/ / Clicker for dogs: use during training. Owner reviews

Clicker for dogs: use during training. Owner reviews

A clicker for dogs is simple and convenient.device for training and education. The device got its name due to the characteristic sound that it makes when pressed. Adaptation can help correct the unwanted behavior of the animal and teach new commands.

dog clicker

What it is?

Кликер для дрессировки собак используют relatively recently. In Russia, this training method has not yet become widespread, but there is interest in it, and the device can be bought at every major pet store. But at home, in the United States, this method is considered to be extremely effective.

Idea to use a certain sound duringtraining came to trainers dolphins. A whistle was used as a sound signal. This method was adopted by dog ​​handlers. Pioneer clicker training is Karen Pryor.

The clicker is a small box withmetal tongue inside. When you press on the tongue click (click). This is a simple device, it does not emit any rays, does not emit ultrasound and does not beat the dog with current. No negative effects on the animal! Nevertheless, the use of the device is extremely effective!

dog training clicker

What for?

A clicker for dogs will make animal training easier.everything you need. The principle of the device is to promote the desired behavior directly at the time of its commission. Therefore, it is very important to give a signal on time. Then the animal will be clearly aware of what it is praised for.

A clicker for dogs allows you to improve the understanding between the pet and the owner. A click at the moment of the desired action allows the dog to understand exactly what the owner likes.

Another plus method - the dog itself manifestsinitiative, the host's impact is minimized. This allows the dog to better memorize the action. The clicker teaches the dog to understand the owner, to think, to develop the intellect of the animal.

Click-training completely excludes punishment, acts only on positive reward. If the dog does something wrong, then it is not punishment, but ignoring.

do-it-yourself dog clicker

What can you learn

You already know how to use a clicker for dogs. And for what cases will it be needed? What can you teach a dog using the device:

  1. Good manners.
  2. Receptions of agility and obedience.
  3. Standard commands.
  4. Prepare for the exhibition, competition, hunting.

The clicker is even used for service training.dogs It will suit both a very small puppy and an adult animal. How effective is the clicker for dogs? Reviews dog handlers say that the method works and is becoming more widespread.

How to use the device correctly

Как и любым приспособлением, кликером нужно уметь use properly. To achieve good results, you need to carefully study the technique and have a good idea of ​​what exactly needs to be done and at what point.

  1. The sound of a click (click) should be associated with a pleasant one — a delicacy, verbal praise, affection, a walk.
  2. Training must begin with the simplest - encourage that the dog came up, stretched his paw, touched his hand.
  3. Use only one click. If you want to praise the dog more than usual - increase the portion of treats, but not the number of clicks.
  4. Training should be regular. It is better to practice every day for 10 minutes than one hour once a week.
  5. Do not punish the dog for undesirable behavior, make the main focus on the desired. For example, in order to teach to observe silence, we do nothing during barking, but we praise for silence.
  6. Clicker for dogs will help to master a variety of actions. For example, you like it when a dog gets up on its hind legs - click the clicker. He will quickly understand that you like it.

clicker for dogs reviews

What can replace the clicker for dogs?

Лучше все же приобрести устройство промышленного production. Its price is low - from 100 rubles. But if you could not find the device in the stores, you can make a clicker for dogs with your own hands. As a replacement, you can use an automatic ballpoint pen. But then keep in mind that this pen can not be written and clicked just like that. In everyday life, the dog should not hear the sound.

As a clicker, you can usepiezo lighter. It also creates a distinctive click. How to make a clicker for dogs with your own hands? Just take the metal lid from the baby food jar. When you click on the center, it also makes a distinctive sound.

For dogs with poor hearing, the click-training system is also suitable. It is necessary to replace the sound with another signal, for example, with the light of a flashlight.

When to enter a voice command

You don’t have to carry a dog clickerconstantly. After the action is mastered, the dog will perform it without a special sound signal, by voice command. As a promotion, use a treat or affection.

Before entering a voice command, you need toget the action done with a click. And only after that enter voice guidance. First, the animal must understand that it is encouraged to perform the command to "sit." Then comes the understanding that she will receive the reward only if she performs the voice command “sit”.

how to use a clicker for dogs

Types of clickers

The easiest option is a clicker for dogs withplate. The owners say that you need to press on the plate only with your thumb, which is inconvenient in winter, when your hands are in mittens or gloves. But the device makes a loud sound, which is well heard on the street. There are clickers with the ability to adjust the volume, many dog ​​breeders like this feature of the device. The easiest option with a plate costs about 100 rubles.

Button clicker for dogs convenient to press anyfinger, palm. According to pet owners, this is much more convenient. But its sound is somewhat quieter, which makes it difficult to workout on the street. If you prefer to train at home, the push button clicker is best suited. He will not frighten the dog with a loud sound and annoy the household. There are push-button devices with quite a loud sound, but their price is higher - from 270 rubles.

Существует кликер для собак со специальной retractable pointer (Target) - Clik-Stik. This adaptation gives the trainer more options. You can teach the dog to touch the ball with his nose, go into the cage, go near. A clicker with a target is indispensable when preparing for an exhibition; this is noted by many professional dog breeders. The price of such a device is from 700 rubles.