/ / Yuka (flower): how to care for him at home

Yuka (flower): how to care for him at home

Among green pupils who masterwindow sills of flower growers-amateurs, there are certainly plants resembling a palm tree. Such is the yuka (flower). How to care for him, we will consider in more detail. His homeland is North America. In height, an adult, evergreen tree plant can reach four meters. His leaves are very beautiful, similar in shape to a sword. Their color is emerald, the shade varies depending on the lighting. The flowers look like white bells. Inflorescences large, their size can reach 200 centimeters.

yuka flower garden reproduction

You want you to have a good Yuka(flower)? How to care for her, tell the experienced flower growers, publications on the pages of specialized magazines. The plant loves heat and light. Therefore, in the room where the "palm" is located, the temperature should be maintained at + 20-25 ° C, and in winter - ten degrees above zero. Avoid drafts. The plant is very sensitive to them and can die because of a decrease in pressure. One should not allow direct rays of the sun to fall on the flower, so the pot with the plant should be placed in such a way that from it to the window there was a distance of one and a half to two meters.

yuka flower how to care photo

Only after many years, when it becomesadults, appears on the plant yuk flower. How to care for him during this period? First of all, a large room "palm" requires periodic transplantation and ensure good drainage. This is done in order to update the soil once every two to three years, and to protect the plant from decay.

A guest from the tropics loves moisture.In winter, more frequent watering (twice a day) is required, since the air in the apartment during this period becomes dry. In summer, water should be abundant, but rarely, and only if the top layer of the soil dries up. To prevent the plant from perishing, it is necessary to avoid overmoistening of the land. This can damage its roots and stem, rot appears. Start watering better with spraying to determine the desired level of humidity.

yuka flower how to care

Like any other plant, it suffers from diseaseyuka flower. How to care for him in this case and what needs to be done to protect the green pet? First of all, it is worth watching the state of its leaves. So, if their tips turn brown, it signals that the air is too dry. If they darken and curl, it means that the room has a low temperature. When light dry spots appear on the foliage, measures must be taken: move the plant away from direct sunlight. But at the same time, if the lower leaves of the plant turn yellow and die, do not worry. This is a natural process for a growing flower.

We can assume that yuka is a garden flower,Reproduction is possible by apical cuttings, seeds. For the same purpose, segments of its trunk are suitable. In Russia, in the south, two plant species and hybrid varieties are bred.

Feeding is carried out from April to September with a periodicity of once in 2-4 weeks. The best option is to spray the lower sides of the leaves of the "palm" with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

Now you know what you need to do in order to successfully grow a flower-yuka, how to care. The photo demonstrates clearly that this plant can decorate a spacious living room.