/ / Peony planting in the spring in the open ground

Planting the peony in the spring in the open ground

Peonies serve as an excellent decoration for any garden.Their large bushes with beautiful fragrant flowers will delight even the most sophisticated florist. These amazing plants for a short period of time break their way out of the earth with thick, pinkish color sprouts. This then develops a magnificent bush, discarding beautiful huge buds that will fill the whole garden with its fragrance.

planting a peony in spring
Many foreign varieties are imported to our storesin late February or early March, so planting a peony in the spring is forced. If possible, the bushes should be planted in late August and early September, planting young plants in a permanent place. When store shelves are filled with peonies, beginners of florists experience double sensations. On the one hand, I want to acquire new varieties, and on the other - scary, if you can not keep fragile plants before landing in the open ground.

Planting a peony in spring is very different fromthe same process, but what happens in the fall. First, the bought delenku should be disposed in a pot on 3 l. The substrate is best used ready, because it is light, nutritious and good moisture. If the flower was bought in early March, then it is necessary to try to restrain the development of its terrestrial part (it is quickly grown peonies). Planting and nursing in the spring consists in planting a piece in a pot and placing it in a dark and cool place where the temperature is kept around + 1-3 ° C.

planting of peony herbaceous
In April and May there is a period of growingsuction roots. If the plant is pulled out of the pot, you can see that the entire earth clod is braided with white threads. When the soil warms up well, it is possible to carry out transshipment, planting a grown peony on a permanent place. At the same time, the earthen should be intact so that the root system is not damaged. Planting a peony in the spring for many growers seems quite a dangerous occupation, which can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore sometimes flowers are dug in the garden with pots, and then fall in the fall to a permanent place.

Planting a peony must beis carried out within a year from the moment of the acquisition, because, being in the pot, it will not build up the root system, there may appear such a disease as gray rot. At purchase it is necessary to spend careful survey of a plant. Sometimes sellers try to sell sick and withered flowers, claiming that they will come to life, it is only to land in the ground. Withered and blackened kidneys, overdried delenki is better to avoid, because they can both settle down, and perish. The growth stimulator does not help here.

peonies planting and spring care
Yellow peonies are usually expensive, so do notIt is worth buying varieties at low prices - they can not be of high quality. Vendors in this way are trying to put inexperienced growers in a commodity of dubious quality. It is not worth throwing money away for the purchase of blue and black flowers, because they simply do not exist in nature. Labels are deceptive, so the result will be radically different from the picture. Planting a peony in the spring, although it is forced, but in most cases the bushes are no worse than those planted in the fall.