/ / What is the norm of blood sugar during pregnancy?

What is the norm of sugar in the blood during pregnancy?

One of the crucial moments in the life of anygirls is the gestation period. Especially our ladies do not forget how they moved and lived, in general, during pregnancy, if it passed without a different type of complications. Well, in order for everything to go that way, the woman simply has to constantly visit doctors, because something can still go wrong. Pregnant women often have to undergo various tests, the level of glucose in the blood is one of the most important. What is the rate of blood sugar during pregnancy?

Blood sugar levels in pregnant women

blood sugar in pregnancy

All doctors in one voice say that duringpregnancy under any circumstances should not allow excess of sugar. This is especially important for those girls whose body is prone to the development of a terrible disease - diabetes. It is during the period of carrying a baby that the probability of getting sick is simply the maximum. Experts call this type of gestational diabetes - a disease that occurs during the period of the situation, which most often disappears after delivery. The norm of blood sugar during pregnancy must be observed by the mother - this is not a joke!

Disease factors

First of all, it is heredity, onthe second place is the completeness of the future mother, there are also different types of metabolic changes in the body, the so-called pathology of the islets of Langerhans, or too much increased food intake with a huge amount of carbohydrates. In fact, it cannot be argued that glucose is in the blood just like that. It has its own biological role: it provides nutrition to all the nerve cells of the body. Sugar is a rich source of energy for a person, especially a pregnant woman. Due to a variety of additional loads on the body, which include the period of gestation, the pancreas of the future mom does the work not for one person, but for two, because of which it specifically produces twice the amount of insulin. Because of this, the risk of getting sick with terrible diabetes is very high.


blood sugar is normal in women during pregnancy

Only a doctor can help a pregnant womangiven the direction of the analysis, the result of which will show whether the rate of sugar in the blood is exceeded during pregnancy or not. A long time ago, doctors determined this norm, now everything is under the control of the best specialists. What is blood sugar? Norm in women during pregnancy?

Generally accepted standards for glucose (sugar) in the blood during pregnancy

Many believe that the rate of glucose in the blood dependsprimarily from the age of the person, the structure of the body and everything else, but this is far from true. The blood sugar standards do not depend on anything - it is simply an indicator of the concentration of venous carbohydrates (blood from a vein) or capillary (blood from the lobe of a finger). In an ordinary person (if you take a blood test from the lobe of a finger), the rate varies from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol / l. When taking an analysis from a peripheral vein of a pregnant woman, the maximum concentration of the normal blood sugar is up to 6.1 mmol / l. This kind of test is always done on an empty stomach. Blood test for sugar during pregnancy - the rate will be slightly different.


blood sugar levels during pregnancy

Doctors argue that if the analysisblood glucose concentration, the index ranges from 5.5 mmol / l to about 6.1 mmol / l (when conducting an analysis on an empty stomach), the likelihood of later pathological conditions is very high. If the blood glucose level exceeds 6.1 mmol / l (analysis only on an empty stomach), then this person, unfortunately) is ill with a disease such as diabetes. A few years ago, in order to make an unequivocal diagnosis, the main condition was for a patient to undergo a special stress test that determines “tolerance” to sugar. Now it is enough to pass the analysis twice at different times and different days, and if both times in the blood glucose is more than necessary, the diagnosis is made - diabetes. The situation with girls who carry children is no different: the rate of sugar in the blood during pregnancy is determined in much the same way.


blood test for sugar in pregnancy rate

Each doctor has his own specific method.treatment of this terrible disease, but diets are almost the same. If the concentration of glucose in the blood of a pregnant woman is above the norm, you need to urgently go on a diet, otherwise it may end up much sadder. During the diet it is forbidden to eat all sorts of carbohydrates that are easily digested, because the rate of sugar is exceeded because of them. During the treatment of diabetes in no case can not be sick with any infectious infections, getting injured, there should be no pathology.

Norm of blood sugar during pregnancy: new standards

До того, как девушка решит завести ребенка, ее tests can be just perfect, but then (after conception) to change dramatically. This also applies to various changes in the exchange of carbohydrates. As already mentioned a little higher, the rate of blood sugar in pregnancy is still different from the generally accepted standards. The diagnosis of diabetes is made pregnant only if the capillary blood sugar contains more than 5 mmol / l.

During the special test run onthe doctor confirms the carbohydrate resistance of the diagnosis of a pregnant woman only if an hour after taking the test the level of glucose concentration in the blood will exceed 10 mmol / l. After 120 minutes the diagnosis will be confirmed by a doctor if more than 8.6 mmol / l is detected in the blood.

blood sugar during pregnancy

As many have already understood, the blood sugar level atIt is difficult to determine pregnancy (norm), because the amount of glucose in the body during this period is very variable, and if the lady likes to eat at night, then it will be extremely difficult to determine the exact result. An important factor that affects blood sugar levels are various third-party effects on the girl, as well as the strongest experiences and stuff, including an extremely high release of glucocorticosteroids with somatotropins. It is incredibly important to understand that the rate of sugar in pregnancy, if you take an analysis on an empty stomach from a vein is only 5 mmol / l. During the period when a child is carried in the stomach, hypoglycemia may develop - a very dangerous disease for both the mother and the fetus. Signs: constant dizziness, trembling, weakness, incredible cold sweat, headaches and more. If a pregnant woman notices this, then you need to donate a blood test for sugar as soon as possible to check if 2.7 mmol / l is not lower. Lack of glucose can be very bad for the baby.

Why does blood sugar level rise during pregnancy?

Every mother should know that for the amountsugar in the blood of a person meets a special hormone called insulin. It helps carbohydrates to penetrate completely into the nerve cells of the human body. Harmon uses them as a source of energy for the continuation of his life. It has already been officially proved that during pregnancy insulin secretes much more glucose than before. Because of this, the amount of sugar in the blood of women in the position increases significantly, as there is an additional load on the pancreas - the fetus of a child.

what is the rate of blood sugar during pregnancy

During the time when the girl carrieschild, she is simply obliged to constantly visit doctors to monitor their health. After all, it depends on the health of the mother how well the child will develop. Every month, you will need to donate blood for sugar concentration in order to do everything possible at any time for your health and the health of the unborn child.