/ / Prevention of kidney disease in children

Measures to prevent kidney disease in children

Nowadays, kidney diseases in children stand onsecond place in the prevalence after banal acute respiratory viral infections, therefore, to develop measures to prevent renal diseases is the most important task of modern medicine. Every day the number of dysfunctions that are associated with congenital abnormalities is increasing. If this or that disease was not detected in a timely manner, or the treatment was not fully completed, then in the future serious chronic diseases can arise that can even lead to disability.

Why do kidney diseases progress?First of all, this can be explained by poor ecology, environmental degradation, in particular, the water we use. Also, the Chernobyl disaster had a great impact. But with all this, it is impossible to miss the moment that the prevention of renal diseases in our country is either very weak or absent altogether. Prevent and cure in the early stages of renal pathology is possible only with:

  • timely diagnosis, which should be carried out immediately after birth or in the first year of a child's life;
  • timely and effective treatment of existing pathologies;
  • rehabilitation after the course of treatment.

Меры профилактики почечных заболеваний включают conducting regular ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound procedure) and clinical and laboratory studies. These actions will identify possible pathology in the early stages. Over the past few years, the diagnosis of kidney pathology in young children has improved: their presence can be detected even when the child is in the womb (with an ultrasound examination of pregnant women), while at an early age it is not always possible. In our time there are a large number of cases where pathology is detected only in adolescence, in particular, during medical examination of conscripts in the direction of the military enlistment office.

Effective treatment does not occur in allcases, and contribute to several factors. First, it is an insufficient qualification of doctors. Secondly, the medications themselves can affect the effectiveness of the treatment, or rather their high price. Unfortunately, drugs that can save a child from the pathology or act as a preventive measure for renal diseases (or any other) have a rather high price, so not all parents can afford to buy them. Previously, the state allocated money to pay for medicines for children, but in the last few years funding has stopped.

Another important part of active treatmentKidney pathology for children is a spa therapy. If, for example, glomerulonephritis is found in a child, then treatment on the South Coast of Crimea is simply necessary for him to recover completely. Children who have problems with pyelonephritis, need treatment courses in sanatoriums with drinking mineral waters. Unfortunately, in our time, the number of trips for children who really need a spa treatment is limited.

All of the above problems can be solved if:

  • all medical institutions will be equipped with the necessary equipment for diagnostics;
  • the level of sanitary culture will be increasedpopulation. First of all, it is necessary to make people regularly carry out measures for the prevention of kidney diseases - to undergo a full examination of the body by qualified specialists in order to identify those or other pathologies in the early stages.
  • doctors will be upgraded to identify these diseases in children in the early stages.

In order to prevent kidney pathology,timely prevention of radiation sickness. The fact is that this disease reduces the body's resistance to infections, resulting in increased susceptibility to various infectious diseases that can develop into a chronic form. These include tonsillitis, caries, cholitsistit etc.

Болезнь гораздо проще предупредить, чем потом spend a large amount of money, effort and time to cure, in particular, it concerns kidney disease. To form a healthy body of a child is necessary from childhood to the future mother.