/ / Plastic septic do it yourself. Comparison of septic tanks of concrete and plastic

A septic tank made of plastic by oneself. Comparison of septic tanks made of concrete and plastic

If you need to equip a sewage treatment systemstructures on the site, you can use for this a septic tank, which is composed of plastic containers. This option is most suitable for the case when the volume of wastewater is not so great. For work, you can use the old barrels, but you need to make sure that they do not have leaks. A plastic septic tank is considered to be the most preferable compared to a metal one. This is due to the fact that the latter option quickly fails, the material is destroyed, making the system unusable. It should be noted that such a cleaning system can only be used for a small amount of wastewater. It, as a rule, is used for country houses, and also baths.

Features of the work

plastic septic tank

Септики из пластика предполагают необходимость availability of tanks, the volume of which varies from 200 to 250 liters. If you want to save money, then you can use the barrels that were previously used for certain purposes. Making such work yourself is quite simple. You do not have to attract specialists and rent construction equipment. The disadvantage in this case is the limited amount of cameras. It is important to take into account the norms that indicate that the septic tank must accommodate such a volume of wastewater that forms in the house for three days.

Select a location

plastic septic tank

If you decide to mount a plastic septic tank, thenwill need to initially select a place. It is necessary to take into account the requirement that the system should be as far as possible from the well or well, from which drinking water is extracted. Among other things, the cleaning system must be removed from the basement of a residential building 5 meters away. From other structures by type of garages, it should be removed by 1 meter.

Installation diagram

repair of plastic septic tanks

If the country area whereThe described system is installed, it will be used by three guests, it is permissible to prefer the following scheme. It involves the installation of barrels that are mounted in series. The number of tanks is limited to three, the latter must be devoid of bottom, this is necessary in order to provide the well with filtration capabilities. When mounting a septic tank made of plastic, you must place the barrels at different levels relative to each other. Thus, each container should be 10 cm lower than the previous one.

Соединить отсеки между собой нужно переливными pipes. The pipe that will enter the system should be located 10 cm above the pipe that goes out of the system. Under the first two tanks, which are used as settling tanks, you should equip the sand base, it should have a thickness equal to 10 cm. Under the last barrel, which is devoid of bottom, you need to make a rubble cushion with a thickness of 30 cm. Next, sand is placed 50 centimeters. . This layer is intended for the final purification of water, which will then enter the soil. If underground waters are located on the territory, and there is no possibility to install a filter well, then it is necessary to equip filtration fields.

Preparation of materials

plastic septic do it yourself

If you decide to build a plastic septic tank, thenneed to prepare barrels. Their number will depend on whether you plan to add a filtration well to the system. If such an element is in the system, the barrels should be, as already mentioned, 3. Otherwise, you only need to stock up on two barrels. The last of the three should be devoid of bottom. It will take fine-grained crushed stone, the dimensions of the individual elements of which can vary from 1.8 to 3.5 cm. Purchase geotextiles, as well as pipes and connecting corners. As for the penultimate component, it is important to buy sewer pipes, the diameter of which is 110 millimeters. It will also take drainage pipes that are used for construction and filtration.

Septic installation

ready plastic septic tanks

When a septic tank is made of plastic, you needwill prepare the barrels. For this, a hole is made in the first of them, which is necessary for connecting the outgoing and outgoing pipes. In the first container it is necessary to make a hole for the incoming pipe, departing 20 cm from the top cover. The outlet should be located on the opposite side, it should be shifted relative to the first 10 cm down. If you decide to install a plastic septic tank with your own hands, then in the first container it is necessary to make a hole for the ventilation riser. The lid of the first barrel should have a removable design. This is due to the fact that it is in this compartment that the largest amount of solid waste will accumulate, which will periodically need to be removed.

Features of the work

plastic septic tank

You can buy ready-made plastic septic tanks,however, it would be much cheaper to find used barrels and install them. The second tank also needs to be prepared, for this it is necessary to make holes for the incoming pipe in it, positioning it 20 centimeters from the top cover. The outlet pipe will be located on the opposite side, it should be 10 cm above the opening of one pipe. If it is planned to connect drainage pipes to the tank, which go to the filtration fields, then it is preferable to make two holes in it, which will become located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to each other.

Professional Council

comparison of concrete and plastic septic tanks

After you find the septic tankplastic, you will need to purchase a waterproofing compound. He will need in the process of connecting pipes to tanks. Silicone for this use is not worth it.


It is important to prepare the tank before starting the installation.pits. They should be somewhat larger in size than the barrels themselves. The distance between the walls of the pit and the septic tank should be equal to 25 centimeters around the perimeter. The bottom of the pit is well compacted, after that the sand is laid, the layer thickness should be equal to 10 cm. If possible, it is recommended to fill the bottom of the pit with concrete solution. In the mixture are installed embedded steel elements that have loops, with the help of this addition it will be possible to fix the barrels.

What else you need to know the master

If the cleaning system is installed soConsidering that the septic tank will work constantly, it is necessary to fix the containers on the concrete slab with the help of retaining straps. If we ignore this recommendation, then during the flood period, the drums can be pushed out, which will cause the destruction of the sewage system.

Carrying out the installation of a septic tank

The next step is to install barrels,pipes are connected. Next, backfilling is carried out, while using sand and dry cement powder, these ingredients are pre-mixed with each other. This manipulation will protect the system from damage during seasonal movements of the soil. It is necessary to carry out backfilling very carefully, at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the joints are not damaged. Otherwise, it will be necessary to repair the septic tanks made of plastic, which sometimes requires the replacement of barrels.

After 30 cm is filled, the mixturemust be well sealed around the perimeter. After falling asleep the next layer. In parallel with this, the containers are filled with water. This will eliminate the deformation processes of plastic.

Filtration well

Capacity is used for the filtration wellwhich was previously devoid of bottom. An additional hole is made at the bottom of the tank. Before installation, sand is poured, the layer thickness should be equal to 50 cm. In the next step, crushed stone is poured, this layer is 30 cm thick. After installing the barrel 1/3 of the height is filled with rubble.

What kind of septic tank to choose

Quite often modern consumersmake comparison of septic tanks from concrete and plastic. It is worth noting that the latter option is considered the most preferred. This is due to several reasons. Among others, it is possible to single out the fact that concrete is not completely hermetic. After installation, the surface of the container of this kind must be further sealed. Among other things, in the process of work will have to use heavy equipment. Work will be more costly financially, and the forces will have to be spent much more, which is very undesirable.