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Do you know how to disinfect a dog?

All dogs bark. This is a natural process.For them, this is the way to talk. But in some cases it can cause certain inconveniences to the owner of the animal. Therefore, you need to know how to disaccustom the dog to bark. To do this, you need only patience and understanding of the problem.

How to disaccustom a dog to bark

In the education of any dog, the key place is occupied bytraining. Some people believe that it is only required for large representatives of the species. But even the dogs of ornamental breeds must be brought up. The basics of training can teach every person. To do this, take a spray with water for a walk. As soon as the dog starts to bark, squirt the water in its muzzle and distinctly say the following: "Quiet!". This can be done at home. It is important at this stage not to allow any force. Soon the dog will learn to stop barking at the command. Do not forget to do this all the time.

How to disaccustom a dog to bark?Show her how to do it on command. This is easy to teach. Take in hand a piece of goodies or a toy, tease the pet. Do this until you forget it, do not forget to say "Voice!". Then you should give him the cherished treat. Once you get a steady reaction, go to the reverse process. Teach the dog to stop. The scheme is exactly the same, only the team now: "Quiet!".

How to disaccustom a dog to bark at home

And if your animal behaves very restlessly,How to disaccustom a dog to bark at home? There are very excitable dogs that react excessively noisily to any action. In this case, you need to have patience. Quietly hold the pet's mouth with your hand and say sternly: "Quiet!". After praise it and give a treat.

How to disaccustom a dog to bark at guests?To do this, you need an assistant. Attach a long leash to the pet collar. When you call the door, let the dog bark a little. After give the command "To me!" and urge yourself to jerk the leash. Then order him to sit. Go open the door. It is important that the dog not only did not bark, but did not jump on the guests.

Puppy dogs are the easiest to train.Therefore it is important to start training from the first months of life. When you take home a four-legged friend, immediately start to instill in him good manners: do not shit anywhere, do not bite furniture and shoes, do not bite, and so on. It is at this age that it is easiest to wean from barking: it is enough to spank the disheveled puppy lightly with a folded newspaper.

Dog puppies
How to disaccustom a dog to bark if it is an adult?There are many ways - from humane to frankly cruel. A veterinarian can perform an operation to remove the vocal cords. But before deciding on such drastic measures, it is worth carefully weighing all the pros and cons. There is a risk that the dog simply does not survive the operation.

For lazy owners came up with specialcollars. When the dog starts to bark, it gets either a slight shock of current, or feels an unpleasant smell. The scheme of this method of training is similar to training with the use of an atomizer, but it is more rigid.

Another radical way to stop barking is using a muzzle. In it, the dog can not open its mouth. The master can enjoy the ideal silence.

There are many options for how to wean the dog bark. Which one to choose is up to the owner.