/ / What is the correct angle of sharpening chainsaw chains?

What is the correct angle to sharpen chainsaw chains?

The chiansaw - the necessary tool for householdneeds, He will find a worthy use in the country. Chainsaws are easy to cut wood for a stove or fireplace. It also shows itself well when felling. Every owner of such an assistant should know the correct angle of sharpening chainsaw chains. Call a specialist at home, and, especially, to the country, it costs a lot of money. So you have to do it yourself.

Chainsaw chain sharpening angle calm

Although it is better to entrust the sharpening to a professional,some lumberjacks themselves have come to know this craft. If logging specialists have to sharpen the chain 3-4 times a day, then an ordinary gardener doesn’t have such a need because he rarely uses the tool. How can you master the craft? There are some recommendations for this.

Features of the chainsaw

Cutting wood is like a work planer.The size of the slice depends on the thickness of the limiter. When the saw chain is working intensively, the teeth become blunt faster. This is clearly manifested when the ground surface appears on the path of the chain. To completely blunt the teeth, it is enough to “cling” to the ground for a couple of seconds.

Если по возможности часто проводить заточку, то the chain will last much longer, because quite a bit of metal will be removed. In addition to the question of what angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain should be, this should also be known!

Working with a blunted tool is not advisable.for several reasons. First of all, this is reflected in the quality of the cut, and not for the better. Fatigue also quickly comes, which is felt not only in the hands, but also in the body.

Another reason is unjustified overruns.fuel. All parts will work in enhanced mode, which inevitably leads to their rapid wear. Productivity seriously decreases, which also happens when using a defective circuit.

Features of the circuit

To effectively be able to sharpen a chain of chainsaws,need to know the structure of its teeth. Do not do without knowledge of the angle of sharpening. Each tooth has a complex structure. Its geometry is represented by the following components:

  • the base;
  • spatula;
  • depth limiter.

In this case, the blade consists of two blades: end and top. And between them there must be a correct angle of sharpening of the chainsaw chain in order to provide it with the necessary performance.

What angle sharpen chain chainsaw

Как можно теперь догадаться - не цепь пилит the tree, since it serves as the basis for fixing the cutting links, moves them at high speed. The links themselves have sharp blades, with the help of which the wood is cut.

How to find out when sharpening is needed?

Определить, сточились ли зубья цепи или нет, can be on some characteristic signs. Of course, it all depends on how intensively the chainsaw is used. It is worth looking at what kind of chips it leaves. Its uniformity and square shapes indicate sharp teeth. If the chain is off, then it usually leaves wood dust behind it, and the sawdust itself resembles needles, which the hand saw is “produced” by.

If the cutting speed is reduced, then this tooconsidered a sign of dull chain. You feel an increase in the load on the tool itself and the appearance of vibration. Beginners do not always notice some of these signs. Therefore, they should pay more attention to the quality of chips. Sometimes it is brown, which is guaranteed to indicate that it is time to sharpen the chain.

Ways to sharpen

Чтобы заточить инструмент, можно обратиться к services of craftsmen who not only know what the angle of sharpening chainsaw chains is necessary, but also do all the work quickly and on a professional level. As a rule, the cost of such services is not so high, but the quality, on the contrary, is very high! This option is suitable for those lovers of logging, who have no desire to mess with their tool.

Chainsaw sharpening angle on the machine

Everyone else will be interested to try theirforces in such a matter. Professionals in this regard always choose automatic equipment that is characterized by maximum efficiency and accuracy. Of course, not every logger can afford his purchase, and therefore they manage in different ways. And here, among many fans, there are discussions on which method is better to prefer:

  • manual;
  • alternative;
  • modern.

Do not neglect the signs of blunting, but as soon as you need to start the operation of sharpening the chainsaw chain. This will allow to use it as long as possible.

Correct sharpening angle

Chainsaw sharpening angle is notconstant value, independent of the manufacturer or model of the equipment. It is selected taking into account exactly which tree to deal with. You can choose some kind of averaged value, however, the cutting efficiency may be ineffective. For this reason, it is necessary to choose the correct value, taking into account the specific wood species.

When it comes to hardwood, including thosetrees that have long been “frozen”, it has a high resistivity. In this regard, the angle should be reduced. This will virtually avoid the appearance of vibrations, and the course of the chain will be softer. The minimum value is 25 °.

Chainsaw sharpening angle for longitudinal sawing

In respect of soft wood varieties can be increasedsharpening angle, but not more than 35 °. Productivity at the same time significantly increase. As for the angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain for longitudinal sawing, the value is 10 °. In this case, the cut will be as smooth as possible, and the vibration of the equipment will be minimized. Knowing such features, you can proceed to the consideration of different methods of sharpening.

Manual method

This is the simplest and slowest method forsharpening the teeth of the chain. Nevertheless, the method is good when sharpening is done on a place in the forest. Do not carry all the time with a whole machine? But here it is worth being more precise - it means not one tool, but a whole set, which includes:

  • flat file;
  • round file;
  • template.

Each of them performs their duties. The main purpose of the flat tool is to sharpen the depth gauge.

The round file already performs the main operation, makes the cutting edges sharper. At the same time for each chain requires a specific tool diameter:

  • step ¼ inch - 4 mm;
  • pitch 0.325 - 4.8 mm;
  • 3/8 inch pitch - 5.2 mm;
  • step 0.404 - 5.5 mm.

For Picco chains, which are equipped with chainsaws"Calm" 180 in steps of 3/8 and a quarter of an inch, also a file with a diameter of 4 mm. It is important to keep it right. Regarding the vertical plane, the file should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the chain, and in relation to the horizontal one - at a small angle (about 30 °). The specific angle of sharpening is selected depending on the needs, but in the range of 25-35 °.

Unlike sharpening a chainsaw chain on a machine,The angle here can be set using a pattern that is considered a helpful helper. To do this, it is equipped with two slots: SOFT / S (for soft wood) and HARD / H (for hard rock). The template should be fixed above the chain, which gives it the privileges of the limiter.

What is the angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain on the machine?

Just keep in mind that this method does notdesigned for permanent use, and serves only as an edit blades. Too frequent use of a file over time leads to chain wear, and the teeth themselves will be unevenly sharpened.

Bulgarian is a good alternative

Professional loggers consider such a methodprimitive and laborious. It is used as a last resort, since the grinder cannot be fixed on the template. For this reason, it is very difficult to achieve control over compliance with a constant angle and depth of sharpening.

The tire is securely fixed in a vice in order to exclude its mobility during operation. You should not mount a new cutting disc on the grinder; it is better to use the old circle 1.5-2 mm thick.

Beginners better not to use this method at all - they will be more whole. There is a risk of serious injury. In addition, there can not do without the skills to work with such equipment.

Modern method

Almost every nonprofessional caresThe question is, what is the angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain on the machine? Constantly using the file will not work, the grinder is difficult to use, but for beginners this procedure is completely dangerous. There is nothing you can do, you have to use machines that can be both mechanical and electric.

With the manual machine, you have to work a whole “eternity”, and from the use of the electric analog you get pleasure. Today, there are a variety of models to choose from that provide

  • correct sharpening angle;
  • high level of work quality;
  • high speed sharpening.

It is also worth noting that sharpening is doneevenly across all links. All that is needed is to turn on the equipment in the network, set the required angle, enjoy the spectacle or do other things. The cost of such machines varies from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. But the most important thing - to determine the angle of sharpening of the chain of chainsaws "Shtil" on the machine is not difficult.

Chainsaw sharpening angle

Хоть с ручным оборудованием возиться долго – the process is very long, but it costs much less. In appearance, the machine resembles an archery saw, but instead of a blade - a file of a round shape. The basis also takes the smallest tooth. At the same time, two or three movements are enough for sharpening, after which you can proceed to the next link. If necessary, process the limiter - the file changes (the round is replaced by a flat one).

Sharpening rules

Однотипные участки каждого звена должны be uniformly treated. Otherwise, if there is an excessive sample of metal in any one area, then ultimately this leads to imbalance, uneven running and jerks during the operation of the chainsaw. The load on the mechanism increases significantly, which in turn threatens to break the chain.

Therefore, carry out the operation at the required anglesharpening the chainsaw chain calm 180 (as well as any other tool) should be with extreme caution, avoiding excessive force. The procedure itself is performed sequentially, that is, you need to start on one side, then finish on the other.

В некоторых случаях можно наблюдать, что какая-то one cutting edge (or several) was sharpened stronger. This happens when the chain in its path hit a knot that occurs when cutting solid wood. Then it is necessary to determine which of the teeth has flowed the most and to equate all the other links.

After sharpening is completed,blow air through the circuit from the compressor or pump, and then place it in a container with engine oil for a short time. Usually few people do that, but it will be useful for the chain.

Useful recommendations

Some helpful tips will help keepequipment in working condition, as well as eliminate the risk of injury. Of course, to know the correct sharpening angle chain chainsaw "Shtil" is necessary. But timely care of the tire is also important:

  1. It is necessary to control the chain tension. In particular, if during operation the chainsaw leans to the side. Bad tension can pose a threat to a person.
  2. In due time to carry out the sharpening, not postponing everything on the back burner. Let it be expensive, but it is better to give preference to electrical equipment.
  3. Regularly lubricate the whole chain, otherwise it can fly off (its speed is about 100 km / h). Conclusions everyone will make himself.
  4. Do not use used automotive oil or any product of dubious quality. It is worth choosing only specialized lubricants. As the best means - autol.

Before you start working chainsaw chainshould break in. Let her work at minimum speed for 40-50 seconds. The lubricant will reach every detail, and the chains with an asterisk will heat up a bit, rub it together.

The correct angle of sharpening the chainsaw chain

All these expert tips should not be ignored if you want to remain safe and sound!


Угол заточки цепей бензопил выбирается исходя из what tree to cut. If you have free time and desire, it is not difficult to restore the equipment operability. Even an amateur who has worked as a file at least once in his life can cope with the work. Of course, for this you have to spend from 30 to 700 rubles to purchase a grinding set. The approximate cost of services for sharpening the chain in any company is 200-300 rubles. The final choice for the logger.