/ / Abyssinian: the character of an angel and queen

Abyssinian cat: the character of the angel and the queen

Abyssinian cats are very affectionate andsmart animals. Devotion, activity, tenderness and curiosity - all these wonderful qualities perfectly combined a very graceful Abyssinian cat. Her character will appeal to almost all people.

Abyssinian cat character
Distinctive traits of character

Opt for a cat of this particular breedneed people who prefer to watch the restless cat games, and not just keep it in their hands. Abyssinians are very attached to the owners and get along well with children. True, it is better for her not to have contact with quite crumbs. These cats are always very interested in everything that their master does. They just love the attention and are ready for much to get it. It is also noteworthy that she is not at all afraid of strangers, the Abyssinian feels at ease with each new acquaintance. This fact, of course, speaks only in favor of such a wonderful animal as an Abyssinian cat. The nature of this angel in an instant changes to the mood of the secular party girl.

Despite her thirst for communicating with people, thisthe cat is not annoying at all, but, on the contrary, is very intelligent and obedient. It is enough for the owner to let the cat know once what behavior he does not encourage, and the animal will never do it again. It is also important that the owner treats the animal very respectfully, the Abyssinian cat will not understand undeserved punishment or indifferent attitude.

abyssinian cat reviews

In addition, Abyssinians get along well with dogs.and other animals, but in such a company the Abyssinian cat will always be the leader. She has a leadership character, so other pets will have to move a little “in the shade”. These cats rarely release claws, so without a very weighty reason, no one will suffer from their claws. Abyssinians love elevated places; one of their favorite activities is to climb a refrigerator, cupboard, or high chair and watch the situation.

Abyssinian cat: care

Fortunately, pet care can be reduced tothe minimum. Cat hair is short, which allows them to keep track of their appearance. You just need to periodically clean their ears to prevent the occurrence of any infection.

Abyssinian cat: reviews

Reviews about the representatives of this breed are extremely positive. Many people who are lucky enough to talk with this Maker at least 1-2 hours, fall in love with her forever.

At the same time, if you plan to have suchpet, we advise you to think well. After all, this cat needs to pay a lot of attention. They do not like it when they are limited in space and are not allowed to play for a long time. In addition, these cats simply can not stand loneliness. They are very happy when their beloved master comes home organizing the whole show in front of him. If you have the opportunity, it is advisable to make your pet another friend of the same breed.

Abyssinian cat care

It can be said that not a single breed of cats possesses such crazy energy as an Abyssinian cat. The character of this charming animal is a symbiosis of the qualities of a queen and a child.