/ / Windows self-installation on the network

Windows self-installation on the network

To write this article about how it worksinstalling Windows over the network, I was pushed by a case from personal practice. Sitting at work, I decided once to install on a netbook with Linux any operating system of Microsoft. Waiting for the end of the working day, I began to translate my idea into reality. However, I encountered a small problem. We all know that netbooks do not have sidirums, and I did not have a suitable flash drive for this business.

installing windows over a network

I, of course, heard that there isinstalling Windows over a network, but never tried it on my own. I spent a lot of time browsing the internet, but I could not find any method worthy of my attention. When I was completely disappointed and was ready to stop my search, I found a software called Serva. It was written by an Internet craftsman, whose name is Patrick Masotte. And he wrote it uneasy, but also documented it. For me it was a really good find.

Installing Windows over a network with it is notrepresents no difficulty. Yes, and weighs this utility only one megabyte. In fact, it is a DHCP server, as well as a TFTP server. It contains the PXE bootloader along with the menu. It is also able to create a configuration file, which is required when installing on a network. In other words, this software is able to do everything yourself for you. The only thing that is required of you is only to unpack all the files with the ISO extension, which contain the necessary distributions, and then share them with the attached instructions. So, I installed Windows XP on a local network.

windows 7 installation on the network

After the rassharivaniya run network boot PXEon the necessary device (in my case it was a netbook). All you will get on the first attempt and without any problems and difficulties. By the way, if you need Windows 7, installation over the network is similar. At me, the truth, all the same there was one complexity with localization of Windows. This happened for the reason that my system was Russian-speaking, and I could not change the Russian keyboard layout to English. Therefore, I could not enter a password with a name, in order to get the necessary access to the shared folder.

installing windows xp over a local area network

However, installing Windows on the network after allhas taken place. I solved this problem as follows. On a computer that was a server, I created a user account that had a Russian-language name. Only now I have suspicions that if the operating system installers can not automatically detect network cards, then with the latest devices there may be some difficulties. Thank God, I did not have such problems.

Thus, the creator of the outlandish program forthe name Serva very much simplified the installation of operating systems that are extremely popular, and thus greatly facilitated the lives of many people. Now this procedure is turned into a rather simple task. For this we all bow low to him to the ground.

I think that you have understood everything for yourself. As you can see, there is nothing complicated or supernatural in this procedure. Do everything as I wrote here, and you will be happy.