Occupation designer in the modern labor marketis one of the most popular. This is not surprising, because the designer is engaged in such activities that make human life brighter and more beautiful. In addition, the salaries of modern designers are quite high, but they have to work very much.
Profession designer: what is this?
From English, the word "design" is translated asdrawing, draft, plan. This word hides design and artistic activity, manifested in different spheres of our life. In simple terms, design is the creation of something that is necessary, important, economical and necessarily beautiful. Actually, the designer is the person who manages the whole process and embodies the most daring ideas.
It should be noted that as such a singlethe profession of the designer does not exist. The reason for this is that it is impossible to cover a large number of spheres at the same time. That is why, during the development of the profession itself, its varieties appeared, among which the most popular are the following:
the designer of polygraphy - makes up, for example, newspapers, creates breadboard models;
landscape designer - ennobles the territory. For example, a site around a country house, a city alley, etc .;
designer of clothes - creates new models of clothes, based on the latest fashion trends (For example Tom Ford);
phytodesigner - landscaped houses, offices;
web designer - creates websites, banners;
food designer - creates beautiful images, works on the menu of cookbooks, etc .;
Interior Designer - a profession that is on hearingfor many. Modern man pays special attention to home comfort. Who has enough funds, those without hesitation, turn to the interior designer for help. Who, if not him, know what is fashionable and what is best done in a particular room.
A professional interior designer requires a personincredible strength and patience. At first glance, it seems that there is no difficulty in creating this or that design, the main thing is the presence of wild imagination and the ability to translate your ideas into reality. In fact, the designer is presented with much more requirements:
creativity, creative look.
Industriousness and perseverance - often have to exert much more strength than expected. And you need to always be ready for this.
Patience - even if something does not work, you must always be able to adequately get out of the situation, trying to do everything on the level.
Well-developed figurative thinking.
The ability to present the entire product being developed.
In addition, the profession of a designer is also the ability to listen to the wishes of the client and to translate them into reality, if the latter insists on it.
Among other things, you can include possessioncomputer at the level of a confident user, since the modern profession of a designer is associated with a wide variety of programs. If you install them on your PC, you can do some work at home.
Profession designer: pros and cons
The work of the designer, however, like any other,has its pros and cons. The pluses include a fairly high salary, an opportunity to work not only in the office, but also at home. In addition, the simplicity of operation is also advantageous, since almost all of it can be controlled on a computer by means of special programs. And, finally, the plus is the pleasure that every designer gets from his work.
By cons of the profession can be attributed specificitywork. No designer can insure himself against creative crises, unwillingness to do anything. Minus is an irregular working schedule. Sometimes the order can stretch for a month, and sometimes the amount of work needs only for a few days.