/ / Refrigerator for beer: technical specifications

Refrigerator for beer: technical specifications

Пивные напитки относятся к требовательным, с point of view of content, drinks. Finding a bottle under direct sunlight for several minutes or heating its contents spoils the taste of the product, which is not restored even after cooling. Therefore, the conditions of the content of this drink should be thought through in advance. The best solution to this problem is a beer refrigerator, which can be used both at home and outdoors. Most models of such equipment have small dimensions and convenient operating system management systems.

beer refrigerator

General information about beer coolers

In essence, this is an ordinary refrigeration unit,a camera for placing the product to be served. The most common design in form resembles a large microwave oven, but, of course, it has the opposite functional support. When choosing a particular cooling system, it is important to consider how much the draft beer is stored in the refrigerator without losing its taste qualities. The longest shelf life is 3-4 months. The specific time interval depends on the features of the model. Especially for draft beer, for example, use so-called kegerators. This equipment not only maintains the optimal temperature regime of the drink, but also has special devices for bottling in the design.

Main characteristics of the equipment

refrigerator for draft beer

It starts with the dimensions of the refrigerators.The segment is quite extensive, so it can be found and mini-devices, and massive cabinets that are suitable only for home use. The standard cooling unit can have the parameters 45x45x50 cm. The weight of such a device varies on average from 20 to 25 kg. Refrigerating cabinets have approximately the same parameters in depth and width, but reach a height of 1.5-2 m. It is obvious that the dimensions of the equipment determine the number of bottles that the refrigerator will contain for a beer in a specific design. Portable models can have special cells for placing cans or bottles - the number reaches an average of 15-20 units. If there is no cellular structure, then the calculation is carried out in liters - the average modification contains about 40-50 liters.

Separately it is necessary to consider individualdevices and cylindrical refrigerators with ice for temporary storage. If you need a refrigerator for beer home with a calculation for one person, then it makes sense to purchase a device in the form of a cup holder. Such models are designed to cool one mug or jar. As for the cylindrical models, they are more often used for parties and feasts.

Cogenerators for draft beer

how much is stored draft beer in the refrigerator

This way of cooling and storing beer cancalled professional, but the dignity of kegerators was highly appreciated by ordinary beer lovers who use them at home. A feature of the beverage content in this case is the use of kegs, which allow the temperature to be maintained in the range of 0-6 ° C. In this case, the owner can count on the preservation of the taste of the product, and on the possibility of keeping unfiltered beverages without preservatives. Such advantages are achieved due to the special filling that the refrigerator for the draft beer has in the form of a kegerator. His work is based on the principle of the interaction of the compressor, heat exchanger and fan. Functional refrigerant is freon refrigerant.

Cooling bags for beer

a refrigerator for beer home

The usual design of the refrigerator, even fromthe category of portable models can not always be taken with you on a trip. In addition to the beer itself, the technical equipment will also give a tangible load, so you can transport such models only with the use of a car. You can alleviate the load with a refrigerator bag. Its standard dimensions are 35x30x40 cm. The average weight is 5-7 kg, which is several times less than the weight of a traditional portable analog. A beer bag can have different configurations of the distribution of the space for keeping cans and bottles. Typically, special compartments for short-term and long-term storage are provided. The weak point of such devices is low productivity, so it is not worthwhile counting on long-term maintenance of the optimum temperature regime.

Homemade beer refrigerator

Usually self-made devices for coolingare made in order to maintain a certain temperature in conditions of removal from the house - for example, when traveling to nature. Also for beer, this is the best option to maintain the necessary storage parameters. The creation of such a structure requires the use of a metal frame with suitable dimensions, foam, scotch and cold accumulators. These elements are assembled into one system, which will be a container that maintains a negative temperature. It is desirable to make a beer refrigerator with your own hands using alkaline cellulose, since it has a high heat capacity. In the food industry this substance is known as carboxymethyl. It is placed in the base of the structure and reliably closed with insulators. Then fixed with a tape of penoplex and covered with a wear-resistant shell of the same insulating materials.


fridge for beer do it yourself

A feature of beer coolers is theirlimited in terms of temperature range. For this reason they can not be called universal cooling equipment. Nevertheless, in organizing picnics, fishing trips and trips to the country, a refrigerator for beer can also be used for perishable products. Even inexpensive and small-sized models are able to maintain an acceptable temperature for most products within a day. More productive refrigeration machines like the mentioned kegerators are completely capable of preserving the consumer qualities of drinks for months.