Braziers - breed of pigs, which refers toelite Due to the unpretentiousness of these animals and the high quality of meat, which is an ideal raw material for the manufacture of various delicacies, they are highly valued throughout the world.
Historical reference
Считается, что мангалы — порода свиней, bred at the beginning of the 19th century in Hungary by crossing traditional Hungarian bakoni with Serbian samadia and wild boar. The peak of its popularity came in the post-war years, when the demand for salami and bacon increased in Europe. However, in the late 1970s, when products containing many fats of animal origin were found to be harmful to health, the number of barbecues in many countries of the Old World was sharply reduced, and these pigs were on the verge of extinction. The situation was saved by the company “Hamones Segovia”, which found 90 females of this breed for reproduction. She managed to achieve great success in the revival of braziers. In particular, today "Hamones Segovia" is the only company that owns all three types of such pigs and has large herds of these animals.
Мангалы — порода свиней, взрослые особи которой have ears of medium size and thick hair, resembling astrakhan fur, and their weight can reach three hundred kilograms, depending on the conditions of detention. They have not a particularly strong skeleton structure, thin legs on small hooves and an average chest girth. The presence of wool allows pigs of the brazier breed to easily tolerate frosts and not to suffer from insect bites. By color, these animals are divided into 3 groups: red, white and mixed. There is also a black variety of pigs brazier, whose representatives are extremely rare and are on the verge of extinction.
Obviously, the best option forin terms of simplicity, herbivorous pigs are breeding and housing. Breed grill quickly gains weight without the use of any additives. At the same time, they eat little, and in winter, 70% of their diet is hay, corn cobs and stems, roots, beets, pumpkins, and 30% - grain waste, chestnuts and acorns. With regard to the nutrition of barbecues in the summer, they mostly consume young branches of trees and shrubs, fruit tree holly, squash, pumpkin, beets and duckweed. In addition, it is recommended to feed them (about 20% of the diet) with crushed feed, such as flour, bran and other waste, and one month before slaughter pigs should be fed grain - 300 g per day per animal.
Breeders point out that these pigs are extremelycare for feed and when kept in the room tidy up to the last grain, which compares favorably with many other types of domestic animals.
Pigs braziers: breeding and maintenance
Animals of this little breed becomemature at about five to seven months old. Their gestation lasts about 4 months, and when breeding offspring (starting from the second farrowing, the average offspring ranges from 12 to 16 piglets) sows do not need human help.
From the 5th day after the birth of its young needfeed them with a liquid bolt and barley, as well as give them mineral food, such as chalk, bone meal and red clay. The need for such a diet disappears when the pigs turn 3 weeks old, as the grown piglets are able to feed on an equal basis with adults, gnawing pumpkin, apples, beets and eating grass. It is interesting that before the age of 1 month the piglets are striped, and after their banding gradually disappears. At about the same time, veterinarians recommend weaning babies, and on the fifth day after weaning, the sow is mated again.
Even for newborns braziers frosty weather(but not fierce cold) is not dangerous, and they can be kept in easily-knit wooden sheds, where piglets will be protected from wind and rain. At the same time it is necessary to pour hay there, from which the sow will make a nest, where the newly born offspring will fold.
Features of care
Разведение свиней породы мангал выгодно еще и because they do not require any vaccinations, since these animals have an exceptionally strong immunity, inherited from the ancestor - the wild West European boar. In order for the hogs to quickly gain weight, it is recommended that they be emasculated. In this case, all their energy goes to weight gain. At the same time, the meat turns out to be exceptionally tasty, as it is permeated with streaks of fat. During heat treatment, the fat is melted, making the dishes more juicy.
Where better to buy
Как уже было сказано, мангалы — порода свиней, which is very profitable to grow, especially in Russia, as these are frost-resistant animals, and they can be released on pastures even at low temperatures (-1 ...- 2 degrees Celsius). Unfortunately, in our country at the moment it is quite difficult to purchase them. The fact is that pigs that really belong to the brazier breed are quite rare, and some unscrupulous vendors may offer to pigs of a completely different species for the purpose of quick profit. For example, most often such fraudsters try to sell Vietnamese or Korean pigs instead of mangalchik. These animals are also unpretentious and eat quite a few, but the adults look quite different from the “Hungarian”. In addition, the vast majority of individuals barely reaches a mass of 80 kg.
To avoid cheating, you must contactfarm, where they really breed the brazier, and ask the parents to show the pigs for sale. In this case, firstly, the risk will be minimal, and secondly, if the crumbs do not grow as promised, then you will know who to make a complaint to.
Price for young stock
Until recent notorious piglet eventsBrazier rocks were brought from Ukraine, where they have been breeding for more than 150 years. In this case, it was necessary to spend money on the road and the paperwork necessary to move living creatures across the border. Now, most likely, it is necessary to look for other ways of delivering these animals to the territory of the Russian Federation.
How much are pigs brazier breed?The price fluctuates around 10-15 thousand rubles for 1 individual. Expensive, of course. But you can be 100% sure that such an investment will bring substantial profit in just a few months.
Some tips from experienced breeders
Если с осени содержать мангалов в помещении и не send them for walking, then they will not grow wool, and externally, these animals will resemble ordinary pigs. In addition, pasture for piglets should be fenced in order to protect them from dogs and predators, and you should make sure that it does not grow on such poisonous plants as St. John's wort, henbane, corrosive buttercup and others. Provided weaning piglets from sows at one month of age, two farrows can be obtained in one year.
Случать мангалов рекомендуется только после того, how they will reach a weight of 100 kg, since otherwise it is possible to produce non-viable offspring. Although pigs of this breed are able to cope with the farrowing, the owners are encouraged to be present during this process, in case the babies or the sow need help.
Now you know what elite pigs of the brazier breed look like, how many piglets cost on average and what are the features of their breeding.