Many people who, in the course of their profession,or privately, face construction, know perfectly well what an ICBM is. But the whole point is that to date, civil engineers have not yet come up with anything than to replace the bitumen-rubber compound. It is used in the installation of roofs, for the processing of which is used mastic, as well as when using roll materials for the roof.
Composition and structure
Due to its composition, the masticBitumen-rubber (MBR) is quickly connected to any materials. Therefore, it is packaged in special anti-adhesive containers or bags. To give the substance the necessary plasticity, rubber crumb is added to it.
Where is it used?
At all multi-storey buildings today is packedroofing based on mastic. The advantage of it is that it completely fills all available cracks. Work with mastic is made, pre-heating it. Those who are aware of what an ICBM is, take this fact into account, so they warm it up in advance. It softens completely at a temperature of about 90 ° C.
Application features
In addition to the above methods of use,who know what ICBMs are, apply it also when laying pipelines. The fact is that ICBM 65 has a higher softening temperature and is therefore used to insulate structures that are constantly subjected to vibration. In the process of mechanical deformation of the treated pipe, the layer of mastic will change with it.
Mastic MBR-100 is used for laying rollsmaterials for roofing, as well as for flooding waterproofing screeds. The number indicated in its label indicates the temperature at which the softening occurs. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mastic should be heated up to 200 ° C. All this is done in order to be easy to apply it to sloping surfaces, as well as on vertically arranged walls.
One who has long figured out what isbituminous mastic, at least once faced with a variety of it, like MBR-X. The peculiarity of this material is that preheating is not required for its use. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition includes a special solvent, which after the application evaporates spontaneously, and the mastic solidifies.