/ / Akriderm gk - description of the preparation

Acryderm GK - description of the preparation

Any skin disease requires carefulthe identification of causes and an integrated approach to treatment. Akriderm GK is a medicinal preparation intended for treatment of a wide range of skin diseases and includes several active substances:

- gentamicin,

- betamethasone,

- clotrimazole.

Akriderm GK is available in the form of an ointment for external use and a gel for external use.

Acryderm GC Ointment: manual

Acryderm GK is a combined preparation,has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Gentamicin is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of action, belonging to the group of aminoglycosides, which has a bactericidal effect. Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are very sensitive to it. But viruses, anaerobes and fungi are resistant to it.

Betamethasone is a corticosteroid, which has a local action aimed at relieving inflammation, narrowing the vessels, and has an anti-allergic effect.

Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug from the groupderivatives of imidazole, is used for local effects. Due to the change in the formation of ergosterol, which is the main element of the cell membrane of fungi, has a large spectrum of action. Effective for the treatment of mold fungi, dermatophytes, fungi of the genus candida, corynebacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, vaginal trichomonads.

Indications for use Acriderm GK

This drug is used in the treatment of:

- diffuse neurodermatitis,

- fungal dermatitis (candidiasis, multicolored lichen, dermatophytosis),

- simple and allergic dermatitis, especially those complicated by secondary infection and localization in the groin and large skin folds,

- chronic simple lichen.


Cutaneous tuberculosis, syphilis with cutaneousmanifestations, chickenpox, hypersensitivity, herpetic disease, post-vaccination reactions on the skin, gaping wounds. With extreme caution, you need to approach treatment with this drug during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester. It is also forbidden to use the drug to treat children.

Side effects

Skin reactions: a feeling of the tooth, burning, irritation, dryness, follicle, the appearance of petechiae, acne eruptions, decreased pigmentation, allergies.

During the use of occlusive dressings, maceration, infection, skin atrophy, and sweating are possible.

With ultra-long-term treatment ora large surface systemic side effects develop: body weight, arterial pressure, osteoporosis, edema, ulcers mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbated hidden foci of infections, hyperglycemia occurs. There may be excitement, insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle.


Symptoms of overdose include hypercorticosis.

Principles of treatment

Timely withdrawal of medicinal substance. It is used in the form of symptomatic therapy. If there is a need, the electrolyte disturbances are altered.

Applications and dosage

On the affected skin Accriderm GK applied,a little rubbing a small amount of cream twice a day. Duration of treatment is assigned individually, depending on the form and complications of the disease. With fungal stop dermatitis, on average, treatment lasts two to four weeks.

special instructions

Avoid contact with eyes.

Abolish the drug and prescribe another therapy in the case when there is bacterial or fungal resistance of microflora.

If you want to find Akriderm GK analogue, there are such drugs in the pharmacy as belosalik, dermovayt and others.