Usually it is the living room itselfspacious and bright - when planning for it, the largest of the rooms is allocated according to the area. In the modern sense of the term "guest room" there are several functions: from evening co-recreation of all family members to the organization of family celebrations and meetings with friends. What to say about the cases of small-sized apartments - the living room becomes an extra bed and a welcoming lodging for visiting visitors.

That is why the design of the living room is compulsorymust combine in itself and functionality, and elegance, and most importantly - the originality of design solutions. Making this room in a special style, you focus on the basic interior of the apartment, from which you will be repelled in the decoration of the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms.
Living Room Design Ideas
Today, mankind, enclosed in concrete andBrick boxes, designed according to space-saving standards, suffers from a lack of air. Therefore, the design of the living room often involves the removal of one of the walls and the creation of a studio room, connected to the kitchen or a loggia at the discretion of the owner of the apartment. It is undesirable to tackle this matter alone, as only professionals can take into account all the pitfalls of Russian architecture. They will take the risk in case, God forbid, the collapse, but also on the conscience of the owner - the design of the redevelopment of housing.
It is not necessary to demolish the walls - you candecorate the entrance to the bedroom or kitchen in the form of a beautiful arch or even a glass wall. This design of the living room visually expands the space and at the same time restrains the culinary smells coming from the stove. You can remove part of the hallway, decorating the living room with these "porches" already from the front door.

How to split a room into functional areas?This cunning is used by the sharp-witted Japanese, whose every square meter is worth its weight in gold: they separate space within a room with paper screens, so each member of the family gets a personal space and at the same time saves space.
Select in the living room work area - a book table withtelephone and office, a recreation area - a sofa with a TV or a prefix, and a guest area - a tea table or armchairs. This zone design of the living room can be combined with the rest.
We choose interior design
It seems that today the problems of choicebuilding materials, furniture and decoration will not arise - the market offers so many manufacturers that you can do repairs every month, grab us our strength and money. But how to choose from the mass of the proposed combination of styles and details?
First you need to decide on the color scheme:The interior design of the living room, located in the cold and dark part of the apartment, can be performed in orange and red tones, using the basic base - white tone. This situation visually widens the walls and warms the room. And on the contrary - for the sunny side, green, blue, lilac shades are preferable.

Speaking of styles, they mean the subtleties of tasteeach of us. People who know exactly what they want from life, functional enough minimalism and accessibility: all furniture should carry a semantic load, on the shelves and in the cabinets there should be nothing superfluous, all zones are carefully planned. There are also those for whom the design of the living room in the apartment marks the worship of the eternal classics - only carved furniture, lush sofas and carpets, the concentration of wealth and luxury precisely at this point in the apartment. But more and more often designers advise the design of the living room in the Art Nouveau style - using the latest innovations in technology, furniture of bright colors, original materials and imaginative forms. On the tastes do not argue - make out the living room as your soul tells you.