/ / Chinese cat with big eyes: a description of the breed, characteristics, photos

Chinese cat with big eyes: a description of the breed, features, photo

The Chinese cat is the most mysterious, because it is smallstudied due to its natural characteristics. It occupies an intermediate position between the domestic and wild representative of the family. There are also two curious breeds that can live in captivity. All of them are distinguished by their big eyes, and one of them is a mutated cat whose paws impress with their small size.

The photos of cats listed are reallyimpressive and do not leave anyone indifferent. It is pleasant to look at them due to their unusual appearance and patterns on wool. Lead such a purebred individuals will not afford many families, so they are satisfied with mestizos.

chinese cat

Chinese cat

The second name of this breed is Goby gray.cat (in Latin - Felis bieti). Her name is given in honor of the French missionary and naturalist Félix Bier. The Chinese name of this breed has an interesting transcript. First of all, the native name suggests the idea that this cat is desert and mountain at the same time. Representatives of the breed are able to survive both in one locality and in another. However, the predominant number lives more in mountain settlements.

Among the cats, this representative is one ofmost unexplored creatures. She is not a pet and differs from it in size. At the first meeting, it may seem like a wild beast to someone. They have characteristic similarities. These individuals, according to some characteristics (for example, size and weight), resemble a reed cat.

kittens photo

Chinese cat morphology

Unlike other members of the family,Chinese cat has overall ears. They can be brushes no more than 2.5 cm in size. There is wool on the pillows, which facilitates location in the desert. The coat is thick and dense, with a good undercoat. The tail is thick. There are transverse rings (4-6 pieces).

The Chinese cat differs from the wild in some characteristics. First of all, the skull. For example, her head is much larger than in other species.

Colors are different: gray-yellow, gray-brown. All available spots and stripes are not clearly defined.


Most often, this breed is found onNorthwest China, while in the mountains and steppes, as well as in Mongolia. Most of the representatives live in areas of elevated heights. As a rule, these are meadows, glades with shrubs, forests. In the actual deserts to meet the Chinese breed is impossible. Kittens whose photos are posted in the article are more in love with the warm climate. If we talk about the mountains, the individuals are found at a height of 2-4 thousand meters above sea level. This breed is able to withstand harsh weather conditions, including temperature changes. Often strong winds blow (mostly dry) that are observed year round. The winter in this area is too cold, and the summer is too hot.

chinese hua hua

Enemies and food

Unfortunately, the Chinese cat breed receives a predominant percentage of hazards from a person. This is due to the constant hunting of its representatives and the spread of dangerous poisons for it.

The first and main reason for reducing the numberPopulations of this breed - almost complete elimination of prey. Back in 1958, it was instructed to destroy all rats and rodents. This would significantly reduce the number of zokor, which posed a direct threat to livestock. The main chemical used to destroy them was zinc phosphide. Over time, it was no longer used, because scientists have proven its detrimental effect on all carnivores that consumed rodents for food.

This Chinese cat with big eyes, besides represented animals, also consumes rabbits, pheasants and other representatives.

Chinese cat breed

Cat Behavior

Due to its lifestyle and habitatThis breed is rare in nature. Unfortunately, the study of cats was suspended in 1985. At that time, it was based on observations made at a Chinese zoo, where 34 representatives of the breed constantly lived.

Характерной особенностью поведения "китайца" (kittens, photos of which fascinates and touches, behave almost the same way as adults) is nocturnal. Maximum activity occurs at night and morning. Representatives of this breed prefer to be separate - females and males live in different places. Their holes also have significant differences. For example, the dwelling of a female individual is protected and fairly reliable.

In order to achieve maximum resultswhen catching prey, Chinese cats rely on their ears. Thanks to artificial research, it was found that representatives of the breed are able to track down clutches and moles while they are moving 5 cm underground. Cats of this breed very quickly dig their prey.

cats with short legs


Данная порода отличается от других тем, что ее representatives have short legs. As a rule, they are two to three times less. That is why, in common parlance, this breed was called a dachshund. Cats got such a distinctive feature in the process of mutation, which sometimes happens with pets. This is their main difference. Other external features of individuals of this breed have not changed. The spine and its flexibility remained the same.

Munchkins - intelligent cats, nice to themcommunicate and care for them easily. There are representatives of both long and short hair. There are cats of various colors and combinations, you can also see the medallion.

This breed is unique not only paws. Cats with short legs have a round head and eyes of a special shape, a long or short nose, a bulging chest.

Munchkins are very popular with people. They are especially adored by children. A good friend and loyal friend - what could be better?

big-eyed Chinese cat

Li Hua

Chinese Li Hua has a completely different name inChina It is also considered one of the most popular and young cats. This is due to the fact that the breed was officially registered only in 2010. However, the first mention of this cat are found in old books. It speaks of the antiquity of the breed.

The main color of the animal is brindle, in othersoptions it does not exist. It should be noted that the bands that are on the wool, are pronounced. This indicates the authenticity of this representative.

Chinese cat has very interesting eyes.They are Asian in shape, but quite large. Often there are representatives of the breed with green eyes. But you can also meet brown, yellow and brown eyes in these cats. The ears are rounded.