/ / How to teach a dog team "Ko me!"? The general course of training (OKD) for dogs

How to teach a dog team "Ko me!"? The general course of training (OKD) for dogs

Хорошо воспитанная и послушная собака - это joy for the owner. Accurate execution of teams is the result of long training and training. Pet obedience begins to learn from an early puppy age. The article will tell you how to teach a dog to the team “Ko me!” And much more.

how to teach a dog team to me

Common Major Commands

The general course of dog training (OCD) for dogs containsyourself learning your pet all the necessary skills. Animal obedience training begins when the puppy has learned to walk and eat independently. How to teach a dog to the team “Ko me!” And much more can be found in this article.

Puppies, like all children, are very mobile and curious. They love to play and receive sudden rewards and treats. This is exactly what experienced dog handlers and trainers use.

Training should not tire and alarma puppy. Training is conducted in the form of a fun pet game, which is called nothing more than dog training. Its methods are different, and the result is a bred animal, which does not cause problems to the owner either for a walk or in living conditions.

If the puppy owner wants to educate himselfyour pet, he must be patient and cookies. When it comes time to train the animal, the treat should always be with you in your pocket or in a special purse. The treat should not be in the form of everyday food, because in this case the puppy will not perceive it as encouragement and will lose interest in dog training. As a reward for obedience, they use crackers, cookies, a piece of sausage, in general, everything that the dog loves, but rarely receives.

Basic skills

The first lesson learned in the life of a puppy shouldbecome the team "Ko me!". On a walk, when the puppy begins to play and run away from the host, you need to attract his attention, sit down and shout in a clear, positive voice: “To me!” At the same time, the phrase should sound in an orderly, but at the same time friendly tone. The puppy is likely to be surprised to see the owner in an unusual perspective, and run up to see what he does there. And the owner, squatting, will stretch the treat. When the puppy runs up, be sure to stroke and praise him.

To train an animal, you can ride with him to specialized dog training courses. But it's nicer to do it yourself.

The next time the puppy runs away again, you can repeat all previous actions. And just do not forget to treat and praise the dog.

 how to teach a dog team to me

If your puppy has played so much that he does not wantexecute the command and go to the owner, you can run. But not for a pet, but from him. Seeing the owner, fleeing to the side, the puppy will naturally run after him.

Есть способ, как научить собаку команде «Ко мне!»Also with a gesture, for example, by patting oneself with the palm of the leg. In the future, a trained pet will begin to understand its owner by gestures, and sometimes by its look.

Try not to tire the animal with standing commands and orders. The game of training should be invisible to the puppy. Ten repeated times are enough for one day of team training.

dog training methods

How to teach a dog to the team “Ko me!" in room? Training in the building does not require any special skills, it is conducted on the same principle as on a walk. Only incentives for order fulfillment are subject to change. For example, the dog will hear the command and, running to the owner, will see his favorite toy, which he will receive as a reward. Then the pet will understand that the training is accompanied only by positive emotions and in the future will execute the command without special tasty encouragement.

It is important:until the dog finally acquires one skill, it is undesirable to switch to the training of another team, because the puppy may start to get confused in the orders and not at all perform those that will sound.

Team "Near!"

The skill is absorbed when the puppy goes with the owner onleash As a rule, young pets are full of strength and energy and strongly pull the leash, often dragging the owner along the ground. But raised dogs don't do that. Because they were trained on time to the right team.

It is necessary to take a treat in the left fist, and in the righta hand leash so that it hangs down behind the man and the pet without interfering with their path. Standing facing forward, with his left hand, let the dog see and smell the treat, but do not allow it to eat it. Practically teasing the puppy with a snack, they say: “Near!” This is how a few steps pass. The dog, meanwhile, stomping on his left foot, tries to get a treat from his master's fist, and so, buried in his master's hand, follows. During the movement, it is imperative several times to say: “Near!” After a few steps, give the dog a well-deserved encouragement and do not forget to praise. Repeat the skill daily.

Unusual team

The order "show your teeth!" Seems strange. But he is included in the list of necessary requirements for early dog ​​dogs.

ok for dogs

Дело в том, что послушание собаки должно быть unquestioningly. Even in the process of absorbing food, the animal must be trained by the owner’s order to give up its bowl. The command “Show your teeth!” Is needed for dogs that participate in exhibitions and competitions. A strong dental system and a good bite are part of the required exterior of the estimated.

To master the team need to squator stand sideways to the animal. Take the pet's face in hand. Holding the mouth of the dog with the palms so that it does not open it, with thumbs it is necessary to open the animal’s lips in front, opening the bite completely. Of course, one must also order: “Show your teeth!” After the manipulation, treat a puppy. This team always implies that a person opens his lips to a dog with his own hands, as a pet, due to its physiology, will not be able to grin properly.

Team "Fu!"

This order is one of the most important.He is not specifically taught and not encouraged to treat for the implementation. It sounds like your animal is doing something impermissible. The command "Fu!" Should be pronounced in a very strict voice. In general, all teams for the training of dogs in the learning process need to speak loudly, clearly and in an imperative manner. You can back up the word "Foo!" With a slap folded newspaper (if the pet is very naughty or nibble wires or furniture). Why a newspaper? Because it creates a lot of noise and such an action will not do any harm to the dog, except for a small fright.

teams for dog training


When you have already managed to teach the dog to the teams “To me!” And “Near!”, You can start learning the skill “Sitting!”. To do this, the puppy is called to itself (no matter in the house or on a walk).

ok for dogs

Take a treat in the hand and lift it up above the nosedogs. The pet, looking at the hand, can lay back. In this case, a hand with treats is led along the back of the animal so that it would be inconvenient for him to look at the hand. The dog will sit down. At that moment, when the trained pet begins to perform the necessary movement, it is necessary to say the command "Sit!". When the dog has completed the required action, it receives a treat. Repeat the acquired skill several times a day.

Learning the team "Lie down!"

It is more convenient to first tie the dog to a leashsomething motionless behind it. Then, from the “Sit!” Position, they take a treat, from the nose of the pet, they spend it down and forward, and leave a hand with a delicacy at the bottom, not far from the dog. Thus, the animal must lie down for its convenience. Tying a leash will not allow you to get up and go for a treat, and the dog just lies down. At the time when the animal does, you need to say: "Lie down!"

teams for dog training

Training aportirovke

Team "Aport!»Is being studied so that the dog can bring the abandoned or hidden thing. Far from the pet throws the ball. The dog runs after the item, the owner orders: “Aport!” When an animal grabs the ball, the owner says the command: “To me!” When the dog ran to the owner, you need to say: “Give!” And show the treat in the palm of the hand so that the dog will give the item.

Methods of training are different.You can bring up the animal itself. It is cognitive and interesting to walk with your pet to dog training courses. As a result, the owner receives an obedient, well-mannered, adequate pet, who pleases others with his behavior.