/ / Oil oven do-it-yourselfers: blueprints, how to make, device

Oily furnaces with their own hands: blueprints, how to make a device

Масляные печи являются наиболее подходящим option for heating garages, warehouses and work spaces. The result of the operation of such equipment combines the low cost of the fuel used and good heating. Used oil (it is also called mining) is attributed to those types of waste that are available at any service stations in large quantities. Oil can be found in garage farms. It is difficult to recycle and almost impossible to dispose of.

As for furnaces on waste oil, theyact to reuse this product. Whatever the oil that has served its term, engine, transmission or industrial, it can be used as a fuel. Self-made heating installations are capable of working on it.

Features of operation

oil furnaces

Oil furnaces have a special design, forthe expense of which the manufacture of devices is quite possible to produce independently. Among the advantages of this type of heating can be identified mobility, efficiency. Such structures can even be used as cooking surfaces (this applies to their upper part).

Furnaces operating on waste oileconomical not only in maintenance, but also in manufacturing. These include fuel consumption and fuel selection. Owners of small garages and warehouse premises prefer such devices for the reason that they have small dimensions. That is why the furnace body can be easily dismantled and moved to another place.

Oil furnaces are non-volatile.The use of such equipment is not connected either with gas pipelines or with power grids. The device does not assume use of additional power supplies, for example, batteries or accumulators. However, you must be prepared for the fact that there are some difficulties associated with the use of heating furnaces operating on waste oil. These include the need to install a fairly high chimney, its size should be equal to 4 meters. Among the minuses - and the weekly systematic cleaning of the structure of soot and dirt.

Preparation of materials

cast-iron furnaces

Oil furnaces are made quite simply,there is no need to purchase any products. You can use scrap metal, which will be found in any garage. The prototype for the manufacture of the furnace will make the compressor housing from the old refrigerator or cylinder. You will need thin-walled pipes that have a length of 4 meters. As for the diameter, it can vary from 8 to 10 centimeters. These elements will function as an additional and main radiator. Another pipe will be needed for exhaust.

The method of manufacturing a furnace with a single chamber

furnace installation

Cast iron furnaces for mining can be purchased atstore, but if you decide to make a metal version of this design, it should be noted that during operation it should be in an upright position. To do this, you will need to prepare the legs, perfectly fit the corners or pieces of pipes. Preparing pieces of metal, the length of each of which will be equal to 20 centimeters, you need to weld them to the body of the future structure. Then install a homemade heater.

В верхней части устройства нужно прорезать hole for the hood. Its dimensions should correspond to the radius of the prepared pipe. You can try to drill a small cut-out using an angle grinder; as for a hole of a large diameter, it is best to perform such work with a welding machine.

Manufacturing pipes for exhaust

iron stove

According to users, cast iron stoves are not very durable, as they tend to burn through. It would be much more practical to make such an installation yourself.

The next step is to weld the pipe.for hoods It should make holes, to perform these manipulations it is recommended to use an angle grinder with a cutting wheel. Position the holes at a distance of ten centimeters from the body. Their height should be 0.5 meters or less.

Отступив один метр, в этой же трубе нужно сделать Incision of the second pipe, which is useful for additional radiator. To perform this work it is best to use a welding machine. The additional radiator must be parallel to the floor.

At the top of the homemade design you needmake a hole for the fuel supply. Such an iron furnace is the simplest option that you can improve after. To do this, put a sheet of iron on a horizontal radiator, then the stove can be used not only for heating, but also for cooking, as well as for heating water.

Manufacturing oven with two chambers

furnace to work

An iron stove may have two cameras.They will be interconnected by a segment of an impressive diameter pipe with holes drilled in it. The lower half of the structure will be a waste oil tank that will be used as a fuel. At the same time it will perform the function of the combustion chamber and the evaporator.

Work on the bottom

oven unit

If you decide to make a similar oven onworking out, then keep in mind that it should be provided with legs. The air gap between the bottom of the structure and the floor will be an additional factor that will improve the heating of the room. In the lower case should be made a hole that is covered with a flap. This will be needed to adjust the modes of operation and supply oil to the chamber.

Making the case

oil stove for garage

If you decide to make an efficient stove onworking out, then in the top cover from the bottom of the case will need to weld the pipe, which is pre-supplied with holes. This will become an afterburning chamber, vapors of boiling fuel will burn out in it. If to make a design according to this scheme, then you will be able to provide almost full combustion of oil. A cylindrical heated body is welded to the top of this heater. Inside there should be a partition that will be needed to delay the warm products of combustion.

Chimney manufacturing

The furnace device assumes the presence of not onlytwo chambers, but also a chimney. The pipe must be welded to the top of the module for heating. The diameter of this component should be equal to one hundred millimeters. As for the length, the permissible limit is from 3 to 4 meters. The chimney can be placed not only vertically, but also, if necessary, at a certain angle. The oil oven for the garage will work continuously only if it is possible to ensure uninterrupted supply in the body of the fuel. To do this, you can strengthen the additional capacity, which is located above the evaporator. With the last component, the tank must be connected with a separate metal pipe.

Increased efficiency

If the oil oven for the garage worksnot effective enough, then you can try to achieve an increase in efficiency. For this, experts advise to send the air flow forcibly into the upper part of the structure, for which it will be necessary to change the scheme somewhat. An air heating chamber is installed in the upper compartment of the devices. In the immediate vicinity of it, but at a safe distance, the fan should be fixed. With it, the air will be injected into the exchanger, heated and fed into the heated room. If the oil furnace is made by hand, then it can be improved by adding a water circuit. This will allow you to heat several rooms in one building at once.

The device design waste oil

If the oil furnace will be run by its ownhands, it is important to first familiarize yourself with its device. It is possible to distinguish these designs by the method of oil supply and the absence / presence of pressurization. If we apply the latter, then it will be possible to increase the temperature of combustion, and, consequently, the efficiency. However, in this case, you will certainly encounter rapid wear of the hull, which will lead to the need for repairs.

The furnace is quite simple, which is whyYou can build it yourself. The design assumes the presence of only a few elements, namely two chambers, a connecting pipe, as well as a chimney.

As for the lower chamber, it should havedamper and hole. The valve is located in the lower tank, which is called the firebox. In the upper tank should be a partition. This compartment is called the after burner. Experts do not advise to supplement the design with regulating nozzles, droppers and other details that can impede the operation of the furnace. Adjustment should be carried out without automation, you have to move the valve manually. The last element should be placed above the hole into which the waste oil is poured. If you want, then you can heat the stove only a little or heat up to 900 degrees.

The manufacture of the furnace for the development of a gas cylinder

Before you make an oil oven, you mustconsider that the process technology may be different. For example, to organize the operation of the unit, you can use a conventional gas cylinder. Above was described the technique that uses sheet metal. For professionals, cut the material, and then cook it, forming two combustion chambers, is easy. In the absence of experience, seek the assistance of specialists.

At the last stage, you will need to strengthen the legs, andafter connect all the pipe. However, these operations involve fairly long work with the welding machine. In order to reduce technology, craftsmen use traditional gas cylinders. Such metal furnaces are quite durable, because the tanks have thick walls. This allows you to ensure the design of fire safety and long life.

Regardless of whether it is used formanufacturing sheet metal or cylinder, creating a design, you need to adhere to certain rules. Air supply to the first chamber must be made with the possibility of regulation. For this, a conventional damper is perfect, which can be opened when there is a gap of arbitrary size. The compartment into which the oil for burning is fed always needs to be made collapsible, this will allow for easy cleaning. Before work you should be carefully studied instructions. Furnaces of this type should be provided with good pitch. To do this, the length of the chimney must be done exactly as recommended above.

Manufacturing method

Before you use a balloon, you need tocarefully prepare. To do this, all the gas is released, and the inner surface must be washed. In the cylinder water is poured. In no case do not need to start cutting the product, if you have not performed all actions to eliminate the gas.

From the cylinder, the upper and lower parts are cut off.The resulting halves will be used to manufacture collapsible combustion chamber for mining. Metal legs should be welded to the bottom. At the top of the first chamber you need to make a hole in which a piece of pipe is installed. The last element should be provided with an adjustment plate. Through the holes will flow air and oil.

If you make an oil oven, drawingsthis design should be studied before the start of work. In the center you need to make the same hole to which the pipe is welded. It will connect both combustion chambers. It has several holes for air flow. Sheet metal and the middle part of the cylinder will be used to manufacture the secondary combustion chamber. It must be welded to the connecting pipe. At the final stage, the chimney should be manufactured and installed.

In order that the furnace on an uneven surface does not lose stability, in the lower part, legs must be welded, freely adjustable in height.

Operational safety

The furnace must be installed onsurface that will ensure fire safety. This may be a metal sheet or any other similar material. It is important to ensure that the oil does not spill out of the combustion chamber, for this it is not recommended to fill the tank by more than 2/3. If the oil boils after ignition, it is necessary to reduce the air supply by adjusting the valve. Traction will be sufficient if you weekly clean the oil tank and chimney from contamination. In order to eliminate the soot at the top of the structure, it is necessary to tap the surface.

The stove must be installed in a place wherethe design will not interfere with the movement of people. It is important to exclude the possibility of finding nearby flammable objects. Before the firebox, it is necessary to place a material that does not ignite and does not burn even under direct exposure to fire.


As for the car repair enterprises,They do not have a shortage of training, but if you are a regular car enthusiast, then it is recommended to acquire a capacity of a suitable volume. It will be possible to collect the oil that can be obtained in the summer. In winter, it will be possible to use this fuel effectively.

If you do not have a car, but decidedto manufacture or purchase a similar furnace, it is necessary to ask about the presence of unnecessary mining at service stations. Employees of enterprises of a similar orientation are almost always ready to share a resource for free or at a low cost. This is very profitable, since you do not have to spend money on fuel at all. That is why the described designs are so popular today.