Unlike other rooms (kitchen, bedroom), the hall- this is the room where guests are most often brought, where the family gathers in the evening and discusses the past day. This room is of great importance. The design of the hall in the apartment reflects the taste, style and character of the hosts. He helps to relax and impress.

The design of the hall in a standard apartment should bedesigned in accordance with the size of the room. If you are a happy owner of a large area, then you can afford not to place furniture along the walls. Very good looks soft furniture, standing closer to the center of the room. At the same time near the sofa for convenience put a coffee table. It can be transparent or simply wooden. It serves as a stand not only for magazines and books, but also for cups, vases and so on.
The design of the hall in the apartment is impossible withoutrational choice of colors. Since this premise is meant for all members of the family, the tastes of the household should be taken into account. It is better to choose something neutral, suitable for everyone.

The choice of furniture and design of the hall in the apartment - conceptsinseparable. If you have small children, it is better to choose tables, a sofa, chairs without sharp corners. If the furniture has elements made of wood, it is best that they are the same color.
Furniture sets can be bought ready-made in the store, but if you want to be original, then make them to order. This way you can choose the shape, color, and texture.
Another interesting option that will help youcreate an original design of the hall in the apartment, is the purchase of furniture at auctions. There you can find stunning things at a very affordable price. If necessary, they can be varnished, painted or re-sewed.
Furniture should stand so as not to interfere withtransition from one room to another. You should be comfortable and comfortable in the already finished room. Textiles can also contribute to this. For example, brighten the curtains on windows, cheerful color of tablecloth and different size of cushion. There can be even a lot of them. Artificial disorder in the room may even appeal to you. Put a couple of pillows on the floor - where they will not interfere. It will give coziness and a little fun.

Be sure to take care of the lighting. There should be a central bright light and a slightly muffled lateral.
Do not forget about accessories. Family photographs, children's drawings will look good on shelves and walls.