/ Why and how to raise the house?

Why and how to raise the house?

Very often the draft of the house is due towrong choice of foundation. Many people want to save money and make it cheap. As a result - after the first winter the skewed house. To prevent these problems, before building a building, it is necessary to perform geological studies of the building site. Only properly executed foundation will save the structure from distortions and subsidence.

The building sank - how to raise the house?

How to raise a house?
This is laborious and difficult work.First, it is determined which extensions will interfere with the work, they will need to be removed to provide access to the walls. To raise the corner of the house you will need three jacks. The two will need to lift the corner, and the third one should be at hand to secure. It should be remembered: after lifting the wall, 3 chocks are installed and wedged under it. To raise the house, take jacks of different carrying capacity and design, lever-vagi and wedges of different thickness, made of hardwood. They are installed under the wall. Between the logs and the foundation clogged wedges.
 raise the house
When you lift the wall up, it deviates along with the opposite. This deviation is at a wall height of 3 meters when lifting:

- at 10 cm - about 5 cm;

- by 30 cm - about 15 cm.

How to raise a house? What measures need to be taken to preserve the integrity of the structure?

If you have stove heating, you need a flooraround the oven and attic ceiling dismantle, release up to 30 cm of space near the pipe to protect it and the furnace from destruction. You need to remove the door and window bindings.

When raising the house to a small height orincreasing its foundation, it is recommended that the raised and immovable walls be clamped on both sides. Such devices can be thick bars, plates or profile rolling from corners and channels. By 2 or 3 squeezes set on two opposite sides of the house, having retreated from the corners by 70 cm. Attach them to the walls with nails. Then near the top and bottom logs holes of 20 mm are made, fixing bolts are inserted and tightly clamped. Such a construction is raised to the required height, alternately each side. Before picking up the house on the second side, under the first place the stalls are made of racks or thick logs. The walls are clamped and wedged in relation to the basement.

You can not too deeply lower or jerk the walls up - this can lead to chipping angles. It must be ensured that during the ascent there is no displacement of the walls relative to the foundation.

 How to raise a house with a jack?

Before lifting the house with a jack, it is necessaryfor him to prepare a platform. It can be shields, boards. A large footprint increases the reliability of the installation of the lifting tool. In order not to damage the log, a metal plate is placed on its end by a pencil. Two jacks raise one side of the house by 80 mm. The pads are placed, the devices are transferred to the other side, and everything repeats.

Before lifting the house further, the jack stocks drop, the devices are transferred to the first wall. This transfer continues until the desired height is reached.

It is necessary to watch for a clear vertical orientation of the jack. At the slightest deviation from the vertical, the lifting stops and the equipment is adjusted.

In no case can you climb under the walls or slip parts of the body when they rise.