/ / Breed of piglets of meat breeds: meat-greasy, meat (bacon). Features of growing

Breed of pigs of meat breeds: meat-greasy, meat (bacon). Features of growing

All breeds of pigs are divided into three maingroups: greasy, meat-greasy and meat. Growing the last two varieties costs a little more than the first. In any case, thorough care requires any breed of piglets. There are several meat breeds with excellent productivity indicators bred in Russia, just like meat-grease.

Key Features

They differ from sebaceous meat pigs in that their fatty layer is evenly distributed throughout the carcass. Hence, their second name is bacon. Breeds of meat pigs have:

  • an extended body, slightly stretched to the withers;
  • long limbs;
  • narrow sacrum, back and withers;
  • elongated ribs and ham;
  • lightweight head

Meat and grease is also used in ourThe country is very popular. Grow them a little easier than bacon. At the same time from such pigs you can get not only high-quality meat, but also fat, which is also a valuable product. This group of animals has a second name - universal.

breed piglets meat breeds

The separation of rocks for meat and meat-greasysome measure arbitrary. The quality of the carcass of a grown animal depends on the peculiarities of the diet. Sometimes bacon pigs get a lot of fat. Conversely, from the sebaceous - meat.

What breeds of pigs are bred in our country?

In Russia, as in many other countriesworld, pig breeding is widespread and is one of the traditional agricultural activities. The most popular among farmers are meat species such as landrace, early meat and Estonian bacon.

Также во многих хозяйствах занимаются разведением hybrids derived from Duroc pigs. Quite widespread in our country and the Urzhum breed of pigs. Meat breeds divorced, of course, more. However, these 5 are the most popular. As for meat-tallow breeds, of these, most often in Russia they grow large white, Breit and Siberian northern varieties.

Duroc Pigs and their Hybrids

This breed was registered in 1883 in the United States. Its main distinguishing feature is an unusual red-brown color. Duroc has:

  • deep and wide body of moderate length;
  • very strong high legs;
  • slightly curved head profile;
  • ears with lowered ends.

Sows Dyurok in Russian conditions differrelative fertility and can bring up to 7-9 piglets. Hybrids of this breed are usually obtained by crossing with a red-hog. In this case, the young generation F2 of the second generation has the greatest value.

pig breeds nnadras

Landrace pigs: features

This species was bred in Denmark.approximately in the last century. Parents for her were large white and lop-eared pigs. Distinctive features of the Landrace breed are: white skin with soft bristles, well developed dense ham and dorsal muscles, long, hanging ears. Pigs of the Landrace breed deserve first of all their popularity among farmers for endurance, multiplicity, good weight gain. It is easier to breed them than many other varieties. The fact is that landraces are very resistant to stressful situations.

Early White

These pigs were bred here in Russia. The breed was registered in 1993. Its distinctive features are:

  • very wide torso;
  • large, fleshy ham;
  • slightly drooping ears.

Early breed this breed is called becausefatten such pigs to slaughter weight can be faster than animals of other species. The advantages of these pigs are attributed including endurance. It is possible to breed early white in all regions of our country.

what breeds of pigs are bred

Estonian bacon

Animals of this breed were obtained by crossingLandraces, European long-eared, Finnish, German and large white pigs. This species has incorporated all the popular features of its brethren. Characteristic features of Estonian bacon breed are sagging ears like Landras, pink skin, well-developed ham and slightly thin bones.

Эстонская беконная порода свиней характеризуется unpretentiousness in food, fast weight gain (up to 330 kg), fertility (up to 12 piglets) and endurance. Its weakness is considered to be the weakness of the attendants and the sagging of the sacrum. There are several lines in this breed: picker, sibera, pirate, etc. The Estonian pig, among other things, is often used for hybridization in some areas of our country.

Urzhumskaya pig

This breed was created in the Kirov region and was registered in 1957. Its main distinguishing features are as follows:

  • massive, rough bones;
  • dry head with elongated snout;
  • deep, long body;
  • narrow back;
  • bulging belly.

This breed is popular primarily becauseprecocity and very good quality meat. Urzhum pigs are allowed to contain, including on pasture technology. The advantages of this breed, among other things, include a calm disposition and care of sows in relation to the offspring. The average weight of this breed boars is 310 kg. A sow at a time can bring up to 12 cubs.

breeds of meat pigs

Big white pig

Представители этой породы были завезены в Россию in the 80s of the XIX century. However, they did not receive much distribution at that time. For the second time a large white pig in our country began to be bred in the 20s of the last century. For a number of years it was the only factory breed of piglets in Russia. Meat breeds bred in our country today, of course, much more. However, the large white still remains the most popular.

Its distinctive features are:white color, strong constitution, light head with a massive forehead, large ears, a long broad back, well-developed hams and low, well-set legs. The white breed of pigs is valued primarily for precocity. The live weight of adult boars can reach 350 kg. A uterus at a time brings 11–12 piglets.

Breytovskaya meat-tallow breed

This species was bred in Yaroslavlareas. Danish landraces, large white and local breeds were chosen as parent breeders. The main distinguishing features of Breit meat and greasy pigs are:

  • white color;
  • large sizes;
  • head with a curved profile;
  • long, hanging ears;
  • wide and deep chest;
  • muscular back.

The main advantage of this pig is high fertility. One queen can bring two litters per year for 11-12 piglets.

white pig breed

Siberian North

This breed was bred in the Novosibirsk region.Parents for her were local, not very productive, but at the same time pigs well adapted to the cold climate, and large white boars. Distinctive features of the Siberian northern are as follows: harmoniously folded body, strong constitution, wide back, elongated sacrum, strong legs, perfectly developed gammon. Pigs of this breed are valued primarily for fertility (up to 12 pigs), calm temper and quick weight gain (up to 360 kg).

Peculiarities of the maintenance of meat and meat-sebaceous breeds

Fattening of such animals is made according to two main technologies: meat and bacon. Before the age of 2.5-3 months, the daily ration for piglets consists of the following products:

  • feed - 1.3 kg;
  • potatoes - 250 g;
  • skim milk - 1 kg;
  • beets - 250 g

Further, the grown young animals are transferred to the actual meat or bacon fattening. Slaughtering is usually done when the weight of the pig reaches 100-120 kg.

Duroc breed

Features of meat fattening

Такая технология содержания включает в себя два main period. At the preparatory stage, the basis of the diet for fattening meat is green and succulent feed (30%). These can be roots, melons and gourds, leguminous tops, etc. In winter, silage and grass meal can also be used. Protein per feed unit during this period should be about 115 g.

In the second stage of fattening the basis of the dietbecome concentrated feed (85-90%). Grain mixtures (wheat, barley, corn, oats) are most commonly used. Bran may also be added for economy. Sometimes in the second stage pigs are fed potatoes. But in this case, at least 50% of the diet should be concentrates. At the final stage, any additives and products that can impair the taste of meat (fish, bran, soy, and millet) are necessarily excluded from the “menu” of pigs.

Bacon fattening

Эта технология содержания позволяет получить very tasty pork with thin fatty layers. Pigs for such fattening are selected at the age of 2.5 months. In this hog necessarily castrated. The daily ration of animals with this technique looks approximately as follows:

  • skim milk and concentrates (barley is obligatory) - 1.5 kg each;
  • green food - 3 kg;
  • root crops - 2 kg;
  • salt - 20 g

In recent months, the maintenance of pigs, as well as during meat fattening, soybean, bran, fish, etc. are excluded from the diet.

Estonian bacon pig breed

Fattening pigs to fat condition

This technology is often used when growingmeat and grease breeds. In this case, the pigs are slaughtered after they reach a weight of about 200 kg. For fattening to fat condition, one hundred kilogram piglets are taken. The basis of their diet in the future are foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. It can be beets, corn, potatoes, molasses, etc. Concentrates also give. At the beginning of fattening, wheat and corn are usually used as the latter, and millet and barley at the end.

When organizing a farm in the first place, of coursehowever, you need to decide on the best breed of piglets in your particular case. There are many meat breeds characterized by excellent productivity, fecundity and endurance. Good care and proper feeding with proper selection of young stock will make the farm profitable and profitable.