Since ancient times, people have given magical plantsproperties, dividing them into those that bring happiness, luck, wealth and prosperity, and those from which only expect trouble, misfortune and discord. So among the indoor plants appeared flowers - "male happiness" and flowers - "muzhegon". It is noteworthy that if “male happiness” is a very specific flower - anthurium, then several types of houseplants are called “muzhegonami” at once. The most common possessors of such ill fame are various types of ivy and creepers. In the conditions of city apartments and private houses, most often they grow maple ivy, or heder, wax ivy, hoya and scandus vine. Of course, the presence of the supernatural ability to survive from the house of men in these plants can be argued, and in many respects everything depends on your belief in this and on the general attitude in the family, but even these indoor flowers themselves are quite interesting specimens.
Hedera is one of the varieties of ivy,among the indoor cultures, there are about 15 species. These indoor flowers, muzhegon perfectly look like ampelous plants in hanging pots, as well as creeping plants, if in a pot to fix any support. Then the shoots of ivy will climb up and securely attached to the support with the help of roots, similar to suckers. And to make it easier for the plant, the support can be sprayed from time to time. Hedery dwarf hybrids are also grown as ground cover. Hybrids with a monochromatic green color of leaves are well tolerated and shade, but varieties with colorful patterns on the leaves need more light. In summer, the heder can be brought to fresh air, for example, to the balcony or put out of the window. For wintering, these muzhegon flowers can be transferred to a cooler room, reducing watering and spraying. The root system of heders, like other creepers, is underdeveloped, so large pots are not required for it. Adult plants are transplanted as needed when it becomes cramped in a container. Hedera propagated by cuttings and layering, easy to take root.
Wax ivy hoya: indoor flower-muzhegon of great beauty
Hoya is more commonly known as a waxbone.Its dense fleshy leaves and flowers exuding an amazing aroma, gathered in umbrella inflorescences, immediately attract attention. Wax ivy is a tender and fragile plant: it needs a strong support, and also does not like to be touched and rearranged once more, especially during the flowering period. These flowers, muzhegon very much like spraying and baths: to stimulate flowering in room conditions, shoots are regularly placed for half an hour in warm water, and earthen room - for two hours.
Liana sincapsus - also a flower-muzhegon.Even beginner growers surely know how it looks, since it is one of the most common lianas grown in homes and offices. A creeper, or, as it is also called for rapid growth, “bloody ivy” is an unpretentious plant. Being a fairly powerful and fast-growing liana, it requires a strong support. The ideal option is a support braided with coconut fiber. Most often grown scandapsus with a motley golden pattern on the leaves. This variety requires a brighter light, whereas hybrids with a single-colored leaf color perfectly tolerate shade.
As you can see, all these plants are prettyattractive and original, but if you really superstitious and fear their negative impact on family happiness, do not rush to throw a flower - better take it to the office or other public place where it will be an excellent decoration of the room.