/ / Grusha Lada - the best grade

Pear Lada - the best grade

Pear Lada is a variety that was produced bybreeding in the Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The authors of the variety are S.T. Chizhov and S.P.Potapov, they crossed pears Olga and Lesnaya krasavtsa.

Pear Lada in 1993 was added to the State Register. It is recommended to grow it in the Moscow region, on the Volga, in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

pear frets

Pear Lada, description

Деревья имеют средний рост до 10 м.In height, they grow to 25 cm in a year, and 15 cm in width. Young plants are characterized by a funnel-shaped crown, while adults are pyramidal or conical in shape. The color of the branches of the plant is bright red. Mixed type of fruiting.

The shoots are medium in thickness and pubescent, theyrather long and slightly curved, rounded in section. Brown color. A tree with cone-shaped kidneys of dark brown color. Pear leaves are of medium thickness, slightly curved, oblong, elastic, smooth, light green, sometimes with a yellow tinge. Edges of leaves with serrate serration. The length of the petiole is small, early stipules may fall out.

Pear Lada has cup-shaped, medium-sized white flowers, but during the formation of fruits their color changes to white and pink. Inflorescence of a cyst-like form and contains up to 7 flowers.

pear frets description

The fruit is characterized by an average value - this100-120 g. The color of the pears is light yellow, a light red color is possible. Inside is a delicate, yellowish-white, juicy, fine-grained, fragrant sweet and sour pulp. The form is obovate with a smooth surface. Fruits have a thin cuticle with barely noticeable dots. Pear Lada has a wonderful taste.

At the stalk, you can see a tender orzhavlennost. It itself is of average thickness and short. There is no funnel and the cup is open. The fruit contains less than 5 seeds of brown color.


Lada pear starts to bear fruitafter 3-4 years after planting. A young tree can yield a crop every year, but a mature tree pleases gardeners periodically. It is possible to get up to 50 kg of pears from one tree. Ripen fruit in the middle of September.

Pear Lada, which you can hear aboutonly positive, is a early and early ripening variety. Fruits can be stored in rooms with zero temperature for a maximum of 2 months. Pears from trees almost do not crumble and have a beautiful presentation. But, unfortunately, lose it during transportation.

Advantages of the variety

Thus, it is possible to single out the merits of the Lada pear:

• The plant is resistant to diseases and adverse environmental factors.

• Quickly begins to bear fruit.

• Not afraid of frost.

• Gives a great harvest.

• Pear is universal in use (it is used in different dishes, brewed compotes, jams, dried).


pear frets reviews

A great time to plant a pearLada is spring. Although you can try to do this in the early autumn, until there is no frost. Well-suited for planting seedlings, whose age is 1-2 years. When buying it is important to inspect the young tree. It should not have any damage.

Trees of Lada are widespread everywhere, becauseperfectly take root. Black soil, gray forest soil, loams are the best soil for a tree. If the soil is not fertile, regular application of mineral fertilizers can help.

The variety prefers sufficient quantitiesmoisture, soil drying is unacceptable. Watering trees should be abundant, but not often, especially from June, when there is an active growth of fruits. It is necessary to spray the trees with special mixtures to prevent various diseases.

In the spring, in March, trim Lada. It is needed to get rid of old branches and trim the remaining ones. Pruning has a good effect on the formation of new kidneys and provides a rich harvest of fruits.

In conclusion, we can say that the Lada pear is an excellent choice for planting!