performance of the elements, humidity and acoustic discomfort. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of a person. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account that rectangular and round pipes of small diameter are capable of producing more impressive noises than wide-profile ones.

Determination of sectional area

plastic pipes Price

If you will use ventilationplastic pipes for exhaust, then as the most appropriate duct cross-sectional area you need to take the value, which is calculated by the formula a = 25s. At the same time the flow rate should be equivalent to 3 meters per second. The letter "a" refers to the cross-sectional area, expressed in square centimeters, whereas s is the air flow velocity. These two values ​​correspond to the constant (25). This indicates that 75 square centimeters are the most suitable cross-sectional area. If you use the course of school geometry and the formula (a = π x r²), then you can easily calculate the required dimensions. When choosing plastic ventilation pipes for exhaust, you should prefer those that have a diameter of 2.8 cm. A certain length is chosen according to this indicator. When using rectangular pipes, the calculation is made by a similar method. If it is necessary to install ventilation pipes on the roof, and there is no possibility or desire to do the calculations independently, then it is recommended to entrust these manipulations to specialists.

Features of the installation

roof ventilation pipes

It is worth considering that polymers do not have the qualitiesfire resistance. In this case, you should use the technology of combined installation and additionally install injection fans, which contribute to the forced acceleration of air movement. Specialists who are engaged in installation work of ventilation systems, as a rule, use the method of combining galvanized metal and plastic. At the same time it is possible to combine rectangular, round and other sections. Such solutions are used in the installation of extended systems that come from technical premises and pass through places where large numbers of people are noted.

plastic pipes for exhaust in the kitchen

These include restaurants, fitness centers andclubs. If ventilation pipes are to be installed on the roof, then consumer experience should be used. Thus, the most popular sections are those that belong to the range that is equal to the limit from 55 to 110 millimeters. While the most frequently purchased pipes are those that have a length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

Recommendations of the installation specialist

plastic pipe for exhaust dimensions

If in the process of laying the systemthe duct will use plastic ventilation pipes for exhaust, it is worth considering that the greatest efficiency can be achieved with the most straight line arrangement of elements. In the presence of turns, the cost of accessories will be increased, and the total amount of repairs will be quite impressive. When choosing the shape of pipes, it is necessary to take into account that a rectangular cross section is able to withstand to a greater degree the air flow compared to the round one. Yes, and the process of fixing the dock involves more trouble.

Factors in favor of abandoning plastic pipes before installation

how to connect plastic pipes

If you want to use plastic pipes,the price of which is not so impressive compared with analog solutions, then before starting the repair, you need to familiarize yourself with all the minuses of the described material. Among the shortcomings can be identified low fire resistance, which is the main disadvantage. This feature greatly limits the scope of use. As a result, the ventilation system may not be accepted by the fire services under the inspection act. That is why plastic pipes are rarely used at production sites. The use of this material is not appropriate for transporting steam or excessively hot air. It should be noted and rather labor-intensive installation, since the technology assumes that the master has the necessary skills and knowledge. Among other things, plastic pipes should be mounted in tandem with special fittings and fittings. However, it is considered the most profitable plastic pipe. Exhaust pipes, the dimensions of which you can calculate using the above formula, correspond to the budget solution and allow you to reduce construction costs without harming the aesthetics of the building, both inside and outside.

The nuances of the installation

plastic profile pipe

Plastic pipes for exhaust in the kitchenused quite often. They can be painted in any color, as well as make an independent installation. As for the general duct system, the installation provides for the installation of a steel pipe, the diameter of which should be 160 millimeters. This part needs to be supplemented with branches for pipelines. Before connecting the plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations for the work. In accordance with the rules of fire and sanitary standards, the system can be equipped with an injection and suction electric fan, which is capable of forcibly pulling air masses. The use of a pipe with a diameter of 225 millimeters or more is advisable when there are non-standard solutions. Here you can highlight the need to reckon with the technological or architectural features of the building, facility or a specific room. When solving such problems, engineering flaws and miscalculations may well come to light, but experts are capable of solving such issues quickly and at moderate cost.

The choice of design features of the pipe before installing the system

If you will use a pipe profileplastic, then you need to choose the right diameter, which should not be smaller compared with the exhaust hole at the exit. Otherwise, the performance of the device will be reduced, the noise level will be higher, and the load on the engine will also increase. At the same time possible failure of the hood. If the ventilation duct of the building has a diameter that is smaller compared with a similar characteristic inherent in the exhaust holes, then the whole point of installing the duct of a more impressive diameter will be lost. When installing the exhaust pipe, it should be remembered that it should not be too curved and long. In the presence of a right angle performance is reduced by 10%.


With more impressive bending can beIncorrect air outflow is provoked, as well as motor overload. Plastic pipes, the price of which can start from 40 rubles per meter, are not the best solution for the duct system in all cases.