/ / Grusha Cure: a description of the variety, photo, characteristics, reviews

Grusha Cure: a description of the variety, photo, characteristics, reviews

В настоящее время учеными-селекционерами создано a lot of new harvests of pears, nevertheless enjoy a well-deserved popularity and a variety of "long-livers". I want to stop and consider in more detail just such a variety - pear Cure. Description, photos and reviews are waiting for you in this article!


Once the Catholic priest (cure) Leroy,walking in the forest of Fromento in France in 1760, discovered in it a seedling of a pear, the fruits of which pleased him. The variety was named in honor of the Catholic priest - Cure and thanks to the efforts of this man is spread throughout France. This sort of pear is also known under other names: Williams winter, Pastoral, Winter large, Pop and Plebanovo.

pear curette

Places of regionalization

The state test of the pear variety Cure passedin 1947 and was zoned in the North Caucasus. This variety was widely spread in the southern regions of our country - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in the south of the Astrakhan region, in Chechnya and Dagestan, Ingushetia and the Crimea, Kabardino-Balkaria and North Ossetia. Cure grows also on the territory of the former union republics: Armenia, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine.

Grusha Cure: description, photo, reviews

Pear Cure refers to winter varieties.The tree has longevity, it is very tall, has a thick and rather leafy crown. The shape of the crown is wide-pyramidal (and when it reaches twelve, it is about 3.9 meters). With a large harvest, the branches of the tree are released downward and the crown becomes drooping. The main branches are in relation to the trunk at an acute angle of 40-50 degrees. The color of the bark in adult trees is gray, the surface is cracked. Young trees have a smooth structure of the bark and also a gray color. The main fruiting begins on branches 3-4 years of age, rarely on biennial.

pear cure photo description

Grusha Cure: Characteristics

Let's consider the main characteristics of the variety Cure.The shoots are of average length and thickness, cranky, usually light brown in color. In plants, one-year-olds, the upper part of the shoots has a brownish-brown color and an easy pubescence. Kidneys on trees of medium size, cone-shaped, dark brown with scales of gray hue. The leaves are dark green, round in shape, with small denticles along the edges. The leaf petiole is small in size, thin, burgundy in color.


The pear blossoms of the Cure variety begin to bloom early. The flowers are large, white, with dark pink pokes.


Individual specimens of pears of this class mayto reach 500 grams, the average weight ranges from 160 to 250. The fruit is slightly asymmetric, slightly elongated pear-shaped. The rind is thick enough, thick, matte and smooth. When harvesting, the color of the fruit is light green, while ripening - a light lemon-yellow color. On some specimens there is a weak pink blush. A distinctive feature of this variety can be considered a narrow strip of rusty-brown color running along the entire length of the pear. The seed nest is usually of small size, the seed chambers are ovoid in shape, in the pear a small number of seeds. Seeds are elongated, yellow-brown in color.

pear variety cure

Мякоть плодов чаще всего белого цвета, иногда can be creamy, medium-density, the consistency is fine-grained. The taste of the fruit is tender, with an average juice content, with a slightly expressed aroma of muscat, has a slight astringency. With a lack of sun during cultivation, the fruit can have an acidic taste.

Under adverse conditions, the Pear Cure canhave a herbaceous taste or be completely tasteless. Taste quality depends on the growing region. The degustation rating for this pear variety is low and reaches only 3 to 3.5 points.

Composition of fruits

This variety is valued for its high content of vitamin P, it is useful for people with problems with the stomach and intestines. 100 grams of fruit contains:

  • 6.5 g of sugar;
  • 39 mg of vitamin P;
  • 3.8 mg of vitamin C;
  • 7 mg of titrated acids.

Pear variety Cure is considered highly productive:The older the tree, the higher the yield. In a favorable climate for this culture, for example in the Kuban, the harvest from a 15-year-old pear is 180 centners per hectare, and in the foothills of the Caucasus a 25-year-old tree yields 250 centners. The fruits begin to be harvested from the end of September until the beginning of October. Do not recommend the fruits to restrain on the trees, otherwise the flesh pulp will become mealy and tasteless. Use for food is recommended after 20 days from the end of the collection, when the pears mature.

cure pear characteristic


It should be noted the merits of this variety:

  1. Pear Cure perfectly develops and yields high yields on podovoy forest pears and quinces.
  2. Has high transportability.
  3. The variety is unpretentious, does not require special care.
  4. Puree pollen Cure is sterile.
  5. The variety has good drought resistance and winter hardiness.

Disadvantage can be considered a mediocre tastefruits, stony cells, sometimes tastelessness, excessive astringency. In damp summer, the tree can be affected by scab, and overloading the crop affects the size of the fruit, they become smaller.

Reviews about pear Cure

According to gardeners, Cure does not differ valuabletaste, so if the priority - the taste, you should choose other varieties. It is also noted that these pears are suitable for making jams and jams out of them, but compotes of them are not of a very high quality.

how to store pears cure

Peculiarities of growing

Cultivate this culture should be goodilluminated, sunny places. It is necessary to protect seedlings from through winds. Like all fruit crops, pears do not like closely located groundwater. It is preferable to plant trees in the lungs of fertile land. To increase the yield, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements every year, such as pruning pears, timely feeding and watering. The trunks should be weeded and mulched. If severe winter is expected, trees must be insulated. As fertilizers use ready-made compounds and any organic fertilizers.


Often beginning gardeners are interested in how to cut a pear. Pruning is to remove unnecessary thickening and diseased branches, as well as continued shoots are shortened a little.


Pear Cure refers to samobesplodnym varieties.Therefore, for pollination, it is necessary to plant other varieties near the garden plot. The following varieties are the best pollinators for this pear: Klapp's favorite, Bere Ardanpon, Winter Dean, Saint-Germain, Bere Bosc, Duchesse Angouleme.

how to cut a pear


Consider how to store Cure pears correctly.For storage should be taken only dry fruits, well, if they dry in a natural way. It is best to store the harvest suitable basement or pantry. They are always dark, cool and dry. A warm room can not be used, because in it the crop will rot very quickly. The best temperature is zero degrees, allowed storage at a temperature of +1 ° C. Humidity must be at least 80%, even better if it is 85%. First you need to prepare the room, it is desirable to lime lime the ceiling and walls. Then it should be well ventilated. Well, if there is ventilation in this room, fruits in the ventilated rooms, and other crops, are stored longer. It is recommended to lay fruits in layers and shift each layer with dry shavings or straw.