/ / Blackberries: preparation for winter and necessary procedures

Blackberries: preparation for winter and necessary procedures

In the middle band in landscape design, the blackberry is widely used. Preparation for the winter of this culture is very important and is of paramount importance for its successful cultivation.

blackberry preparation for winter

Aesthetic and economic importance

Beautiful decorative bushes well fixsandy slopes, are part of the decorative walls and hedges. Thus, the blackberry (preparation for the winter of this culture will be discussed in this article) will beautify your garden at any time of the year. In addition to the importance it has for landscape design, this culture can be very useful for the variety of your food. Blackberries, the preparation for the winter which was successful, will yield a good harvest. From berries you can brew jam, compote and kissels, which will have a rich dark purple color. In addition to shelter in the cold months, this shrub is very important to properly cut. With this and begin.

how to cover for the winter blackberry

How to clip a blackberry for the winter

As in the case with the garden currant, pruningit is better to hold in two stages: the first time in the spring, and the second in the fall. The fruits of the blackberry garden appear on the branches, which are not less than two years old. Therefore, there should be shoots of the past and the current year on the bush. Both must be cut off. In spring, when the kidneys just begin to blossom, you need to remove shoots affected by frost. Even in those shrubs that are well overwintered, the upper part often freezes or dries up. In parallel with the development of lateral shoots on last year's branches, root processes also appear. From them it is necessary to leave to the five strongest. Removing the rest. It is also necessary to get rid of young growth during the whole growing season. This will help your plant. The less around the shoots, the better your blackberry will feel. Preparation for winter also includes pruning. Now you need to remove the shoots, which this year have borne fruit.

 how to clip a blackberry for the winter
You can do this in the second half of September.At this time, fructification in all climatic zones is already precisely completed. Escape the best cut at the root - in this case, the remaining stump will not nest pests. Also you need to track and remove the extra twigs that have grown since the beginning of spring. And those that you want to leave for fructification for the next year, it is better to cut a little for a more powerful development of the lateral processes. Wearing blackberry varieties, let grow to the maximum length. Of course, it still depends on the subtleties of decorating your site, but usually it is at least two meters.

How to hide the blackberry for the winter

The harboring varieties are covered ifthe frosts are expected to minus 17 degrees Celsius. Frost-resistant - only if the temperature drops below minus 20 degrees. As a covering material, the leaves of corn are used - they are lined with shoots after they fall into the trench. Top packed polyethylene. The problem is sheltering erect shoots. That they are not cracked, they should be bent to the ground in advance, from the end of August, with the help of a load fixed on the top part.