/ / Ways of how to raise hemoglobin at home

Ways to raise hemoglobin at home

Before you think about how to raise hemoglobin inhome conditions, and even more to take any action, it is necessary to find out the reason for its low level. Without this, all your efforts will be in vain.

how to raise hemoglobin at home
The most common causes of low hemoglobin levels in the blood are:

  1. Stressful situations.
  2. Lack of vitamin C.
  3. Diets with a limited amount of protein.
  4. Diseases of the genitals.
  5. Violations of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Insufficient physical exertion.

Along with the question of how to raise hemoglobin inhome conditions are often asked about how to determine that its level is lowered. The easiest way is to regularly visit a doctor and take tests. In this way, you will know the exact figure, and the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary drugs. However, the fact that a person has a low level of hemoglobin in the blood can be recognized by some external signs. These include:

    • pale skin;
    • white spots on the nails;
    • delamination and fragility of the nail plates;
    • blue in the nasolabial triangle;
    • loss and dull hair color.

In addition, a person can independently determine such a state in the following ways:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • apathy and weakness;
  • headache;
  • frequent thirst;
  • pain and weakness in muscles, increasing during physical exertion.

what to eat to raise hemoglobin
How to raise hemoglobin at home

As mentioned above, you should firsteliminate the cause of the fall in hemoglobin levels. If this is done, you can safely proceed to its normalization. A very simple and effective way is exercise, namely running. In this case, jogging should be carried out in the coniferous forest. Clean air will return you to good physical form, and hemoglobin will increase after a week. Gradually, the load can be increased.

As a rule, the first impulse of a person isgoing to the pharmacy to buy drugs. In this case, it will be superfluous (if the level is not critical). Start by adjusting your diet. What to eat to raise hemoglobin, you will explain to any doctor. Be sure to every day in the body should receive proteins of animal origin. This may be liver, meat. From vegetable proteins give preference to greens, champignons. A large amount of iron you get, using oatmeal and buckwheat. Among the fruits, apples and pomegranates will be the most beneficial for you. Black bread is better to choose from coarse flour. Remember that coffee and strong tea will not benefit. Try to abandon them for a while.

how can hemoglobin be raised to a child
How can hemoglobin be raised to a child?

Very often children have no appetite, and porridge withwith a piece of meat they simply refuse to eat. This only worsens the situation. In this case, come to the aid of foods rich in vitamin C: lemon, strawberries, pickles, sauerkraut. They will not only increase hemoglobin, but also return your child's appetite. A very simple and effective remedy is natural pomegranate juice. If you are still thinking about how to raise hemoglobin at home for yourself or a child, try using it. Every day you need to drink at least one liter of juice.