/ / We install a wooden fence in the country

We install a wooden fence in the country house

At the present moment, many residents of megacities haveat their disposal suburban areas where they can escape from everyday life and everyday fuss. A person, arriving at the dacha, always feels the contrast between the calm and quiet nature and the noisy city - nature relaxes, calms and helps to forget about the problems that have accumulated in daily life.

wooden fence
The cottage is used for recreation as well as forgrowing crops - it is often used to prepare various blanks: pickles, jams, compotes, etc. And how often they make the summer mood feel in the cold winter! In this case, how can you leave your property unattended? How to fence your site from thieves, passers-by, stray animals, as well as other adverse factors? In this case, you need a reliable fence, such as a wooden fence.

He is the embodiment of the traditions of our country,since this material has been used in Russia since ancient times. You can remember the magnificent Suzdal and Novgorod churches, made of wood, in addition, the old Russian buildings, which were built without nails. The wooden fence can be seen in the works of great Russian artists, depicting them in his paintings quite often. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain artificial unnatural impurities, since it is created by nature itself.

No type of fencing is in harmony with the nature of the garden like a real one.

wooden fences
wooden fence. By its artificial appearance it does not stand out against the background of trees and other vegetation, it is perfectly combined with a log house.

Different carvings, ornaments will give himindividuality, thus it will not look like any other fencing. Of course, in its construction should take into account various factors, including weather conditions - a wooden fence can not be put in wet or rainy weather. To preserve its appearance, you need to buy special tools that need to be processed annually. With proper care, he will serve you for more than 10 years.

You can also say that fences to givewooden - the most popular types of fencing, due to the low cost of material, ease of installation and attractive appearance. Even despite the fact that the period of their service is relatively small, many owners of dacha plots prefer them.

wooden picket fence

If you are thinking about whether to install it yourselfor it is worth referring to the masters, it can be noted that the workers involved in their installation for many years, in a short time and with ease will be able to do the work, saving you from correcting mistakes and unnecessary trouble.

A wooden fence is considered the mostshort-lived fence. Basically, its service life reaches 10 years. It depends primarily on the soil and climate. In order to prolong the time of its service, it is necessary to carry out the required minor repairs in a timely manner, as well as from time to time to treat it with antiseptic materials and paint.