/ / Tomat "Sunrise" - the advantages of a hybrid plant

Tomato "Sunrise" - the advantages of a hybrid plant

Recently, more and more demandednot pure varieties of tomatoes, but universal hybrids created from different species. Such their popularity is due to a combination of the best qualities of the "parents" of hybrid tomatoes, which allow to obtain an excellent harvest. The tomato hybrid Sunrise was not an exception. It is about him that will be discussed in our article.

Description of Tomatoes "Sunrise"

This kind of tomato is quite earlyripening vegetable, the maturation period of which is only 2-2.5 months. Tomatoes "Sunrise" can be grown both in the open ground and in the conditions of a greenhouse. Hybrid is characterized by a very compact shrub that grows no higher than half a meter in height.

tomatoes sunrise description

Ripened tomatoes have a slightly flattened,round shape and weigh up to 250 grams each. Tomato "Sunrise" has an incredibly tasty, juicy and rather dense pulp and a pleasant aroma. And thanks to the universality of the intended use, this variety of tomatoes can not only be consumed in fresh form, but also used for preserving and preparing homemade ketchup.

Advantages of the derived hybrid

In addition to the early maturation, tomatoes "Sunrise"are famous for their high yields - they manage to collect up to four kilograms from one bush. And since this type of tomato is very compact bushes, you can grow a fairly good harvest in the presence of a small area.

Tomatoes Sunrise

Thanks to painstaking work of breedersmanaged to achieve another important advantage. This is the absolute stability of tomatoes "Sunrise" to verticellosis, cancer of the stem (alternaria) and gray patchiness.

Reviews of tomatoes "Sunrise"

Absolutely all vegetable growers respond about this speciestomatoes are only positive. Tomatoes "Sunrise" - quite a worthy hybrid, which must be on your site. Incredibly tasty, juicy and attractive fruits in combination with the compactness of the bush and high yields - this is exactly what every gardener dreams about. Due to excellent transportability for long distances, this type of tomato is very often used for commercial purposes.

Peculiarities of growing

The best soil for planting tomatoes is the earthafter legumes, cucumbers and onions. If you want to disembark immediately into the open ground, without first growing the seedlings, then wait until the soil is fully warmed to 10-13 degrees to a depth of at least six centimeters. If you have already prepared seedlings, then landing can be carried out after the last serious frost. Only be sure to cover the planting with a film. Currently, the planting of tomatoes is popular at the end of June with the aim of harvesting by the middle of September.

Tomatoes Sunrise

Concentration of planted plants should notexceed 7 bushes per square meter. Tomatoes "Sunrise" - very warm and hygrophilous plants. Over the entire growing season, it is necessary to produce from five to ten waterings, depending on climatic conditions. The amount of water should not be less than thirty liters per square meter. Many gardeners began to use the drip irrigation system, which is very convenient and economical. Like any vegetable culture, tomatoes require fertilizer. The main top-dressing of this variety is potassium nitrate. Most of this fertilizer is made during the ripening of tomatoes. In addition to potassium-nitrogenous fertilizers, tomatoes require additional phosphorus application, since the roots of this plant very poorly assimilate it from the soil.

As for pests, tomatoes are susceptible todefeat Colorado beetle, aphid, thrips and bug. To win these uninvited guests will help only special chemical preparations, such as "zolon", "proteus", "shtefesin", "actara", "karate zeon".