/ / Homemade Kalanchoe flowering: how to care for the plant to bloom?

Homemade Kalanchoe flowering: how to care for the plant to bloom?

Many people know that in almost every home onwindowsill is present kalanchoe. This plant is used not only for decorative purposes, but also in medicinal. Caring for this flower is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, and then a flowering kalanchoe will delight its owners with bright small flowers. The only drawback is the short flowering period. So, how to properly care for this bright and delicate flower?

Features of the plant

Homeland blooming Kalanchoe is an islandMadagascar. But it is easy to meet throughout Asia. This flower grows well both in ideal greenhouse conditions, and on window sills of high-rise buildings.

care kalanchoe

On the territory of Russia, this plant was brought because of its medicinal properties. For a long time, many forms of Kalanchoe have been derived, most of which can be found on the windowsills.

Kalanchoe belongs to the family of crass jersey.

The plant has rather thick leaves andstalk, in which moisture is accumulated for vital activity. Therefore, it can do without watering for a long time. The evaporation process is slow due to a thin film that covers the entire surface of the flowering Kalanchoe. Caring for this plant should take into account all the above factors.

Care of the plant

Flowering Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant that is easy to care for. But there are basic principles for the care of this succulent:

  • necessary lighting;
  • suitable temperature conditions;
  • regular watering;
  • transfer;
  • correct and sufficient dressing;
  • protection from pests and diseases.


Home blooming Kalanchoe not toodemanding watering. The plant does not impose any serious requirements for watering, even prefers a small drought. In summer, the plant must be watered more often. But in winter the number of irrigations is reduced to 2 times a month.

When watering it is necessary to pay attention to soil moisture. Indeed, the stagnation of moisture can cause the development of processes of decay, which can harm the plant.

how to make kalanchoe blossom

Planted Kalanchoe flowering must be in a pot with drainage. It will allow you to adjust the level of soil moisture.

The plant needs watering not only from above, but also in the pan.


Many women consider the symbol of tenderness of Kalanchoe.flowering. How to care for this plant? Unlike other indoor ornamental plants, the flower is very fond of direct sunlight. In winter, he is in a period of rest. For this reason, it is often carried until spring on window sills, devoid of sunlight.

Many novice growers do not know why notBlossoms blooming Kalanchoe. In fact, in order for the flowering period to come, the plant shortens the length of daylight. In the wild, this period begins in winter, and therefore in our area this succulent blooms in the cold season.

Many do not know how to make Kalanchoe blossomother time of year. It is quite simple. It is necessary simply to reduce the daylight hours to 10 hours. For this, it is enough to put on a tight bag on a flower pot. You can carry the plant at a certain time in the closet, and every morning get it from there.

Temperature conditions

Proper care of the plant should alsobased on maintaining a certain temperature. In the summer and winter, it is different. In the hot season, the air temperature in the room should be in the range from +18 to +28 0C. In winter, Kalanchoe needs coolness, so the temperature will be ideal from +10 to +16. 0FROM.

The flowering Kalanchoe perfectly tolerates coolness, so it grows well on a warmed balcony or loggia.

Features of transplantation

Decorative Kalanchoe needs regulartransplanting After all, its root system is growing rapidly. The ideal time for transplantation is April-May. This is a period of active plant growth. At this time, the duration of daylight hours should be about 12 hours. Therefore, if necessary, use additional lighting devices.

flowering kalanchoe

Pay special attention to the choice of the pot.It should be much wider than the previous one. The composition of the soil should be identical to the former. From the capacity of the plant must be carefully get. Ensure that the earth com is not damaged.

The quality of the soil for the blooming clanhэe is almost irrelevant. This flower grows well in both loose and dense earth. Often the soil is mixed with a small amount of sand.

Experienced growers recommend cookingsoil mixture of coarse sand, leaf humus, sod land, taken in equal proportions. It is also possible to take half of a part of a brick crumb or charcoal.

Before planting, the soil must be disinfected using potassium permanganate solution.

Features of top dressing

Each grower wants to achieve a lush and beautiful flowering. To Kalanchoe pleased you with bright flowers, you must timely feed the plant.

Fertilize the flower should be monthly. It is recommended to use fertilizers intended for succulents. But ordinary, complex supplements have a positive effect on abundant flowering.

Feed the flower should be carefully, becauseexcess of micronutrients promotes abundant growth of stems and leaves. In this case, all the forces of the plant are spent on growth, and the flowering period may never come. Experienced growers recommend making only half of the rate indicated on the package.

buds of flowering kalanchoe

Disease protection

Like any other plant, Kalanchoe canbe adversely affected by various diseases and pests. This rarely happens, but every florist must know not only preventive measures, but also ways to fight. Sometimes the leaves of the plant may be covered with gray, white or brown spots. This is the first sign that the plant does not receive the necessary care. Such stains may occur due to the increased soil moisture, an excessive amount of fertilizing. In this case, you need to adjust the mode of irrigation and stop using fertilizers with a further transplant of a flower into a new soil.

Kalanchoe can suffer from aphids.Such a negative effect causes yellowing of the leaves and their fall. The treatment consists in pruning the affected areas. They are treated with cool soapy water or special preparations from these insects.

Reproduction of a plant

As soon as this tender flower appears in the house,Immediately you want to give the same beauty to your loved ones. To do this, acquire a new copy is not necessary, it is enough to know the features of plant reproduction. You can cultivate your own Kalanchoe in several ways:

  • rooting cuttings;
  • seed multiplication;
  • method of separation of a large bush;
  • planting a separate sheet.
gentle Kalanchoe

Rooting cuttings - the most simple and effectivebreeding method of the plant. In a small process, the roots are formed fairly quickly, so this cutting can quickly take root in a new pot. A month after such a planting bush becomes more lush.

Seed propagation can also be carried outand at home. The seed of this plant is quite small, which makes it difficult to plant. They are laid on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing down. It is strongly not recommended to sprinkle with earth. After making a greenhouse, covering the container with glass or film. The pot is put in a sunny place, regularly aerate and moisten the soil with a spray gun.

Most often a large bush is shared in the event thatwhen it needs to be refreshed. But such a plant for a long time to adapt and recover. Therefore, there is a high probability that the bush does not take root.

You can pinch off a maternal plantOnly process, but also a leaf. This method is also effective, because the roots also quickly appear. The only drawback - the plant reaches the desired size only a year after such a planting.


Many home plants need pruning.Should I perform this procedure during flowering? Florists do not recommend making any manipulations during this period. The only indication is that the plant is affected by disease or pests. In this case, remove all affected areas.

bright blossoms of flowering kalanchoe

The flowering period is reflected in the general condition of the plant. It weakens. Therefore, for the normal growth of Kalanchoe, he needs to arrange periods of rest. To do this, you must perform the following activities:

  • all flower stalks are pruned;
  • flower rearranged in a cool dark place;
  • watering is stopped for 1.5 months.

Having provided the normal period of rest to a plant, it is returned to the usual place. The soil is necessarily fed.

Pinching plants

Some plants need pinching.Often, beginning growers are interested in why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home. After all, on this plant often do not appear flower stalks. This problem may be the thinning of the shoots. The reason for this is the poor flow of minerals. As a result, shoots may dry out. Pinching Kalanchoe allows you to get rid of these problems.

The procedure is simple. All weak shoots need to gently nip off, so as not to injure the plant. Otherwise, the wound must be sprinkled with ash or charcoal.

If Kalanchoe does not bloom?

Experienced flower growers who love to grow succulents, know the secrets of the annual flowering of flowering Kalanchoe. How to make this plant bloom?

So, immediately after flowering, the stem must be cut under the stump. The pot is cleaned for 1.5 months in a cool and dark place. It is desirable that the temperature in the room does not exceed +15 0FROM.

gentle Kalanchoe - a nice gift

После растение выставляют на свет и проводят usual top dressings and waterings. Over the summer, Kalanchoe will be able to increase the green mass. Remember that you need to periodically pinch the leaves to plant the bush. This procedure is carried out until November.

The next stage is high-quality plant lighting.within 8 hours. The rest of the time should be dark. After a month on the plant you can see the first buds. Now you need to put the Kalanchoe on the windowsill, the room temperature should be within +18 0C. Such conditions will allow you to enjoy bright, gentle and lush flowering throughout the winter.