/ / Design of a living room with a fireplace in a minimalist style

Design of a living room with a fireplace in a minimalist style

The fireplace is an unusual and beautiful element in the interior design. Nowadays it is installed most often not for heating, but for creating a cozy and refined atmosphere.

In the past it was believed that interior designa living room with a fireplace can only be designed in a private house, but now the situation has changed. To date, the market has a large number of models of miniature sizes, which can be mounted both in the house and in the apartment.

Usually a fireplace is the central place of the living room.Around him is grouped upholstered furniture so that the owners can enjoy the warmth in the cold season. Modern models of foci can be gas or wood, with a closed or open firebox and even with a remote control.

design of living room with fireplace

Many people think that the design of the living room with a fireplacebest done in a classic style, but today there are a variety of modern and high-tech models on the market that allow you to create stunning minimalist interiors.

The main idea of ​​this direction is tocombination of appearance and functionality. Often the glut of a variety of details and luxury of traditional styles of interior design leads to the desire for brevity and simplicity. Following the laws of minimalism, the design of the living room with a fireplace, made in this style, involves the rejection of excesses.

Moreover, the very models of minimalist fireplacescome down to simple geometric shapes, and their decoration is devoid of detail. In the interior design of this direction, the functional principle always prevails, therefore, very often in the design of the living room in the style of minimalism they use built-in foci.

design of living room with fireplace photo

Среди современных моделей в стиле минимализм все panoramic fireplaces are more popular. Unlike the front and corner models, they have a design that allows you to see the fire from several sides. Panoramic fireplaces in the style of minimalism make a variety of configurations. Such a hearth is installed in spacious rooms in the center of the room, which allows households to gather around the stove.

 interior design living room with fireplace

Инсталляцию камина можно спланировать еще до start building a house or during a major overhaul. Some models can be installed in finished rooms, but this will require re-equipment. If the device of the hearth is made in an already existing interior, you will have to change the design of the entire room, using decor that is appropriate in style.

The place for this decorative element must be chosen in advance, and the procedure for building or installing a fireplace should be entrusted to professionals.

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The design of the living room with fireplace in the style of minimalism.provides for the choice of models and materials for finishing the hearth in harmony with the rest of the decorative elements of the interior of the common room. If the shape of the hearth in the style of minimalism should be as simple as possible, then the options for finishing materials are a great many: metal, stone, ceramics, composite and other materials.

The design of the living room with a fireplace, the photos of which are presented in the article, proves that minimalism style is perfectly suited for creating a cozy home atmosphere.

The fireplace in the living room will bring romantic, warm and passionate notes to the interior design. It symbolizes family values ​​that never go out of fashion.