/ / Management of changes in the organization: directions and main groups

Managing change in an organization: directions and major groups

Change management in organizations andinnovations are the strategic goal of the development of any enterprise; by this is meant an update (transformation) of a company based on the implementation of optimal solutions. The need for this is due to the fact that it needs to adapt in the external or internal environment, as well as master new technologies and knowledge. This is especially important in the conditions of the Russian market economy.

Managing Innovations in Organizationsdetermined by a number of reasons - economic, ideological, organizational, informational, personnel, and so on. The main activities are the following:

  • transformation of external situations and conditions of activity of competitors;
  • development and application of progressive models and technologies for the application of management tasks;
  • increased automation and computerization;
  • increase in the number of management expenses.

But managing change in an organizationit is necessary to carry out after a number of diagnostic signs appear that determine the expediency of changes. They can be indirect and direct:

  • the deterioration of the performance of the organization;
  • losses and failures in competitive interaction;
  • staff passive attitude;
  • the presence of an unsubstantiated protest against any form of innovation;
  • the use of ineffective decisions of the authorities;
  • there is a gap between the specific activities of staff and their formal responsibilities;
  • the presence of a large number of punishments in the situation of no rewards.

Management of changes in the organization can be divided into three large groups:

1. Technological, which include the acquisition of new equipment, instruments, technological schemes and so on.

2. Product changes relate to the focus on the release of new materials and products.

3. Social innovations include several large subgroups, which include the following:

  • economic (system of new material incentives, wage rates);
  • organizational and managerial (a set of new organizational structures in which decisions are made);
  • social (we are talking about targeted changes in intra-collective relations - the election of masters, foremen, managers, and so on);
  • legal, which mainly act as changes in economic and labor legislation.

In general, the last subgroup reflects the management of change in the enterprise in terms of control over employees and internal processes.

All innovations are inevitable becausethey are mainly due to a system of objective factors. But the reorganization can not be an end in itself, but only a means of implementing innovative tasks and activities. Therefore, change management in the organization should be reasonable and thoughtful.

For example, reorganization is possible in severalforms: accession, merger, separation, separation, reduction, transformation, conversion. But in any case, the necessary restructuring in the management system should occur, which will entail changes in the structure, personnel, technology, organizational culture and other parameters of the company.

But in order to successfully implement thisprocess, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the causes of failure of the organization, negative and positive aspects, as well as clearly and specifically formulate goals. Only after such detailed and painstaking work should changes be introduced.