/ / Varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Tomato varieties for greenhouses

Many varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Harvesting varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be listed for a long time. Among them, De Barao red and Hybrid Aivengo F1 stand out.
It is believed that high-yielding varieties give more than 10 kg of fruit from the bush. For
grade De Barao is the norm is 25-35 kilograms,and a record harvest of 70 kg. Even in open ground conditions De Barao red variety, with suitable conditions and good care, gives 9-10 kilograms per bush. The fruits of this variety are medium-sized, have a mass of 120-150 g, flattened shape. Tomatoes of De Barao variety are very tasty both fresh and canned.

Many varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are undemandingcare, but this does not apply to De Barao. He is very demanding of surrounding conditions and grows poorly on loamy and clay soils. There are early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, similar to De Barao and not inferior to it for yield and other characteristics, but with a slightly different color. These varieties are called De Barao yellow, pink and black, which is also called "Black cream".

One of the early maturing hybrids is the varietySemko-Sinbad F1. Fruiting in this variety begins on 90-92 days after emergence. In the inflorescence, 7-8 fetuses are laid, which have a bright red color and a mass of up to 95 g. The yield is about 9-11 kilograms per square meter. Not inferior to him for early ripeness is the variety Hurricane, in which the fruiting begins on the 84-89 day from the emergence of shoots.

Some varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses may surpriseeven an experienced gardener. One of them is Hybrid Aivengo F1, which is an absolutely new salad variety. When the fruits begin to ripen, it seems that the fruit on the bush is not less than the bunch of grapes. All the fruits - as a selection, do not fade even on the very top brushes. The fruits of the Ivanhoe Hybrids are very bright, have a rounded shape, slightly flattened with barely noticeable furrows. Hybrid Aivengo is very productive, other varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses yield the same yield only with the use of growth stimulants. Ovaries are formed very well without the use of additional measures. By taste, the tomatoes of the Ivanhoe Hybrid are significantly better than their greenhouse counterparts. The shrub of this variety is quite large, has thick thick stems. In addition to very high yields, the Ivanhoe Hybrid has one more advantage - it practically does not suffer from anything. The variety is resistant to most fungal diseases, nematode, verticile and tomato mosaic virus. Special popularity of the Hybrid Aivengo is enjoyed by fans of organic farming, as it allows to obtain an excellent crop without the use of harmful chemicals. There are practically no flaws in the variety, except that the seeds are not cheap. Tomatoes are difficult to marinate in ordinary banks, because they are very large, and do not fit into the jar. Hybrid Ivanhoe is ideal for salads.

A suitable variety for greenhouses is the Alhambra withfruits of medium and large size. Excellent yields are combined with the fact that the brushes are not refracted. The taste qualities of fruits are beyond praise. The variety is fruit-bearing in greenhouses from April to January, forming whips with a length of 9-10 meters.

Experienced gardener advised to try severalvarieties of tomatoes, because for each soil and geographic area suited to their varieties. For example, the same variety of tomatoes will behave differently in the Voronezh and Saratov regions. It is preferable to buy large packages of a certain variety and first try to plant 40-50 seeds. If the result suits, sow the next year all the remaining seeds.