/ / Main purpose and types of warehouses

Main purpose and types of warehouses

Existing production and tradingThe process could not do without such an important object as the warehouse. In logistics, the organization of his work is one of the conditions for the correct organization of the movement of material and technical supplies, products from the producer to the consumer.

Types of warehouses that function in modernconditions, allow such premises to meet the most diverse requirements of participants in industrial and trade relations. Depending on the type to which the warehouse belongs, it performs certain functions.

To be able to plan correctlythe movement of the goods from the enterprise to the buyer, the logisticians must take into account the features of the presented premises. They create different conditions for the storage of goods and supplies. Therefore, the peculiarities of each type of warehouse should be understood and taken into account in each logist's work.

Main purpose

Before considering the main types of warehouses,should understand the essence of this structural unit. Storage rooms perform a number of functions. A warehouse is a building, site or complex of structures that are used to store various commodity values. In such rooms, a certain amount of material stocks and finished products are accumulated. This allows you to flexibly respond to fluctuations in demand and supply in the commodity market. At the same time it becomes possible to synchronize the speed of movement of material values ​​in the technological cycles of producers and the processes of delivery and sale of finished products.

Types of warehouses

All the main types of warehouses are limited to a certain territory, which is protected by the relevant organizations. Inside the premises, appropriate storage conditions are created.

In addition to storing goods,The presented structural units allow to process the products delivered here to preserve its quality. The staff serving the warehouse, aligns incoming goods by volume, time and range.


Kinds of warehouses, constructions of premises and buildingscharacterized by a certain structure. It can include several basic elements. First of all, this includes buildings for storage, as well as the adjacent territory.

Each warehouse has shipping systems andloading. They include special equipment, areas for receiving or sending goods, ramps. Most of these facilities have internal transport. This category includes various warehouse equipment, the types of which depend on its features. It can be trolleys, loaders, escalators, elevators, etc.

Main types of warehouses

Structural elements of the warehouse also includeareas of processing of goods. For example, these are packaging lines, packaging, bar code printing, and sorting and ordering. To be able to store goods, the storage room requires the use of racks, containers, refrigeration equipment and other special systems to maintain the required quality of material stocks. Any warehouse also has an accounting system. It can be computerized and manual. The first option in modern conditions is much more common.

Principles of classification

Modern storage facilities are one of the most important nodes in logistics. There are different types. Types of warehouses are distinguished according to different characteristics.

The size of the storage room can be fromSmall objects to buildings that occupy huge areas. On the height of the stacking of goods, single-storey and multi-storey buildings are singled out, in which the equipment can lift the load onto a rack with a height of up to 24 m.

Types of warehouses

By design, the warehouse can be open,semi-closed (has only a roof) and closed. By the parameters of storage, there are ordinary and special objects in which certain conditions are created (humidity, temperature, lighting).

The mechanization of such nodes can be different. There are warehouses, where only manual labor of workers is used. Most often, storage rooms are partially or fully mechanized.

If different ways of communication are adjacent to the warehouse, this object is called the port, prirular, deep. On the basis of the assortment distinguish specialized, mixed and universal objects.

Types of jobs

Each object of the represented type performs threebasic operations. Types of work in the warehouse are designed to serve the input, internal and output flow of material values. At the first stage, personnel and equipment unload transport, and also assess the quality and quantity of goods.

Internal flows are serviced for the purpose of adequate movement of goods in the warehouse. Material stocks are sorted, packed, stored under appropriate conditions, and so on.

Types of work in the warehouse

The work of the warehouse with the output streams is reduced toloading of goods for transport. In this connection, the zones of loading, acceptance, storage, sorting, forwarding, as well as offices of service personnel, administration are allocated.

Classification of warehouses in the Russian Federation

In our country a special classification is applied, which makes it possible to divide the presented objects into main types. Appointments of warehouses, their characteristics allow us to distinguish several main groups.

Currently, the most commonly used systemRMS, which was developed by the association of domestic companies. This approach is very similar to the world principle of classification of warehouses. However, the "RMS" system takes into account the requirements of buyers and tenants to this type of real estate. At the same time, the main issues are taken into account, which are first of all paid attention to the organization of the central regions of our country.

All objects intended for cargo storage,divided into 4 groups. They are denoted in Latin letters. When referring a warehouse to a particular category, its design, location, basic functions and features of the operation of the facility are taken into account. Its transport communication with other important for the organization objects, logistical areas is also estimated.

Scale of premises, types of storage in warehousesproducts, assortment necessarily take into account. When choosing such non-negotiable assets, it is necessary to accurately calculate the company's needs for the rational use of premises for the storage of commodity values.

Class A warehouse

Class A includes such types of warehouses atenterprise or trade organization that were built in accordance with high modern construction standards and requirements. This is a single-story structure, whose height is more than 8 m. This allows you to install inside the standard multi-storey racks.

Types of storage in stock

The floor in the room must not have defects.It is perfectly flat and has an anti-friction coating. Inside the Class A warehouse, a clear temperature regime is maintained. The equipment for creating heat curtains is installed on the gates.

A mandatory modernfire safety system with fire extinguishing functions of powder or sprinkler type. Also, new security and video surveillance systems are installed at similar facilities. There are computer-based communications of the fiber-optic type. This allows you to maximize the viewing of the internal and external space with no "blind zones", where there is no video equipment.

Gates, receiving and dispatching areas of goods in a Class A warehouse have automated systems for opening doors, lifting a ramp.

Access to such facilities should be convenient.Most often they are located next to the main transport routes. This type of warehouse premises is more often preferred by commercial enterprises that sell products both wholesale and retail.

Class B

There are rooms with a few simplifiedcharacteristics, however, not inferior in convenience of the previous category. Class B includes these types. The size of the warehouse of this category can be impressive. However, this multi-storey building, which allows you to occupy a smaller area, compared with class A buildings.

Высота потолков подобных объектов находится в The floors are even, filled with asphalt or concrete. They do not have antifriction coating. The temperature in the room in winter does not fall below + 10 ° C.

The shipping zone has a ramp, there is a security and fire safety system. Offices are combined with warehouses. They use modern communication systems, telecommunications.

The access to such warehouses may not be so convenient, but the building is located near the production or the city.

Class C and D warehouse

Рассматривая виды складов, необходимо отметить such classes as C and D. For many enterprises this is the most acceptable option. Class C storage is a heated room with a ceiling height of 3.5 to 18 m. The temperature is kept at a level from +8 to +14 ºС in winter.

Types of commercial warehouses

Transport goes inside for unloading and loading, for which the gate is always kept in the zero position. The floor covering can be concrete, asphalted or tile.

Class D is characterized by the least requirements. This could be an unheated basement, a bunker or a hangar. Objects of civil defense also fall into this category.

Depending on the category of premises, thecost of purchase or lease. Therefore, the company must take into account its needs. If additional convenience is not required, you can give preference to a low-class warehouse. But in most cases, without the operation of an object class A or B simply can not do. The costs of its maintenance and rental pay off as a result of the activities of the organization.

Public Warehouse

Considering the types of warehouses, it should be noted thatthere are public facilities and private premises of the enterprise. In the first case, the organization rents a room or part thereof for the needs of its production.

Types of types of warehouses

This is necessary in the case of a small turnoveror realization of seasonal goods. Companies are more profitable to pay for services to the owner of a public warehouse than to maintain their own facility. The need for warehouses in such enterprises is less.

The small size and proximity of the presentedreal estate to the consumer make it profitable in some cases. For example, when a company enters a new market, where forecasting is complicated by a number of factors, a general store allows reducing the company's financial risks. It does not need to attract additional investment.

Companies will not need to hirequalified personnel serving the facility, as well as carry out inventory management. Many large enterprises use the services of a public warehouse. This allows you to store products as close as possible to the consumer, reducing transport costs.

Own warehouse

However, not in all cases of organizationit is advisable to rent a room. Sometimes it is better to buy your own property. This is necessary if the turnover is characterized by large volumes. Most often, such facilities are located in close proximity to production.

Also, many types of warehouses use thisthe system. If the implementation is characterized by high volumes and is concentrated in close proximity to the buyer, it is more profitable to maintain your own warehouse. The organization equips it properly.

Most often this property is class "A" or "B".Here accounting and inventory management is carried out by a trading company. She hires qualified specialists, organizes the process of trade (wholesale, retail), and also sets the cost of material values ​​that are offered to the consumer.

Large industrial enterprises also possessown warehouses. They store stocks, semi-finished products and finished products. If the turnover of such a company is characterized by large volumes, it is more expedient to maintain your own warehouse than to rent such a room.

Having considered the existing types of warehouses, you canto conclude that when choosing such an object should take into account their features. This will allow the company to efficiently organize the system of storage and movement of inventory items. Minimal costs for maintenance and servicing of storage sites will allow optimizing working capital and increasing financial results. The process of organizing such objects is taken very seriously, producing a number of mathematical calculations and research.