/ / Filtration field: calculation, device. Biological sewage and sewage treatment

Field of filtration: calculation, device. Biological wastewater and sewage treatment

If on the plot of your country house ina septic tank is used as a wastewater treatment system, then for its normal operation it is necessary to create a filtration field. It will consist of several trenches with internal spray tubes. Trenches are filled with gravel, rubble and sand, which are necessary for filtering the effluent. If the work on the design and further organization of such a system was carried out correctly, then there will be no additional problems in the operation and discharge of effluent.

Field device

filter field

After the initial wastewater treatment fromhelminths and mechanical impurities have been completed, sewage flows through the open channels, moving through a layer of sand. Then they pass into the equipped system from drainage pipes and are diverted into a technical well, river or canal. The presence of air provides bacteria an opportunity for life. And under their influence organic wastewater is decomposed into environmental components and harmless elements.

The filter field is arranged in such a way thatallows the use of an aerobic purification process. The effectiveness of this system will depend on the composition of the soil, which is used for filtering. When developing a project, one should be guided by sanitary norms, which indicate the need to prevent sewage from entering the water intake systems. The presence of drainage in the filtration field during the operation of the septic tank is necessary when the groundwater is deposited at a depth of 1.5 meters from the ground surface. The drainage system should be equipped even if the underground filtration is in the ground, which has a sufficiently low cleaning ability.


biological treatment

The filter field device starts withproject preparation. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of location. It should be located as far as possible from the point of intake and fruit-bearing shrubs / trees. If you do not comply with these requirements, the harmful substances may be in the soil, which will adversely affect the quality of berries, water and fruits. The drainage system is able to work normally for 7 years or even less, so it is necessary to dig it out after this period, clean and replace the rubble, soil and sand used for filtration.

When filtering field is settled, it is importantmake a calculation that takes into account the depth of the sand layer to a mark below the freezing line. Otherwise, at low temperatures, the filtration fields will not be able to perform their functions.

Making calculations

wastewater treatment systems

If you decide to equip the filter field,which is necessary for a septic tank of concrete rings, then we can consider the following example. According to the conditions on the site - sandy soil, and groundwater occur at a depth of 2 meters. The performance of a septic tank per day is one cubic meter. It is necessary to calculate the length of the irrigation pipe under the conditions mentioned.

It is also necessary to find out what is the average annualtemperature in your area. For the Moscow region, this figure is 3 degrees. With a two-meter occurrence of groundwater and an average annual temperature of less than 6 degrees, the load per 1 meter of pipe will be 20 liters. This indicates that field equipment with an irrigation pipe length of 50 meters is required. If we take into account the filling of soil, then the load on the pipe is taken with a coefficient ranging from 1.2 to 1.5. This indicates that the sewage treatment system should have irrigation pipes whose length is 41.7 meters (50 / 1.2).

Filtration field device technology

water treatment facilities

Biological sewage treatment at the sitewill be done efficiently if you create a filtration field that consists of underground pipes and ditches. At the bottom of the dug pit lay a layer of soil with a thickness of 10 centimeters, which will pass moisture well. The next layer will be sand of the same thickness. At this stage, it is necessary to lay drainage pipes with holes, which will create an effective filtration field.

When the described cleaning systems are createdwaste water, use of flexible pipelines is not recommended, otherwise the norms of environmental management will be violated. Each ditch should have a platform with rubble, with a layer thickness of 40 centimeters. From above, everything is covered with textile material, which is designed to protect the drainage system from pollution and low temperatures. The territory under which the filtration field is located must be covered with earth.

Advice of specialists

filtration field for septic tank

If you are interested in the question of howwater treatment plants are created, then you should familiarize yourself with certain rules. One of them says: full biological treatment can be provided if the field is located on sand, sandy loam or light loam. If the territory is on clay soil, then the field will not be effective, as the clay is not able to pass moisture. As practice shows, in this case, the cost of the work will be quite high compared with the installation of finished treatment plants. After all, this will have to remove the clay to the location of the layer of sand.

What else you need to know before work

filter field device

Water treatment facilities of the type describedwork on the principle of self-cleaning soil. But this ability is not unlimited, so when you work, you need to build additional cleaning systems. If you consume water in large quantities, then for disposal of wastewater from the drainage system, you can land an artificial reservoir. There will be purified liquid. During the day, adult birch trees that should be planted around will consume about 100 liters of water, this will prevent overflow of the artificial reservoir. The filtration field for a septic tank will last longer if the effluent entering it is as clean as possible.

Possible causes of littering

Biological cleaning can fail, whichit will be clear when the system will stop absorbing water. This can lead to silting of the soil. Unfortunately, the flow of this process cannot be suspended, but it is quite realistic to slow down. The main thing with this is to exclude the ingress of poorly cleaned sewage into the field. If the drainage layer is quickly filled with silt, you will have to perform unscheduled work on cleaning and replacing the filter. Otherwise, the septic tank will overflow over the edge of the structure.


Если вы хотите, чтобы поле фильтрации работало as efficiently as possible, it is best to equip it on light loam, sandy loam or sandy soil. In the latter case, the load per meter of irrigation pipes will be equal to 30 liters per day. As for sandy soil, this indicator will be halved. In loams, this value is even smaller, so during the work it is necessary to lengthen the pipes and make the thickness of the rubble much larger.

For the laying of the pipeline must bechoose the most rigid perforated drainage or sewer pipes. It is important to have a sand filter, which will clean the system from remaining impurities and impurities.