When starting a pet, people choose a pet,different from fellow (unless, of course, they have the financial capabilities for this). The desire to stand out by the presence of an unusual specimen in the house supports and stimulates breeding work, as a result of which all new rare breeds of cats appear. Despite their high cost, and sometimes on the complexity of care, purr lovers buy them willingly. Often you have to sign up in a queue and wait for the coveted kitten for months. Among all the breeds derived, the Ural Rex stands apart. It has not only a non-standard look, but also attractive behavioral features, due to which it becomes very attractive for those who want to have a cat at home.
Rare breeds of cats
Despite the fact that the Ural Rex is an officially recognized breed, it is still not widely distributed. It can be safely added to the list of rare lines, which includes:
- Munchkins - cats with short legs.The characteristic feature is not intentionally derived, but has become an anchored consequence of mutations. In the world they are known as “kangaroo cats” for their style of sitting - and for a long time - on their hind legs.
- Toygers - a new breed, whose color accurately reflects the tiger colors. The standard was approved only in 2003.
- Elves - cats, resembling aliens, almost hairless, with crooked, turned ears.
- The Manxes, who received the name from the Isle of Man, where they were taken out. Tailless cats from birth; some may have a very short process.
- Laperms - Oregon curly cats. Ancestor of the breed was Kurly the kitten, which was born in the 80s of the past century.
Each rare breed has its own distinctive feature. This also applies to the Urals, which we will discuss later.
Origin of the breed
Уральский рекс может похвастаться прежде всего originality of the formation of the breed. It was not intentionally bred as a result of decades of selection and did not result from any mutation. The breed belongs to the so-called aboriginal, that is, it was formed by itself, and people just fixed the line they liked. Quite a significant population of domestic cats with curly hair in the Urals existed in the prewar years. During the war, they almost disappeared, although some individuals appeared and were recorded in the 60s. The Ural Rex breed began to revive in 1988, when the cat Vasily was born, carrying a rare curly gene. It was in Zarechensk, where he came from, that the close study, cultivation and improvement of the breed began. In August 2006, she was recognized by the WCF General Assembly in Essen, Germany. Around the same time, the Ural Rex as an independent breed was recognized by other phelinological systems - MFA and FARUS.
Characteristic uniqueness
A distinctive feature of the breed has become unusualanimal hair. The Ural Rex cat has a curl, not marked in any other breed, with an elastic corrugation and a small step between the waves. In addition, the wool in the “Urals” is hypoallergenic (and it’s because of allergies to it, many regretfully have to abandon the idea of having a purring pet at home). Another feature of the Ural Rex is non-standard molting. The cat does not lose wool permanently, forcing the owners to regularly clean. Her lumps during the change of cover remain only on a constant bed or comb.
Another nice feature, which is the Ural Rexcompares favorably with artificially bred breeds - exceptional health and unpretentiousness. There are neither genetic diseases nor characteristic for this line - animals are as close to nature as possible and they are usually not delivered to the owners with treatment.
Breed Standard
According to the description presented in the felinological systems, the Ural Rex must meet the following requirements:
- By the size it belongs to the middle category, the torso should be round and proportionate, the chest should be round, well expressed and developed.
- The head should have the outline of a short rounded wedge, the forehead slightly smoothed; in profile the muzzle should also have a rounded shape, with a strong, but not prominent chin.
- The ears are triangular, with equal sides, mostly small, acceptable medium size. The delivery is high and straight, the top tip is rounded.
- Eyes almond-shaped, slightly slanted, set wide. Any colour.
- Legs are medium in length, slender rather than strong.
- The tail is also medium, not very wide at the base and noticeably tapering towards the tip.
As for color, there are few restrictions. Cinnamon, chocolate and any shades are denied. Burmets and points are also not recognized.
Maintenance and care
Уральский рекс хорош тем, что практически не requires no special care. The structure of its wool is such that to maintain it in a presentable form, it is enough just to stroke the cat. During the periods of a molt daily combing is required. But even if you skip sessions, mats do not form (unlike, for example, Persians).
An inexperienced host of the Urals needs to remember thatIt is necessary to bathe the cat as rarely as possible - his skin is thin, it dries easily. Frequent wetting can start losing wool. However, knowing how much cats "love" water procedures, such a restriction is only a joy.
The nature of the "Urals"
В поведенческом плане представители породы могут considered just angels. They are non-aggressive, balanced and docile. The “Urals” do not have conflicts with other animals, they are patient with children, sensitive to the moods of family members and react to them in the right way, without remaining indifferent. Cats of this breed are playful and mobile, affectionate, but without obsession. Each of the owners, assessing the temperament of his cat, leaves only positive feedback. Especially noted by the owners of the Ural Rex their silence. They murmur willingly, but they do not arrange cat concerts even during the period of dissatisfied rut. Because of this, animals are not sterilized, even if they are not engaged in breeding.
Where can I buy the "Urals"
Since the breed is new, it is still small andlittle spread. The largest selection offers Yekaterinburg with the surroundings. In Moscow, if you are interested in the Ural Rex, kittens are sold in the Uralochka nursery, there are breeders in St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Volgograd and Perm. In the far abroad, good quality kittens can be bought in Dresden, Germany.
A good kitten with a pedigree, depending online and class, cost from 300 to 1000 dollars. Cats are traditionally rated cheaper than cats. If you are satisfied with culling by color (well, you are not going to engage in breeding, you just like the breed), then you can buy a pet of thousands for seven rubles.