/ / Preparation for the summer season. Choosing vegetative soil

Preparing for the summer season. Choosing vegetative soil

The selection of garden land is an important step ingrowing garden crops and flowers. When purchasing soil, it is necessary to take into account several important points. Use of improper land can lead to disastrous results. Amateur gardeners often complain of poor seed germination or seedling death. The reason is not only the quality of planting material, but also the wrong selected vegetable soil or fertilizer.

Vegetable soil

Types of garden soil

There are several types of soil for planting:

  • Land for seedlings.
  • Soil for greenhouses.
  • Vegetable soil for indoor plants.

By purpose, the garden soil can vary, on the package you can find the names: for cucumbers, for tomatoes. There are special primers for flowers, as well as universal soil.

You need to understand that on sale, in addition to the finishedsoil for plants, there may be peat or humus, which is an additive to create a fertile substrate. It is impossible to grow good seedlings in pure peat. Home flowers in it can simply die. Some mixtures are designed to improve the quality of the soil on the site, they contain a large amount of organic matter and mineral fertilizers. In them it is possible to carry out the forcing of greenery on the windowsill, but they are not good for all types of seedlings.

Garden Ground Composition

The composition of the garden land necessarily includes peator humus, sand, mineral fertilizers. Only three to five components can be present in the composition of inexpensive soil; it is replete with organic matter. Such a plant soil will contribute to the violent growth of greenery to the detriment of flowers and ovaries.

Not all organic matter is suitable for creating a garden.ground. It is better if it includes high-moor peat, transition peat or ventilated grass peat. Sawdust, straw is not suitable for good garden land. Reversible foliage is only suitable for indoor plants. All components of the soil must undergo a special treatment, to be thoroughly crushed.

vegetable soil weight

For better growth of plants in the soil, not only phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium should be balanced, but also trace elements such as zinc, boron, copper, and others.

How to distinguish high-quality soil?

Определить качество грунта можно, не вскрывая packaging. Carefully study the composition of the mixture, check the information about the manufacturer. A self-respecting manufacturer will not hide their coordinates. There should not be lumps and foreign inclusions in the package, only homogeneous vegetable soil. Package weight must be the same as indicated on the package. Otherwise, the package may be damaged, which will adversely affect the quality of the goods.

Opening the packaging, check to see if it is inside.putrid odor. The presence of fungus or mold can destroy all your plantings. The most important is the color of the earth. Perfect black or dark brown. Light brown soil consists of a large amount of peat.

The earth should be free from extraneous inclusions.The presence in the soil of branches, sawdust, leaves, seeds, lumps indicates its low quality. Be sure to check the soil for wettability. Soil contains a surplus of peat, if it absorbs moisture poorly. Use a common test for soil quality. After wetting the ground, try to roll a sausage out of it, and then bend it. If you have failed, there is too much sand in the soil, if the ground sticks together well, there may be an excess of clay.

Лучше всего, если вы подберете садовую землю specifically for your plant type, but you can use a universal primer. Based on the requirements for planting vegetables and flowers, the finished soil can be supplemented with fertilizer or diluted with river sand. Do not despair if the quality of the soil seemed improper. The soil can be improved with the help of various additives, cleaned from foreign inclusions. Soil with sawdust is suitable for some unpretentious indoor plants, and the mixture, which is too enriched in organic matter and mineral fertilizers, can be used to grow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and greens.

How to order vegetable soil with delivery?

Buying land in large quantities,ask for feedback about this brand. Before you order vegetable soil with delivery in large quantities, buy a small package of land from the same company. If the land in packages does not suit you, you should not purchase such goods in large quantities. Placer soil sold from the machine, it is advisable to check the dosimeter. There are cases where cheap soil had an increased background radiation. Such material cannot be used on the site.

vegetable soil with delivery

Remember that loud advertising slogans that promise a wonderful growth of plants, often have no basis. Much more important is a clearly prescribed composition and a reputable manufacturer.

Стоимость хорошей земли не может быть очень low. For the minimum cost you will get, at best, peat, not vegetable soil. The price of garden soil consists of the cost of material extraction and processing. It is not safe to save on garden soil.

Storage and reuse of garden land

Планируя улучшить почву на участке, заранее study its composition. Based on this, select a suitable garden mixture, which will make the land in your garden perfect. Ready-made land can be used for one or two seasons, and the yield with repeated use is reduced, and the risk of disease increases. When reusing land should be enriched with fertilizer and compost. Old earth is suitable only for adding or mulching, provided that the plants on it are not sick.

vegetable soil Price

To store the remnants of vegetable soil is impractical. Pathogenic microorganisms can settle in it, which will destroy the seedlings.