In any hairdressing business are important correctlyhand-picked scissors for a hairstyle. In general, there are a lot of such scissors - they are selected and under the angle of the haircut, and for different types of hair, even the look of the hair does matter. You will be able to make sure that there are many varieties of such devices, going to the nearest hairdresser or a specialized store. How to choose the right and high quality scissors for haircuts themselves hairdressers?
Before paying attention to the details,professionals do a general examination of scissors. Professional and quality scissors for a hairstyle should be perfectly even, without any extra curly cutouts and similar "decorations". Scissors should ideally lie on the wrist and be comfortable with any turn of the hand, but if any discomfort is felt, it is better to put this "gun" back on the counter, as the hairdresser during the procedure can simply reduce his hand in an unsuccessful swing.
The second point on whicha professional buyer, is the material from which the scissors are made. Ideally, if the composition will include high-quality steel with a mark of 58 to 62 units Rockwell. If this figure is greater, then such scissors can be fragile and they will not work so conveniently. The material covering the handles can be anything: metal, plastic, and rubber - it will already depend on you and the structure of your brush.
Another important parameter, according to whichthe scissors for cutting hair are selected, is, as already mentioned, the type of hair and the angle of the blade. Here you can already guess that the more the angle of inclination, the sharper they will cut the scissors and the less laborious work will have to be done by the hairdresser. And vice versa, the smoother the angle of sharpening, the brutal the hair will look. Such scissors for a hairstyle ideally will approach for a hairstyle of men in classical style.
These parameters are key for conventional scissors, but what if the choice falls on the scissors for filing?
Knowing that filing is the trimming of the tips of hair, bringing them in order and flattening their shape, we can say that the main thing to do when choosing is the kind and material of the denticles of such scissors.
The teeth are made of the same material asand the scissors themselves are made of steel, but their location, frequency and thickness depend on how professional you are a hairdresser, what skills you have and how the master's lessons taught you. Just note that the thicker the teeth, the more hair they will grab. The teeth can be arranged in two rows (this takes time to get used to), and in one - from above or below, the choice depends on your preferences and skills.
That's all, it remains to sum up:choose scissors for a hairstyle from high-quality materials, do not skimp at thus, and the client will not be stingy at payment of your work. Choose each instrument for a separate hairstyle, if you do not have great professional skills, and when choosing scissors with denticles, rely on how you will be comfortable, and in what order you usually cut the strands.