/ Rhododendron: preparation for the winter. Basic rules and advice

Rhododendron: preparation for winter. Basic rules and advice

Рододендрон переводится с греческого языка как "pink tree". These bushes and trees are an evergreen plant, they have a variety of shapes and colors, and also differ in the size of the flowers. Tropics and subtropics are places where, in the main, rhododendron grows. Preparing for winter in cooler regions is of great importance for the conservation of this plant.

Types and varieties of rhododendrons

Рододендрон представляет собой удивительной beauty of the bush, this plant belongs to the Heather family. The most winter-hardy are evergreen varieties, they include the Caucasian, Pontic, Katevbin rhododendron. They perfectly grow in the middle band and tolerate frosts well. Also frost-resistant species include deciduous rhododendrons. Among them, one can distinguish such names as Japanese, Kamchatka, dense, yellow and others. In addition, this amazing shrubbery and the color of flowers are diverse. There are varieties with red, purple, bright blue, pink, orange, yellow and tender white flowers. For the successful development and growth of the plant should adhere to the basic rules in the care of it. And the most important thing that the rhododendron requires is preparation for the winter. After all, this period is very difficult for the plant, and further development and flowering of the bush will depend on it.

Rhododendron preparation for winter

How to prepare a rhododendron for winter

Первый шаг в подготовке к зиме этого растения - abundant watering in the autumn season, especially if the land is very dry. The soil under the rhododendrons should be saturated with sufficient moisture. But at the same time it should be remembered that the water for irrigation is taken soft, since the hard will adversely affect the plant and can even lead to its death.

rhododendron for the winter
How else to protect from the cold rhododendron?Preparation for winter includes mulching the soil around the bushes. For mulch use peat, pine needles, sawdust or heath earth. The roots of the plant are located closer to the surface, and such a shelter will help him to better tolerate the cold. The higher the plant, the higher the height of the mulch, with the arrival of spring it is removed or partially abandoned. As for deciduous species of rhododendrons, here there are some features in preparation for winter. These species should bend branches to the ground and cover them. A low, evergreen rhododendron for winter can also be insulated with oak dry leaves or lapnika. For large plants, we use burlap or large lapnik to cover from the bright winter and spring sun. Any shelter should have good air permeability. After the establishment of the spring temperature, it is removed.
how to prepare a rhododendron for the winter
And most importantly - should be prepared for the winterseason young rhododendrons. For the first wintering, the plants are covered with a nonwoven material (this may be agril, spunbond) or covered with lapnik. It is best to make the insulation in the form of a hut, wrapping the covering material around the stakes. In no case can the rhododendrons be hammered with sawdust and peat, this can lead to the propping up and in the future to the death of the plant. Magnificent beauty is the rhododendron, preparation for winter will help him survive the cold, and the plant will please you with its flowering again.