/ / How to determine the weight of pigs: the animal's live weight and slaughter weight?

How to determine the weight of pigs: the animal's live weight and slaughter weight?

Beginners are interested in how you candetermine the weight of pigs: the animal's live weight and slaughter weight. And how can this be calculated if the farm does not have special weights and devices that allow it to be done?

Methods to calculate the weight of pigs

Live weight of an animal is easily calculated by formulas. The most running is.

Длину туловища перемножают с обхватом груди animal and the result is divided by a constant. For greasy pigs, this will be the number 142. To calculate the live weight of the pig of the meat-and-fat breed, it is necessary to take the constant 156. If the animal is thin, then divide it by 162.

There is another formula that allows you to calculate the weight of pigs. Live weight of the animal is also calculated after taking measurements - chest girth and trunk length.

1.54 should be multiplied by the chest girth and folded with a product of 0.99 and the length of the trunk.

weight of pigs live weight

Sometimes farmers use a specially designedtable for determining the weight of pigs. Live weight is found all the same parameters - the girth of the chest and the length of the trunk. Having found the corresponding vertical and the necessary parallel, at the intersection they look at the figure. It just indicates the animal's live weight in kilograms.

Difference of the real indicator from the calculated

Live weight is the real weight of an animal in normal life. It usually changes during the day. Therefore, it is considered correct to talk about the live weight of a pig two to three hours before feeding.

Distinguish the net weight of the animal, that is, the massbody without contents of the bladder, intestines and stomach. Most likely, the formula to determine the difference between net weight and live will be quite difficult. Based on practice, experienced breeders still do not recommend trusting the formulas and the table for determining live weight one hundred percent. After all, the result may differ from the real by 20-30 kilograms.

Therefore, it is best to determine more precisely how much a pig weighs, using the traditional method, before buying or selling. That is, there is nothing more accurate than the good old scales.

Live Pig Prices

Piglets for fattening, sows and thoroughbred boarsfor a divorce put up for sale, of course, alive. Therefore, their cost varies from pedigree, age and body weight. The territorial aspect also plays an important role - prices may vary in different areas.

live weight pigs Price

The most expensive are young piglets.In the Samara region, you can buy them at 110-130 rubles per kilogram. Although some farms offer thoroughbred young animals with a live weight of up to 10 kilograms at a price of 350 rubles. for 1 kg. With an increase in the weight of the animal, the price per kilogram decreases. Pigs from 10 to 20 kg are sold at 220 rubles / kg, from 20 to 30 kg - at 150 rubles / kg, from 30 to 80 kg - at 120 rubles / kg.

The cheapest sale of a large adult pig live weight. Its price will be 100 rubles per kilogram. But if you wish, you can find a pig and cheaper, somewhere around 90-95 rubles / kg.

The most popular animals for slaughter are pigs that have reached 100-140 kilograms.

The difference between live weight from slaughter

Carcass weight without head, lower legs, tail andviscera called slaughter weight. It can be calculated in advance, that is, before the slaughter of the animal. Enough to know the live weight of the pig. Of course, the result will not be absolutely accurate, but presumptive.

Typically, the meat yield on the bone - slaughter weight - ranges from 60 to 85% of live weight. And the less fatness pig, the lower the percentage.

When selling a pig carcass in bulk is not taken incalculation of the cost of each type of meat separately: offal, bacon, tenderloin, ribs, lard, and so on. Therefore, the whole carcass is sold at the same price. For 2016 in central Russia it is about 180 rubles per kilogram.

how much does a pig weigh

The price can be reduced due to the high fat content of pork or due to the age of the animal. Older individuals have harder meat than young stock and more watery.