/ / Hydroponic installation - what are its advantages?

Hydroponic installation - what are its advantages?

Mankind from time immemorial forceddeal with the problems of increasing yields of life-supporting crops. Gradually, a method of cultivating plants without using soil was developed, but exclusively on nutrients dissolved in water. This method is called hydroponics. Proper use of hydroponics significantly increases crop yields.

hydroponic installation

Hydroponic installation

The principle of growing plants without soil is enoughis simple. To do this, it is necessary to fix the root system in a sterile substrate and feed air and nutrient solutions to the roots. The simplest hydroponic installation may look like a plastic bottle filled with a nutrient medium. A universal solution is a hydroponic installation, created by yourself, with your own hands.

How to make hydroponic plants with your hands

For growing plants at homeit is necessary to acquire a waterproof container, planting pots, appropriate fertilizers, an air pump and insulation, an air spray. For accurate dosing of the fertilizer mixture, a syringe can be used.

hydroponic do-it-yourself installation

You will also need a sharp knife, a pencil, the compass will not interfere in this matter.

Hydroponic installations are created by hand inseveral stages. At the initial stage, you need to build a convenient pot-house, arrange ventilation holes in the container. The number of holes and their location do not play a special role. It is important in this process to provide aeration of plants.

You need to use special instructions for installing hydroponics at home to skillfully organize the air spraying using an air hose and aquarium pump.

Plants need to hedge against infectionharmful bacteria. For this purpose, a certain amount of chloramine is added to the water tank. This method is sterilized. The pots are placed in a container, after about half an hour the water is drained and the container is aged for chlorine to weather. And only after these procedures, you can begin to prepare the nutrient medium.

hydroponic installations
Hydroponic unit refills by followinginstructions on the packaging or bottle of fertilizer. You can create a device for plants from a beer bottle, cut into two parts. It makes holes in large quantities through which the roots of the plant will be ventilated. Through the bottom row of holes will feed to the roots. Then this installation is filled with a nutrient mixture, and you can begin transplanting plants.

For the best survival rate of seedlings appropriateoriginally grown in the ground. When transplanting you need to work very carefully so as not to damage the root system of plants. Transplantation is carried out in a specific order. First you need to carefully remove the seedlings from the ground, then gently wash the roots of the plant with water. In an empty hydroponic installation, you need to place the plant and fill it with vermiculite.

When irrigating with a nutrient solution, its excess should accumulate in the lower part of the plant.