/ / Kibo F1 tomatoes: agronomists reviews

Tomatoes Kibo F1: reviews of agronomists

In the summer-autumn period without tomatoes it is difficultto present a dining table. This vegetable is the delicacy of most of our compatriots, so vegetable growers are not lazy to mess around with plants, take care of plants in open beds or in greenhouses.

Today many summer residents prefer to grow ontheir sites tall tomatoes. The bushes of indeterminate tomatoes grow continuously, forming a number of flower brushes and demonstrating high yields. At the same time, delicious and healthy vegetables can be received by summer residents throughout the summer and autumn, until the onset of frost. In hothouse conditions, this crop yields even longer. One of the bright representatives of indeterminate varieties is the hybrid tomato Kibo F1, reviews, yields and peculiarities of the cultivation of which we will consider later in the article.

tomatoes kibo f1 reviews agronomists

Hybrid F1

Tomatoes F1 are obtained by crossingselected varieties of parents with specified characteristics: yield, resistance to various diseases, keeping quality, transportability, resistance to high and low temperatures, tying in low light conditions, etc. The cost of seeds of tomato F1, of course, is several times higher than the price of high-quality tomato, but if you take into account all the advantages of hybrids (higher yields, lower processing costs, lower losses during storage and transportation, attractive appearance), then the cost of purchasing seeds is fully paid off.

tomatoes kibo reviews

Description of tomato Kibo F1

The hybrid was introduced in Japan by the manufacturer KitanoSeeds. This is a very large indeterminate pink tomato early maturing. It is recommended to grow the variety in any type of greenhouse. The root system of the plant is highly developed and is not afraid of such stressful situations as, for example, a sharp temperature drop. The culture forms sufficiently powerful shoots, on which up to 5-6 large fruits, corresponding to all requirements for the marketability of pink tomatoes, can grow. The bush itself is quite high, reaching a height of up to 2 m, which allows to significantly save space in greenhouses and to use free space more rationally. Thanks to a long period of growth, farmers do not need to constantly update the plantation beds.

One hybrid indeterminate bush is capable ofgive tomatoes several times more than a short shrub. And due to the constant growth and production of buds, a continuous ovary and a fast formation of fruits take place. Tomatoes Kibo F1 reviews agronomists got good. They noted excellent taste qualities of fruits and a wide consumer demand.

Description of fruits

Tomato Kibo F1, reviews and features of cultivationwhich we consider in the article, are distinguished by beautiful pink large fruits and great popularity in the vegetable market. The average weight of commercial fruits is 300-350 g, and those grown on the first brush - up to 450 g. The surface of tomatoes is smooth, without ribs. The form is beautiful, even, without "figures." Tomato is rounded, slightly flattened near the stalk. Color uniform - pink, very bright, without green spots. Flesh of a homogeneous structure: without a white rod and veins. Fruits are distinguished by high taste characteristics, worthy commercial appearance and excellent transportability.

tomato kibo photo review

Tomatoes Kibo F1: reviews of agronomists

This variety has many advantages. According to reviews, the Kibo F1 tomatoes differ:

  • Good fruit tie.
  • High yield. On one brush can be 5-6 fruits each.
  • Early maturation of tomatoes.
  • The absence of green streaks near the stalk.
  • Pleasant sugar taste of fruits.
  • High marketability.
  • Transportability.

In addition, the Kibo tomatoes, about which wewe consider, do not crack at intensive watering, have high immunity to various diseases. The variety is resistant to temperature changes and well tolerates dry periods.

Agronomists' comments are that this oneAn indeterminate hybrid is the leader among the remaining pink tomato varieties. Thanks to its excellent taste, preservation of excellent presentation under long haulage and increased demand among customers, Kibo tomatoes have gained recognition among specialists.

Disadvantages of the variety

According to reviews, Kibo F1 tomatoes have one drawback - they can not be grown outdoors, especially if the climatic zone is short in summer.

tomatoes kibo f1 reviews

Planting and care

The Kibo F1 tomatoes are exclusively forgrowing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Cultivated seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 60-65 days. Flowering of bushes begins after 10-12 leaves will bloom. The period of maturation of this tall hybrid is 100-110 days of vegetation. The period of active fruiting begins in about two weeks.

Care for the indeterminate variety of tomatoes Kibo F1 is quite simple:

  • With a strong growth of the bush or partial (complete) withering of the bottom foliage, it is necessary to trim unsuitable or excess green mass.
  • At watering it is necessary to disperse a stream of water toThe pressure did not wash the ground around the plant. Otherwise, the bush of tomatoes may not receive the necessary nutrients and mineral fertilizers, sucked up by subordinate roots.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, tomatoes are treated with preparations containing a large amount of sulfur and copper.

Since this is an indeterminate variety of tomatoes,having a high growth of stems, it is necessary for him to organize special supports in the greenhouse. To do this, place trellises, install large pegs or attach agro-net and then tie the plants to them. Normal illumination and good ventilation contribute to the early ripening of the fruit. Such a unique way of growing tall tomatoes on the counter provides protection of vegetables from decay and parasites, as they do not come into contact with the soil. Tying minimizes the risk of damage to the plant by rodents, cotton scoops and slugs.

tomato kibo f1 reviews Yields


Japanese breeders brought out tomatoes Kibo (reviews,photos are attached) specially for the early sale of products. For a good presentation, excellent taste and increased demand for products, they carefully selected all the characteristics. This variety is able to grow and bear fruit all summer long until the late autumn.