Опытные садоводы знают, что с приходом осени begins a crucial moment in the field work. Almost all cultivated plants need special care and special preparation for wintering. In order for flowers, ornamental shrubs and trees to rest, to gain strength and spring could go to growth, they need to provide special care in the cold season.
Preparatory work
- It is during this period that one should thoroughlyfeed the flowers. As seasonal, it is best to use those that are produced on potash and phosphorus basis. The main function of such fertilizers is to increase the frost-resistant characteristics of green areas.
- Secondly, the preparation of chrysanthemums for winter includesregular inspection of plants, because it is recommended to save only healthy bushes. They are better tolerated by changes in temperature in the autumn-winter period, they are well adapted to frost.
Third, when the gardener lands on the siteflowers, it is important that he takes into account the climatic conditions of his region, and how well the selected varieties correspond to them. Therefore, the preparation of chrysanthemums for the winter can be both radical, when the bushes are simply dug out and sent to the cellar or another dark and cool place until spring, and stage by stage, when the flowers remain in the open ground and just hide. - И, наконец, ещё один этап, о котором не должен forget neither amateur grower nor a professional. This, of course, pruning. Chrysanthemums are a shrub whose stems are more than a meter high. But with strong frosts, winds, under the weight of snow and ice crust, they easily break off, which can spoil the appearance of the plant or lead to its freezing. Therefore, pruning chrysanthemums for the winter is not only recommended - it is obligatory! The operation is performed when the movement of the juices in the plant practically ceases: it is preparing for hibernation. This usually happens with the establishment of cold weather, a steady decrease in temperature. How to leave centimeters of stalks from the ground when pruning, so that the preparation of chrysanthemums for winter is successful? Not more than 8-10. The rule applies to both adult and young flowers planted only this year.
Wintering chrysanthemums in the ground
Such care is required for these beautiful autumn colors!