A drywall guide is a profile for securely fixing sheets.
Widely manufactured by industry profile forceiling fastener (PP) is effective in installation work on the installation of a suspended ceiling of various shapes and designs. To do this, the guide for drywall is installed according to the size and shape of the room (room) at the required level.
Потолочные крепежные профили иногда применяются for the formation of the outlines of the framework of the ceiling suspended structures, as well as effective for facing works. The profile shelves have 3 special grooves for centering the fastening screw and imparting additional rigidity and stability to the whole structure. Product dimensions: a - 60 mm, b - 27 mm.
PP - mounting profile to the ceiling (base) -produced using two types of suspensions: straight or with clamp. The latter are a rectangular plate with special shelves bent inward, which serve as a stop.
Прямой подвес крепится непосредственно к профилю exclusively with screws and without the aid of structural elements. A wide part of fasteners (60 mm) is used as a guide for drywall. Special connectors, which are included in the kit of suspended equipment, make it possible to install the base of the suspended ceiling in a short time and without extra effort and energy.
Like the ceiling, the wall profile also hasC-shaped, effective for installing vertical profiles, jumpers between them. It is an important element of the frame, indispensable when installing sheets on walls and is used as a guide for drywall. Profile fastening is carried out on the floor or ceiling with dowels and threaded screws. Installation is carried out together with a proportional PS-profile.
There is also an angular profile (PU) installed directly on top of the sheet. It serves to protect against damage and to align the corners.
You can long describe all the usability,which provides a profile guide for drywall. Its price is fully justified by those costs of strength and energy that cannot be avoided when mounting sheets without the use of such products. Cost depends on a scope and manufacturer. It can vary from 60 rubles / pcs. up to 270 rubles / pcs.